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The Late Shift XIX- Pudding!


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23:49 / 17.06.03
Hmm... many interpret it as vagina-ville. Which I think is much more fabulous than a glam-rock band
23:57 / 17.06.03
Thinking of Walkers Sensations, they've just put some "slow-roasted lamb and mint" ones in the vending machine in our office... which I'm sure is putting on airs and graces that crisps just don't deserve.
Tryphena Absent
00:09 / 18.06.03
Mint screws up the taste of lamb anyhow so I certainly wouldn't eat those.

And nothing is fabulouseler than a glam rock band- garish colours and big hair are just the fabulous things. Vagina-ville is quite icky though (icky is my word of the moment)!
00:09 / 18.06.03
Yeah.. im not awfully fond of them really. No matter what posh flavours they are, they still say walkers on the front, and only seem worthy of a kids packed lunch. Tho i could really go some salt and vinegar ones. mmmmmmm.

Last night i had a lovely warm sunny dream and felt all happy. That was nice.
00:34 / 18.06.03
Oh christ- sudden mad cupasoup cravings. Is this bad?
00:35 / 18.06.03
Naw, happens to me all the time, but sodium does for me what caffeine does for most other people.
00:41 / 18.06.03
Wow- get on the end of a bag of crisps then!

I have a friend who is kinda allergic to caffeine. Well she doesnt come out in a rash as such, but it makes her really dozy. Once she drank 3 cups before a gym competition, and fell off the beam about 3 times, saying she felt completely stoned. Aah if only we could all get such cheap, legal highs...
00:49 / 18.06.03
Right....eyes drooping- nite all xx
00:49 / 18.06.03
Night ginger.
00:50 / 18.06.03
Night, gb.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:59 / 18.06.03
Well. I'm still here.
Saint Keggers
03:23 / 18.06.03
Wells I just arrived...anybody around?
Baz Auckland
03:44 / 18.06.03
I don't know.... (this post is a time check)
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:46 / 18.06.03
Oh, I'm listening to people at work talk about who's going to die in Harry Potter. Blah. Back to the cheapie copy of The Rocky Horror Picture Show Anniversary soundtrack I got at lunch. I must've grown up with it, as I can remember every word - and I haven't seen it for over a decade. Eep.
Baz Auckland
03:49 / 18.06.03
Every Hallowe'en I try and find my brother's old 4-CD Rocky Horror Box Set, but always fail to do so before going off to see the movie...

Damn. I just realised what time it is EST, never mind the BMT. Guten nacht!
Saint Keggers
03:54 / 18.06.03
Good night!
Ah good ol' RHPC! Every year my best friend and I would get drunk and watch it off off a casette I copied of the local french music station... this was started eons ago and now Im afraid the tape has the vhs quality of a gramaphone. I'd buy the dvd but we have soo much fun signing along to the cocacola commercial that I taped with it...
04:08 / 18.06.03
Night, Baz. I'm still at work, and all cross cos I've just discovered that my copy of Bloodflowers by the Cure skips like fuck.
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:43 / 18.06.03
See, if only my copy of Wild Mood Swings would develop that, I'd be a happy man.
04:45 / 18.06.03
I was clever, you see, and I skipped that one.
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:51 / 18.06.03
I was tricked by the first flangey goodness of "Want" and thought "hey! Cool!"

Then I got it home and just thought "HEY!"

05:40 / 18.06.03
Oh well, I'm off home now. See yas later!
The Return Of Rothkoid
06:01 / 18.06.03
Alone again. Fine.
07:51 / 18.06.03
That's because you are standing upside down Rothkoid. Maybe we should start a special 'Talk to Rothkoid' thread, only to be used by people who follow your odd day/night patterns.
10:15 / 18.06.03
Alone again. Fine.

Hey, once I can go back to my natural moleperson hours of whenever to whenever, I'll be around lots more. Having a 9:30 bedtime is just... weird.
10:24 / 18.06.03
Criminy. I just got a job. That was unexpected.
10:45 / 18.06.03
A job as in brand new or a contract for your freelance work?
10:52 / 18.06.03
Congratulations - what's the job?
10:54 / 18.06.03
Well done, Hauster - what is it?
11:10 / 18.06.03
Sort of half-and-half - 6 weeks or so as a quasilance, sorting out an Intranet. It's a bit odd, really - I was about to go for a senior writer's job that appeared to be designed with me in mind, but I guess it can wait for another month and a bit, and if it can't then I will at least have some money to console me. It's a bit awkward, though - I was up for this one with a friend, who has pretty much ipso facto *not* got it.

However, they are talking about rates in terms of gross rather than net, which is making my teeth tingle.

Oh, and Neil Gaiman thinks I am a beautiful laaaaaady. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:59 / 18.06.03
Congratulations. Welcome to the joyous world of the intranet.

Me, I'm feeling fine. But then, I've been drinking martinis all evening, so I probably would. Sleep soon, however.
21:38 / 18.06.03
Congratulations, Haus. How is everyone this fine evening?
21:44 / 18.06.03
Well enough, although I should start practicing my early are you?
Kit-Cat Club
21:49 / 18.06.03
Oooh, well done you. This is good (but why not apply for the other job anyway? If they like you enough they'll wait till you're free, surely?)

I am worrying about extreme poverty and struggling to muster up enthusiasm for the essay I am trying to write. But they as good as told me at me viva today that my trasnfer of status will go through, so that's something, isn't it? Quite chuffed about that.
22:16 / 18.06.03
Well, yay to that. The transfer of status, that is, rather than the poverty.

Money is weird. I have this strange feeling that I'm letting the side down by not having one of those hugely lucrative jobs that you're meant to get after a "proper" education, doing something nebulous and incomprehensible. But at the same time I'm so surprised that anyone actually gives me money in exchange for doing stuff that I'm expecting to be found out half the time... very peculiar.
Kit-Cat Club
22:36 / 18.06.03
I have always done such rotten jobs that I didn't feel too weird about being paid for them - they might as well have paid me as anyone else, after all... but if I were to do something I liked, I suspect I would feel different about it. I don't really care about earning pots of money - but s reasonable income would be nice (but then, pensions at the very least, horrid possibility of expensive children etc. - erk)

As it is, it's going to be about three weeks before I see any income from gainful employment (even assuming I can get some temping stuff next week) and I have twenty quid, and 40p which I found in my sub fusc jacket. Tried sounded out my parents earlier but they didn't sound enthusiastic when I dropped some very broad hints, so hey ho for pleading with the bank. Joy.

Sorry about whinge - I needed to let off steam about that.

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