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The Late Shift XIX- Pudding!


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20:33 / 12.06.03
Yup. Sitting here, on the couch, eatin' pudding with no shirt. It is a quality Thursday. Not really that late but, you know, pudding. Anyone around?
Mourne Kransky
20:59 / 12.06.03
Your pudding is naked from the waist up? Sounds interesting, Maz. My sweet thang is lying on the couch in a dressing gown and has just made me a banana and strawberry smoothie. It is delicious and nutritious but I could still murder some spotted dick and custard. Or a crême brûlée!
Kit-Cat Club
21:07 / 12.06.03
I had one of those last week (creme brulee). It had strawberries in... I wish I could still taste it but unfortunately last night's drunk seems to have brought on coldy symptoms.

I see your spotted dick and raise you jam roly-poly (with custard).
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:09 / 12.06.03
They do you a good pud here in Catalunya, it must be said. I usually go for the flam (sort of like creme caramel) or crema catalunya (more like creme brulee), along with various pastry-based confections. They also do a cake and wine thing, where you get a slice of chocolate cake and a dolly little thimbleful of unfeasably sweet wine to go with it. Nummy.

Don't where the lasses round here put it all, tho'. They're all so skinny!
21:10 / 12.06.03
Yup, my pudding's got no clothes. Mmmm crême brûlée! I've been thinking about freeing pudding and then blending it up, as jello pudding pops don't appear to be on the market anymore. Here's to pudding related desserts!
Kit-Cat Club
21:14 / 12.06.03
How can you have a non-pudding related dessert (I mean, obviously, apart from the dessert course you get at fancy dinners which is fruit and nuts and chocolates and things, and I think comes after the savouries, though I am probably worng about that) - ?
Mourne Kransky
21:15 / 12.06.03
Is jam roly-poly the same as swiss roll then?

On the subject of jam, I bought some jam doughnuts for my colleagues to feast upon the other day and gave three to Mohammed the handsome Moroccan domestic as a bribe for sexual favours. He follows me around smilingly now but since I haven't actually mentioned the sexual favours bit, things have gone no further.

I was actually looking for lovely lovely fudge doughnuts but they don't seem to do fudge doughnuts in Camberwell. Just as well probably since I'm supposed to be abjuring wheat at the moment and I will eat six at once when I finally track some down.

Thing about this healthy fruit-based diet is there's nothing to chew on. Fruit doesn't do chewy well, really. Chewy fruits would be quite wrong in fact. A good crunchy apple is as close as one can get to a proper mastication challenge with fruits.
Kit-Cat Club
21:20 / 12.06.03
To me, swiss roll is the rolled up sponge cake with the jam in it, yes? Jam roly-poly is a far superior creature - suet pastry with jam on it (raspberry is jolly good), so it's hot and steamy and the jam soaks into the pastry and you burn your tongue on it a bit at first but I never really mind that, I must say. Best with custard - my grandfather has it with custard and ice cream but then, he is a vicar and has to get his illicit thrills somehow...
Mourne Kransky
21:33 / 12.06.03
How can I have lived all my life without experiencing the taste sensation of jam roly-poly that you describe? The Fates must be teasing me. This thread has hungered me up but all I have to munch on that's not fruit are Roasted and Salted Broad Beans. Now they have got to be healthy because they taste like crap.
Kit-Cat Club
21:47 / 12.06.03
Poor you, that sounds terribly depressing...
Mourne Kransky
21:56 / 12.06.03
Oh, you wouldn't believe how hard and depressing my life really is. I put on such a brave face in public too. I am being starved to death by my straight-edge partner and may soon be too weak to make it to the local Portuguese patisserie with my knapsack to stock up on illicit treats.

Kind barbelites might send me puddings by post, even Mazarine's rudely unclothed ones, but I may soon be too weak to struggle downstairs to the mailbox to receive them. I expect the automated postal sorters would squash them all anyway. Alas, alack, I crave a snack!
22:03 / 12.06.03
Cherry and whisky cake, anyone?
Mourne Kransky
22:11 / 12.06.03
what a lush! I foresee a slippery slope when it's just you, the retsina, and sunset on a Greek beach, bop bop bop...
Tryphena Absent
22:19 / 12.06.03
my grandfather has it with custard and ice cream but then, he is a vicar

Oh. I wish my grandfather had been a vicar. What decadence!

All this talk of pudding and Greeks has me missing La Isla Barbelita... could we not have Barbelita: the second island? And what are Portugese pastries like- are they like normal pastries but with the word Portugese written on shop window??
Saint Keggers
22:28 / 12.06.03
All this talk of puddings and deserts!!! My mind cant take it and my stomach wants it all!!!
Im getting flash backs to the rhumballs that we used to make back in much damn rhum in them.... pirate deserts. Many a class was gone to just a wee bit more than tipsy...oh those were the days... Now I've got to go find some Bailey's Irish Creme Cheesecake before my stomach desides to take hostages....
Mourne Kransky
22:31 / 12.06.03
Portuguese pastries are like normal pastries but sold to you by surly moustachioed chaps who look like Harry Enfield's Stavros. You have to guess which is a savoury concoction and which is a sweet confection. Sometimes you point at a juicy looking bun and when you bite into it, you find secret chicken or vegetable matter. I think it was an octopus fritter I had one morning, expecting something considerably less molluscy, perhaps even banana-based.

Spices up a hungover brunch somewhat, never knowing what's coming mouthwards. They do have little things like crême brûlée wrapped in pastry. I'm sure they go through the back shop and have a good laff at me once I've gone. Mordant's description of Spanish puddings has emboldened me to demand a thimbleful of dessert wine next time I visit.
Kit-Cat Club
22:33 / 12.06.03
I once made an excellent cake with about six different sorts of alcohol in it... it was ever so nice, but I had all the booze left over at the end, and while some of it wasn't a problem I just couldn't fancy the dark rum or the cherry brandy... got rid of the latter by making filthy cherry brandy Alexanders, but the rum hung around for yonks. I think in the end I foisted it on one of my friends at her house party.
Tryphena Absent
22:42 / 12.06.03
Ooohhh Spanish pud- chorizo con chocolate. Mmmmmm-hmmmm.

Kegboy-- Bailey's Cheesecake seems to come up an awful lot in Late Shift because of you. It's really a proper addiction isn't it?!!
Saint Keggers
22:43 / 12.06.03
There's nothing proper about it!!!
Mourne Kransky
22:43 / 12.06.03
Mmmm, Brandy Alexanders, yes yes yes *makes meg Ryan noises* but with cherry? Not keen on cherries. I'm off to bed to dream of lying on the beach on La Isla Barbelita with gingerbop and Anna de Logardiére while Kit-Cat (dressed in clerical garb) mixes up some knock out cocktails for us and Mordant fetches us traysful of tasty bon bouches. Muchacha!
22:43 / 12.06.03
Mmmmmm....xoc, you've set me a scene, i just now have to realise it. 4th of august... its so far away. I really fancy getting drunk by eating cake now. And iv finished all my cherry cake. *iv lost my cherry, aaah!!*

As i get more sleepy, i believe i talk more shit.
The Strobe
22:48 / 12.06.03
Going to bed now, because I'm fucking tired... and Miss Kit-Cat has laid down a hard challenge. I'm a sucker for Suet.


I see your Roly-Poly and raise you Bakewell Tart.

(This is very Mornington Crescent).
22:52 / 12.06.03
I snort at your roly-poly and bakewell tarts.
I see them, and raise you a blancmange. Wobble-wobble.
Kit-Cat Club
22:55 / 12.06.03
First person to Sussex Pond Pudding?

Bakewell Tart, quite right, but I have been slightly put off it by dere Mr Kipling's abominable approximations. And I am a complete sucker for suet, so...

That lemon thing with the goo underneath is good, though. You know the one I mean.
Tryphena Absent
22:59 / 12.06.03
Ha to all of you and your fancy cakes. I'm going for the manufactured yumminess that is Angel Delight. Though the other night, I confess, I had a dream. I was eating a chocolate danish very very slowly and it was good.

Do you people think I should go to the Summer Ball in Cardiff tomorrow with my lovely housemates or blow the whole thing off and have fun instead?
23:00 / 12.06.03
The Bakewell Tart is so good that even Mr Kipling cannot spoil it. Even his mini Bakewells retain enough of the Bakewell's intrinsic quality to make them the pinnacle of small-cake-in-silver-foil-in-a-tray-wrapped-in-plastic products.
23:04 / 12.06.03
Kind barbelites might send me puddings by post, even Mazarine's rudely unclothed ones

My pudding's not rude, it's a free spirit. A free, chocolatey spirit.
Kit-Cat Club
23:09 / 12.06.03
Have you paid lots of money for it? (Ball, not pudding)
23:13 / 12.06.03
Why would the ball not be fun, Anna?
I waitressed a summer ball last year. Was one of the best nights of my life.
Kit-Cat Club
23:15 / 12.06.03
And also, is your outfit too good not to wear?

I think balls are terribly over-rated - no elegance. There's one here in a couple of weeks' time and I am hoping very much that I will be elsewhere.
23:20 / 12.06.03
hehe last years *certainly* had no elegance on my part.
Soup down my shirt, mud up the back of my jacket, walked home drunkenly with my big sister, and showed her my bleeding knees, and couldnt remember how theyd come to be so grazed. Until the next morning, when i couldnt believe id showed her them.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
23:23 / 12.06.03
The question with Bakewell Tart is whether to ice or not. And there is only one correct answer.
Tryphena Absent
23:23 / 12.06.03
My dress is far too light to be formal but it is acid pink with yellow lace trimming. I love it but it's not mine and I don't care if I wear it or not and my shoes are going to be slightly off (erk).

Money... has become defunct as I can't drink at the damn thing due to evil penicillin. Everyone else will happily stumble around and I will be all sober and bored.

I think it's going to be a last minute decision. Tomorrow I will wake up and think 'aah yes' or 'hell no' and that will be that. The question is what to do instead- I can't do something ordinary or I'll think about the awful ball for hours. Gosh, this is becoming an essay!
We're The Great Old Ones Now
23:29 / 12.06.03
You know, if you toss a coin, you can always ignore the result you don't want. But there's absolutely no way you're going to make a decision and stick to it tonight. 'Cos, you know it's one in the morning and you're logged on and fretting.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:30 / 12.06.03
I am currently puddingless, as I am at work. But I am wearing the FBI shirt that almost stopped me getting into the USA.

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