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The Late Shift XIX- Pudding!


Page: 123(4)56789

Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
07:29 / 15.06.03
I’ve moved from Bowie to Bruce S to Radiohead, now back to Bowie.
—| x |—
07:41 / 15.06.03
Wow, that's too much moving. I hate packing! Were any of those places close to Ayer's Rock?
19:06 / 15.06.03
Such a confusing day.

Last night i went to a birthday party. I was really looking forward to it, bounced up the hill to find everyone sad-looking. I kinda said hi, and my friend started crying. I was then told one of our friends, dave, had died in an accident. I was just, so shocked, i cant explain it, and i still am. I cant believe hes gone. You dont expect 18 year olds to die. I felt so lame; i didnt know him nearly as well as most of the others, but was in one of the worst states. Someone said "so you were probably the last person he ever pulled" and i burst into fits of tears; inreconcilable for the rest of the night. Partly it was alcohol, and partly the thought that it could have been anyone. And if i coped that badly for someone id met about 4 times, i dread to think about losing a close friend.

However today, after a sleepless night, i had a gymnastics competition. It felt so...pointless. I won pretty much a feckin dinner set; senior girls trophies (one large, one small silver plates), most improved gymnast trophies (ditto) and a big cup for tumbling. But it all seemed so empty.

I was thinking about going to see him on friday. But i didnt. And i wish i had.
Kit-Cat Club
19:12 / 15.06.03
Jesus, you poor thing, that's awful. Poor bloke. I'm so sorry. Big hugs to you (and all of your friends).
19:39 / 15.06.03
I'm really sorry, gingerbop. That's horrible. It's not exactly helpful, but in my limited experience of bereavement you *are* going to react in ways you don't understand, and then think "why am I reacting this way? Other people are more entitled to react this way." Try not to give yourself too hard a time - your mind has just had to process something huge, and the ripples are bouncing things around. Nobody should hold you to account for the way you feel - don't feel you have to either.

So, yes, hugs, and condolences.
—| x |—
20:52 / 15.06.03
Hey gingerbop, my sincerest condolences, and yes, hugs to you and yours.

Death is certainly an occasion that can inspire confusion. Strong feelings of remorse, sadness, anger, guilt, and such can often be aroused by the occurrence of death. Now, I don’t mean the following in any sort of patronizing, cold, or harsh tone—only some thoughts on death in general and perhaps your situation in particular.

It seems to me that, while natural and often in tandem with death, thinking and feeling along the lines of “I was thinking about going to see him on friday. But i didnt. And i wish i had” is an intractable tar pit that will envelop a person ever deeper if such feelings and thoughts are dwelt and obsessed upon. I feel that “should” statements (“I should have seen him,” “I should have told her,” etc.) are too contingent and transitory to be appropriately applicable to something as terminal as death.

What I mean is some “should” statements have a place and function that is more or less reasonable and healthy—“I should have picked up some bananas while I was at the market,” for example, is a rather innocuous use of ‘should’. Other instances of “should” statements shade into being counter-productive and a waste of energy and feeling—“I should cut back on my consumption of X” (where X might be any of {caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, plastic products, etc.}). Here ‘should’ appears to function more as a guilt inducing word which allows a person to carry on, in this example, consuming X while at the same time realizing that the consumption of X would be better put to a halt. I feel that the use of ‘should’ here is worthless: we are confronted with a choice and we either make the choice to stop consuming X or choose to keep on consuming X. Put differently, our use of ‘should’ in such cases in contingent on the possibility that we actually can do something different—there are possibilities available; thus, it seems better to not “should” ourselves in such situations, but rephrase our intent. With respect to the example, it is better to say, for further example, “I will stop consuming X because…” or say “While the consumption of X appears to be {harmful, unhealthy, unwise, etc.}, I am going to continue anyway.” Here we don’t allow ‘should’ to operate as a guilt inducing word that allows us to feel miserable about ourselves while continuing the particular action that is making us feel bad: we either stop or continue, but we remove guilt from the equation.

With respect to the death of a person it seems that we often want to “should” ourselves about this or that. However, clearly there is no reasonable way for that ‘should’ to operate at all: there is no longer the possibility of choice and there are no longer any options available. When a death occurs there is no going back nor is there any chance at resolution via interaction with the deceased. We are left alone to cope. So, what I am trying to say is that, while “shoulding” often occurs in tandem with a death, it doesn’t appear to accomplish anything other than to inspire even further grief via the implications of intractable guilt we impose on our self.

I sympathize dearly with the idea that “You don’t expect 18 year olds to die.” Too young, too many possibilities left unexplored—there’s really quite a loss when a person dies young. I imagine too that your peers are mostly around the same age, and it is thus even more difficult to understand and comprehend because the feelings of youthful vigour, zest, and “I’m going to live forever!” are such an integral aspect of your lives. I feel that this is likely why you might be feeling a heightened sense of “pointlessness”: in a flash so much potential has been removed from the world and yet the world keeps turning. It is very easy to feel the cold and lonely hand of nihilism that is the left hand of death. I feel that this is something that is natural to feel in proximity to death, especially given (what I am assuming is) your current mindscape, headspace, or etc.. All I can really offer you here, ginerbop, is that you still have your life and there are many other people with whom you share relations that also have theirs: there is still a huge (unthinkable!) amount of potential within all that; thus, there is still much meaning and value to your existence and those around you.

Again, love, hugs, and hope for you and yours brighter days ahead.

21:54 / 15.06.03
Oh, ginger, sweetie, I'm sorry. It doesn't matter how well you knew him, or if other people knew him better: no one is you but you, and you feel how you feel, and they feel how they feel. Big warm hugs for you, darling, I'll be thinking about you.
22:38 / 15.06.03
Gingerbop hon, I'm so sorry. A school friend of mine died on his motorbike when he and I were both 16 - and part of the weird headspace you're in might be to do with the loss of someone so young. It's confusing and horrible, and utterly dreadful I know, so hugs and hugs and hugs to you sweets.
23:02 / 15.06.03
How is everyone this evening?
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
23:07 / 15.06.03
Ok - a bit overheated, still, but getting myself together to do some worky stuff before bed, after a very late night and an early afternoon rising today.

Rather out of sympathy with the wonderful world of the bulletin board, though. Is Barbelith blah blah fishcakes?
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:12 / 15.06.03
Firstly: gingerbop. So sorry to hear about that - huggles to you. I don't know what to say, and I'm sure that nothing anyone can say will help. But we are thinking of you, as I'm sure you know.

He is a large bearded man.
Jesus. Something so innocuous can fill one with dread so easily...

I'm afraid my emails to exes tend to gather no such exciting responses. Bah. Although I did run into the Russian Princess at a party the other week, and that was surprisingly stressless.

Lengthy absence does also most definitely make the heart grow fonder
I should hope all of you bastards are stockpiling requisite amounts of huggles to drop on me at some point. Like a tactical warhead of numminess.

As opposed to tasting like punishment biscuits.
This is possibly the best Penguins description ever. Mwahahah. Keeping on the bickie note, they've just released fudgey TimTams over here - they've got like an injection of chocolatey goop in the middle. Jury's out on that. It's certainly much better than the hazelnut praline ones. But double-dipped... mmm.

Curiously, I've been avoiding them largely since I've been back. As I'm sure my manly posterior doesn't need to resemble Uluru any more than it does. Sigh.

And Haus: not "Oh Yeah"? Surely you lie.

I'm here. But no music as no headphones. Arsebiscuits.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:13 / 15.06.03
Rather out of sympathy with the wonderful world of the bulletin board, though. Is Barbelith blah blah fishcakes?
You know, I thought it was just me...
23:55 / 15.06.03
It's Sunday, it's always slow on Sundays.

Rothky, a truckload of huggles upon your poor working head.

I had such a nice weekend, and I don't want it to be Monday tomorrow. I want to play outside some more (even though the sunshine and warmth was a shock to my poor, pasty system). My fiance and I wandered the halls of the state museum and smooched, and confessed to each other that we didn't get most of the works of art in the exhibit. It was so nice.
Char Aina
00:00 / 16.06.03
a bit random, but do any of you remember the address for the brothers who did their own light sabre battle?
00:01 / 16.06.03
It's not the slowness I'm worried about, it's the threatened libel action. All right, worried is probably not quite the right term, since I suspect that, be a solicitor ever so grasping, clause 8.2 of the Defamation Act (1996) would swing fairly briskly into action. More *bored*, really. And dispirited.
00:23 / 16.06.03
It's not the slowness I'm worried about, it's the threatened libel action.

I've clearly missed something. But I must to bed. Early day and all. Love to everyone. Night.
00:24 / 16.06.03
Sleep well, Maz. Flights of angels and all that.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:27 / 16.06.03
Although it'll be interesting to see whether the threatened libel action - which I think is arse-talking - actually gets a willing lawyer; talking with an IP specialist friend of mine, it's suggested that the whole idea of whether it's where the server is based still a pretty major point. We're not exactly looking at a Joe Gutnick figure here, are we?
00:27 / 16.06.03
Went to Policy, found the libel thing you were referring to is all I can say is "oy."

Night Haus, and huggles and flights for you as well.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:30 / 16.06.03
Bring on the barbetrial! Another cracking day out, I'm sure.
At the moment I'm reeling from the special guest star in tonight's episode of 24 on BBC3. Didn't see that one coming...
00:51 / 16.06.03
Peter Cushing? Oh, no, hang on, I know this was that bloke from Neighbours, wasn't it? the distressed Vietnam vet?

(Note. On some level I am sure that Jim Robinson was not in fact portrayed on neighbours as a distressed Vietnam vet. However, on another level, for some reason I cannot get this idea out of my head)

The libel action would certainly be interesting - as an unemployed backpacker, I'm not sure that there would be a case for loss of earnings due to misrepresentation. Or indeed that there is a case for misrepresentation in general. It's certainly an interesting variation on the Joe Gutnick situation - however, Gutnick clearly had significant business interests at stake, would have lost status and possibly earnings if the accusations had been accepted, and so on - a very different matter.

I feel a bit bad for the kid, as I so often do - he's annoying, for sure, but it's also just sort of sad; didn't we used to threaten to sue each other on specious grounds back at school? Well, actually, maybe that was just my school.

Still, it might at least be a boot up the arse to get my own lawyers, and not just rely on my father's.
Eloi Tsabaoth
01:00 / 16.06.03
Yes, it's Alan Dale, aka Jim. His character in 24 is also called Jim. I know this isn't particularly a big deal, as a lot of people in the US delight in that name, but it does please me.
For the trial you'll have to make sure to get the traditional creaky comedy judge so the bailiff or whoever spends hours trying to explain message-boards, html, private messages, blogs, trolls and mounting the face.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:02 / 16.06.03
Alan Dale, I think the bloke's name is. He's based in LA now, iirc: a long, long way from Ramsay St.

Could've been worse at school, I suppose: you could've had kids threaten to asset-strip you instead. I'm sure there's some sprogs-with-cash who get that kinda thing happening these days...

And you're right; it is kind of sad. Though I think the reputation (and other acts of dubious legality) as well as the lack of business interests (and let's not forget, standing in a religious community) to damage woould indeed make it harder to put a successful case. Will think on't. I'm wondering who'd be up for paying out, too - remember, in things like this, 'follow the money' is the rule... and patently, there isn't any kicking around.
Eloi Tsabaoth
01:05 / 16.06.03
'Follow the money?' Hmm. I'm sure that it can all be traced back to Bill Gates...
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:10 / 16.06.03
Well; if there's no money to be gained (which is why many actions are against publishers rather than individual writers, because a media mogul has more moolah to mess with than a lowly hack) it's going to prove a pretty pointless exercise, innit? Especially if you're paying your lawyers with your travel money, I'd imagine.
01:10 / 16.06.03
Good God - mounting the face. That would be a brave move by the defence. Mounting the defence. Mounting the face. That could certainly set a precedent. The Precedent of the Umounted Faces of America. And could even Gates stand in the way?

Mount the Gates.
Eloi Tsabaoth
01:16 / 16.06.03
Going to bed now. Rest assured my lawyers will contact you all in the morning, especially Haus for causing me serious mental anguish. Mount the Gates? brrrr.
01:17 / 16.06.03
Well, I suppose that it would be a spoiling or gagging litigation - a rather expensive way to try to shoehorn himself back into Barbelith by holding the threat of litigation over anyone who dared defy him. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely, as you say, that even a successful action would result in anything more than nugatory damages, and one suspects that costs would not be awarded, so as a strategy it would work only temporarily and only once. But perhaps we are overmotivating - it's a common reaction of those who have come into some money to indulge fantasies of power and revenge; the lottery winner spraying his boss with a soda syphon, sort of thing.
01:17 / 16.06.03
I'm back. Again. Can't sleep. Unmounted faces of America, unite.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:22 / 16.06.03
Mount the case, shurley?

Reading my tea-leaves, I say it's a storm. In said leaf-container. Bah.

Hey, Maz. Be thankful for unmounted face. And thanked for huggles.
01:22 / 16.06.03
I'm seeing a whole new parallel legal system unfolding here...

"Mr. Bizunth, you will be taken from here to a place of facewaxing. There, your face shall be waxed until it is shiny. It shall then be mounted by a representative of the crown. And may God have mercy on your naughty naughty face, for this court cannot."
15:13 / 16.06.03
Thanku for the huggles everyone. They're much appreciated. xx
21:35 / 16.06.03
Today has just been stupid. Wore perscription sunglasses to work, left regular glasses in my car by mistake when I got on the commuter bus, spent the day meandering around in a terribly fuzzy world. Coworker has replaced his chair with a giant blue rubber ball, which he spent the morning inflating with a very squeaky pump. He says it's better for his back, and I'm inclined to believe him, but he's still sitting on a big blue ball (in truth, I find this to be far more nifty than stupid.) About half an hour before I got out of work, I was talking to my fiance on the phone, put him on hold, picked up the other line, put that guy on hold, picked up the line and said "I gotta go, I love you," to the second guy, who was rather confused. Stammered apology, picked up line with fiance, who was singing merrily the "Sarah Has Me on Hold" song.

So. Declared love to a stranger who was quite reasonably confused, spent the whole day super myopic, but there was a big blue rubber ball today, so hey. There we go. To Barbelith at large, how was your day?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:44 / 16.06.03
Day hot. Brain go melty. Melty melty melty.
21:47 / 16.06.03
Not great, not atrocious.

I have a cream big ball, which my physio told me to get a couple years ago when i had a sore back for 6 months, which meant i walked around in pain for half a year. I got it, and was absolutely fine within 3 days of getting it.

If i had a hold button, it would have been me. Im terrible at that kinda thing. Texting is awful. I split up with my last bf by an accident-text. I sent one to my friend john, discussing the vaues of michelles breasts, but he was driving so got her to pick it up and tell him what it said. On saturday, i had to do the same for my dad in the car. My dad got my brothers old phone from him for christmas, and it was one of my brothers old friends who thought it was still his phone. It was saying she'd heard about him and this girl, and was really happy for them. But my brothers married. And not to who she was talking about.

Anyways, what about everyone elses days?

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