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Lateshift XVIII: In which our intrepid hero finds clues in a glass of white wine.


Page: 12(3)456

Tryphena Absent
02:44 / 08.06.03
I would never ever wear socks in bed. Half the time I have to hang my feet out of the covers because they get too warm. I find it freakish that people would need to actually wear socks.
Saint Keggers
02:51 / 08.06.03
Canada...where we not only wear socks to bed but occasionally add a wool sweater too.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:57 / 08.06.03
Yeah, socks in bed are irritating to yourself and others. I can see the point of wearing socks with shoes, to stop unnecessary abrasion, but once this function has been exhausted they should be discarded as soon as possible. Personally I like to use the duvet as a sort of cocoon, covering as much of my body as possible. Sorry if the mention of the word “cocoon” has reminded anybody of that terrible film staring Steve Guttenburg.
02:59 / 08.06.03
Brian Dennehy in a duvet.

Tryphena Absent
03:00 / 08.06.03
Oh I've slept in a thick woollen jumper but never in socks... my feet just don't get cold in bed.

On that note I'm trying for sleep again. Cross your fingers for me, night night.
Saint Keggers
03:05 / 08.06.03
No but mentionning it as a film has reminded me of Wilford Brimley and his role in Hard Target as Jean-Claude Van Dams cajun uncle.
03:10 / 08.06.03
Trying to wrestle with my damnable comic book story, having not the impetus to take my friend visiting from Oklahoma to go see the Matrix Reloaded (would be his first, my completely reluctant third) and instead rotting on the couch, bouncing around the Lith and a website on the real Men in Black of urban folklore.

Is everyone in bed already?
03:11 / 08.06.03
Gah. Hard Target. What was that one about again? Besides Jean Claude kicking somebody's ass in tired split kick style.
Saint Keggers
03:12 / 08.06.03
yes.Infact im in deep sleep...I tend to type in my sleep. It gets very annoying as I think I just emailed a letter confessing to the muder of Mayor McCheese.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
03:16 / 08.06.03
I think that Hard Target is one of Van Dams better films (which isn’t saying much). The audacity of his haircut is worth the price of a cinema ticket or video rental anyday.
Saint Keggers
03:16 / 08.06.03
In that one I think he was a french guy who was being hunted by some bad people and he was trying to protect a girl. Unlike his other films inwhich he plays the role of a guy who has to protect a girl while being french and hunted...kicking ensued...quality acting did not.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:17 / 08.06.03
Well, I'm here, listening to Six Foot Hick and wondering what I'm doing today. Probably going to see the cleaned up version of Metropolis. Saw Nashville Pussy play last night - as classy as you'd think - but was amazed at crowd behaviour: worst gig I've been to in a long time.

Little story: a friend of mine was up the front with me, and an early 20s woman began to try to claw her way up the front. Normally, no problem - people ask, I'll move over a bit - but she was kicking, pinching, trying to get up there. So I turned into Stone Man. And I'm not a small guy, so it's easy to hold my ground. She gets bored of this, tips her beer on me and starts in on my friend. I can't exactly see what's happening, but I hear him try to tell her to fuck off and stop being an arse - security come over and escort her to the front row, and we later discover that she's bitten my friend's arm. What the fuck?

I have a real problem with people who want to invoke security to help them get what they want, but then can get away scot free with shit like that. Fuck. Grr!
03:18 / 08.06.03
I always thought the one where he played the fugitive and surrogate dad to one of the Culkin kids was his best one. God knows why I think that.

And never worry, Kegboy. Hamburgular always gets blamed, no matter the crime.

Rubble, rubble.
03:22 / 08.06.03
Jesus, Roth. How bad was the bite?
Saint Keggers
03:25 / 08.06.03
Roth: I hate people who are just rude like that... While my friend and I were wainting in line to go see a movie this old guy just started pushing his way through the line. "Many people were doing the old "oh the nerve! and "We'll I never..!" but the man ignored all this and continued towards the front...then my friend in a just a bit too loud voice says "Dont worry, he's old. He'll die soon anyway." I thought the man was going to die right there...he got soo flustered and just scuttered away... JErks.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
03:31 / 08.06.03
Well JC Van Dam must go down in history as having the worst hair cut in film ever (I wont let it lie). Anyway I’m off to bed, sockless and hermetically sealed, nay ensconced in my duvet.
The Strobe
07:43 / 08.06.03
Well, I slept a bit better - 2 hours, 2 hours, 5 hours and only one of those wakings was due to the fact I had pretty much drowned myself in sweat. And I went straight back each time.

Like Anna, it is sore enough to affect my ears. Ugh.

Also, the doctor couldn't see my tonsils. I have a ridiculously overdeveloped gag reflex. Tongue depressors just don't work.

OK, I don't think it's glandular fever because it kicked in far too fast. It is, however, fucking evil. As long as I'm ok by Saturday it'll be OK.
Tryphena Absent
11:12 / 08.06.03
Yes I was covered in sweat last night but my temperature was only 99. I'm not going to take it again as the end of the thermometer caused more pain. This bug is so screwed up, so unfair, so frustrating and especially when Harry Potter hasn't even come out* yet.

*if only Rowling had that much perception.
The Return Of Rothkoid
15:33 / 08.06.03
Destitute: well, initially he thought he'd been scratched - until his wife pointed out later on that evening, after they got home, that it was a bite-mark. His skin'd been broken. I hope he's all right - it was his farewell night: he's just flown out for a month to study watchmaking in Switzerland...

No Metropolis remake for me yet, dammit. But tomorrow...
22:21 / 08.06.03
Cuckoo clocks will drive a person mad.

How is everyone?
Tryphena Absent
22:27 / 08.06.03
I'm fine but not hanging around because I have a film and ice cream waiting for me downstairs. In this poor, sad state I might actually have to watch Diva.
23:01 / 08.06.03
Anyone else (UK sorry) watching that bad footballer's thing?

I never knew Gazza had pissed on a teammate, I know Eric (the king) was bad, but blimey! that expains a lot about why he's never been taken on by any decent teams.

ps does anyone think there's any truth about him going to Stockport?
23:23 / 08.06.03
I'm here but all miserable cos I'm at work, having just got haere after watching Nick Cave play a fucking wicked gig, the high from whicvh is just beginning to wear off. As is that from all the booze I drank while at said gig. I foresee the early hours of the morning bringing a hideously out-of-context hangover.
Roth: bites can be nasty. He should probably get it looked at. Guess he can do that just as well in Switzerland, though.
00:34 / 09.06.03
Hey anyone around? I'm never sure when the UK people are asleep and when the people on the East coast are getting sleepy but its about 8:30 so I guess its kind of late.

Yeah, I have no life.
00:39 / 09.06.03
Neither do I. I'm very jealous of Stoatie for getting to see Nick Cave.

This weekend felt like it was really long, and I'm not sure why. Just sort of sitting here wondering what to do with myself.
00:48 / 09.06.03
Yeah that sounds about right.

Tomorrow I get to go look for a job again, this has not been going well. My areas job market seems to be just dead and I really need the money if I'm going to be going to school next semester.

So that kinda sucks.

Hows things with you Maz?

Job still crazy?
00:59 / 09.06.03
Well I need to get offline so happy whatever to you all.
01:01 / 09.06.03
Still hectic, but not too bad. I'm just over-sensitive (thin skinned is probably the best term) and never knowing when people are going to start shouting at each other just tenses me right up. Not big with the confrontation. What are your areas of the job market exactly, Mask?
01:02 / 09.06.03
Night Mask.
Saint Keggers
01:05 / 09.06.03
Saint Keggers
01:08 / 09.06.03
Jinkies! I was wondering why people kept writting 'none'. Now I know.
01:16 / 09.06.03
Enlighten me then. What's up with the none-ing?
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:24 / 09.06.03
Well, I'm having a day off today. It's a public holiday here in Australia, but thanks to the shitty bargaining power of my union, it's not either of the two that we legitimately get off. So this is a public holiday that's coming out of my accrued leave. Whatever, I'm going to watch Metropolis today, have a nice dinner and, if possible, see a Real Live Tiger. It's all good. I'm currently listening to Scott Joplin, and hoping Stoatie will expand on how a Blixa-less Bad Seeds gig was...

*waves to hectic Maz*
Saint Keggers
01:32 / 09.06.03
MAz:When you post wihtout anything in the message area, the board puts 'none' as the message body.
02:01 / 09.06.03
I was just wondering what would happen if I hit reply by accident before I had a chance to type anything. Hi Rothky, hi Keggers, and dammit Stoatie, get your ass back here and tell us about Mister Nick.

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