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Lateshift XVIII: In which our intrepid hero finds clues in a glass of white wine.


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Saint Keggers
01:23 / 07.06.03
10:18...Friday night. I should be out on 'the scene'. But damn, I just dont like the scene no more...
01:33 / 07.06.03
Funnily enough, I'm at work again, fighting with the gross coffee. This time round I'm listening to Coil, though, so it's not all bad. And there doesn't seem to be too much news, so work's not too much of a nightmare. How're things in the ol' Keg?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:37 / 07.06.03
Maybe you need a new scene.

Or a nice, comfy pair of slippers.

Wine. That'd be nice. Unfortunately I'm miles away from the nearest Merlot, falling asleep in my office at work, drinking coffee, surfing aimlessly and still regretting the 2 pints of G&T I had before bed yesterday.

The Animatrix is slowly downloading at home & I'm wondering whether or not it'll be worth watching.
Saint Keggers
01:44 / 07.06.03
Couldn't you bring in your own coffee from home in a thermos?

Spangle: G&T...gin and tonic? As for wine I have 30 some bottles in the basement and 2 carbuoys that should be ready by next week giving 20-32 bottles each. Its winetastick!
01:48 / 07.06.03
I always intend to do the thermos thing... but it would involve getting up early, and that's the tricky part.

I bought the Animatrix DVD the other day... some of them are excellent. Overall, it's better than "Reloaded".
01:58 / 07.06.03
Your new mages are up, Keg! I love how you've lit up the little guy's face in Bump In The Night. I think we're going to have to start a new page for the next batch, this page is FULL. And that's my Friday night! Not just mages, I was doing some Shifter stuff too. But now I'm going to watch a Twilight Zone.
Saint Keggers
02:02 / 07.06.03
Once again..Three cheers for Persephone!
02:05 / 07.06.03
Hurrah for Persephone and for Keg's wondrous mages!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:06 / 07.06.03
Kegboy: yes, gin & tonic. I've developed a serious addiction to Bombay Sapphire gin, served only with ice and a slice in a pint glass. This must be accompanied and complimented by an endless succession of Marlboro Lights.

I decided today that I'm going to hand my notice in at work and take a risk on a new direction in life. It's simultaneously exhilerating and terrifying. But exciting. And it might get me off these fucking ridiculous 12hr night shifts once and for all.

Arrrrrrrrrrrr, me hearties!!!
Saint Keggers
02:12 / 07.06.03
Congrats Spangle on taking the job leap!

I took love a good gin and tonic...a habbit I picked up at a friends wedding years ago....but it will have no competition towards the Martini or Gibson in my books.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:14 / 07.06.03
"Got your nose..." heh!
Saint Keggers
02:24 / 07.06.03
Oh thankgod! I was afraid that that would be one of those ones that you had to be from a north american culture to get.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:24 / 07.06.03
Thanks for the back-slap, Kegboy!

When you say Martini, do you mean with vodka? Don't mind a bit of that, myself, though I outright refuse to drink from those ridiculous hi-ball glasses. Certain limits must be observed, even by the least self-conscious person.

A-harrrr!! Shiver me timbers ye scurvy land-lubbers!! (?)
02:27 / 07.06.03
Why would you put martini in your vodka?
Saint Keggers
02:29 / 07.06.03
Yes with vodka.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:51 / 07.06.03
Nose-stealing seems to be a problem on both sides of the Atlantic.
Saint Keggers
02:55 / 07.06.03
That's a relief. I'd hate to put out a book or something and have to include a page of explanations at the end. Unless ofcourse I just get all pretentious and lie my ass off..."Well you see, in ancient Etrusca the abscence of a bodypart was indicative of the pardigm in which they were..blah blah blah...fishcakes"
02:56 / 07.06.03
Oh, do that anyway. It'd be cool. The more implausible the better.
Saint Keggers
03:00 / 07.06.03
Well these were the 'serious' annotations I was going to include with the comics....
Comics by me...
spelling mistakes by Molson

1. Cthulhu. This is the first one I did. 3 simple characters, each made from 4 simple shapes. Think of the possibilities...THINK OF THEM!!! The idea for Chthulu came to me after reading either a friends diaryland entry or email where she said she was looking for someone who played bridge. This was an old entry and I thought..'What if she's still looking for a fourth for bridge...How far will one person go to play a game?". I wanted Cthulu to look a puppy waiting to be petted. My friend said it got really funny when he noticed the cards in Cthulus hands. One day I want to do a strip with a big Lovecraftian day.

2. The One Ring. The idea for this one came to me after watching the 2 two towers. '91 is when I graduated from high-school and one of my friends was in the highschool jazzband. (I was in the Environmental club if you must know). Even now im still not sure I made the right decision in giving mage 1 a mouth.

3. Successful Love Spell. It never fails to amaze me the amount of people who claim to be mages and go to any lengths to proove how amazing they are.

4. Chainsaw. I loved the Evil Dead movies and wanted to incorporate them into a strip. When I come up with the ideas for the strips I usually picture a short scene and then try to find the most important elements to narrow that scene down to one image. Here I could see the two mages on the right preparing for weeks, chanting memmorizing and casting only to have the last mage walk in with the implements he has here.

5. Monkeys. Its insane the amount of adds there are for magic and psychics and the ilk. Especially money spells. They never work (after all if you could get major money through magic would you share the secret?)

6. Stupid Hat. One of my favorite cartoons as a kid was Dungeons and Dragons. In it these kids from our world would go travel a different world (the realm of Dungeons and Dragons) and be chased by Venger, the main baddie, who wanted their Weapons of Power. One weapon was a green mages hat. This is my little tribute to the joy this show brought me every saturday morning.

7. Nothing Up My Sleeve. The idea was one of the magelings drank too much and started acting like a drunk guy at a party. The hardest part was making a convincing set of drunk eyes without using irises and pupils.

8. Polymorph. I like the look of the polymorphed mage. It was a large departure form the simple design I had for Cthulu in the first cartoon and it took a while for me to decide to go so detailed. Looking back I think I made the right decision as later cartoons would suffer had the creatures been kept as simplistic as in the first one.

9. Ugly Hat. This one came to me after seeing a book (I think it was The Eye In The Triangle) in the local magick shop with a picture of Aleister Crowely on the cover wearing an egyptian style hat.

10. New Hat. The funniest thing to me is when I pictured the first mageling putting the hat on for the first time. I also like the magick effect which I got by photographing soapbubbles in the kitchen sink when I was washing the dishes then a little photoshoping and voila instant stream of power. (for those of you counting...yes, this IS my third hat strip...I like hats. Not on me. But I like hats.)

11. Learn To Land. I have no idea where this one came could be the pidgeons downtown.

12. Source Of All Evil. You know your reaching beyond your capabilities when this is what you end up you summonning. (The wings were also a soap buble derrivative.)

13. Ghost Or Angel. I dont know what possesd me to do this one. Although I do plan on bringing the ghost/angel? character back.

14. JUMP! I could imaging if the broomstick lesson from Harry Potter took place indoors. All nervous about their first attempt when someone yells and they over react thus launching themselves into the ceiling.

15. Magic Mirror. There's just something about a magic mirror that screams BigBrother (the tv show).

16. Hotels. I have a friend who always wins at monopoly (and almost every other game we play). I want that creature the next time we play.

17. The Closet. The idea for this one came from watching SNL repeats and one epidsode had Gilda Radner playing a child worried about the monster in the closet. When your whole life is dealing with monsters and other ghoulies you have to imagine they'd be everywhere around the house.

18. How Do YOU Like It? I like the idea that one of the mageling gives Death a taste of his own medicine. The pop-out eyes are good but its the looks on the magelings face that I love.

19. Heh Heh Heh. Im not sure about this one. Its supposed to be a fire demon. maybe it needed flames. So far this is my favorite creature...reminds me of Where The Wild Things Are.

20. Smuggling Squid. I dont know what I was on when I came up with this Idea. Very Dada. But strangely enough this one makes it to alot of peoples favorites lists (originally started as an image of a spider)

21. Snot Golum. Another favorite creature because of the amount of work that went into its creation. The texture is from some liquid in a pot on the stove that the fat in it had risen to the top and taken that pattern. I love the idea of these mages spending months memorizing spells and incantations, making sure each and every sylable and inflection is perfect..only to sneeze.

22. Don't Mix. Spellbooks sounds alot like cookbooks..thus a joke was born.

23. Hot Potato. I wanted to do something with Frankenstein. I love his face but the body could be better.

24. Fireball. If you have a younger brother you just have to torment him. In this case it means making him the brunt of you spells. My brother used to grab my legs and run down the stairs....but im not bitter.

25. Whale. I wanted to do a whale joke after rewatching The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. The whale in Hitchhikers is just wonderful. (careful observers will notice the texture on the whale is the same as on the snot gollum.)

26.Gong. I just REALLY hate boy-bands.

27. No More Disguises. If you're going to do a strip about mages you start thinking about other magic users. And how you're going to bring about their demise. I love the look of the scarecrow costume. Im planning on doing a short mini-series in OZ, there's just too many good jokes there to pass up. Incidentally this is the first strip in a bunch that have to deal with the mages Oz adventures....

28. Using a computer to do these cartoons you think of ways to combine magic and computers...and dso we have the integration of the word 'spell' word..two meanings...

29. Originally I was just trying to draw a creature and it turned out looking like a frog so I thought of the Bollywug episode of the great Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. Then it occured to me that I couldn't just rip-off th ebollywug concept...and so the clone army idea. This is also a tribute to how much I hated new Star Wars. (I say new star wars because I consider it along the same vein as the New Coke concept.)
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:02 / 07.06.03
I simply love it when you do the nose stealing thing on a young child and it scares them absolutely shitless.

Does that make me evil?

Why have I got a sudden, inexplicable urge to take ecstacy? I feel a visit to London coming on soon!
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:06 / 07.06.03
Gin martinis are the only way to go. And as far as G&T goes, I applaud the pint glass, but prefer the subtlety of Plymouth Gin. It's godlike.

Me, I'm at home. About to read, as it's a lovely day, and about to eat some leftover chicken Caesar salad that I made last night which was utterly fabulous. Go me!

Tonight, however, I am watching Nashville Pussy do their eminently classy thing at a local boozing-house. This should be fun. Or terrifying. Or, ideally, both.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:24 / 07.06.03
Whatcha readin', Roth?
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:34 / 07.06.03
Eagleton's Marxism And Literary Theory is what I'm about to start. Though something a little lighter may intervene before too long...
Saint Keggers
03:35 / 07.06.03
Yes, Roth, what is it? What are you going to read? Tells us! Me, im going to go make myself a coffee. We likes coffee, we do.

My brother is teaching my niece (4) to speak glad.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:48 / 07.06.03
Between paperwork & 'lithing, I'm dipping into Travels In Four Dimensions: The Enigmas Of Space & Time.

It's pretty cool; all thinky and mind-boggly and, oooooh, everything. Ever wondered whether space would exist with nothing in it? Whether space and time are just the constructions of our minds? Well, I might be able to tell you in a few days.....

Saint Keggers
03:52 / 07.06.03
Im reading a detective novel...but I did just finish Quantum Psychology.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
04:18 / 07.06.03
Well, another shift approaches its end. Almost time to drive home. Must finish paperwork I should have started 11 hours ago.

Night, all!!
Saint Keggers
04:26 / 07.06.03

Im signing off too.
Goodnight world, wherever you are.
05:41 / 07.06.03
Night. Or morning. Whichever. I've nearly finished work, yay me!
09:46 / 07.06.03
Well you see, in ancient Etrusca the abscence of a bodypart was indicative of the pardigm in which they were..blah blah blah...fishcakes.

Etruria. Etruscans came from Etruria. I realise that there is no need for anyone to know this anymore, but I'm afraid it's still the kind of thing that makes me sad.

Eagleton's a funny fellow - there are a number of very persistent rumours about his behaviour as a tutor that might have ruined him if they'd got out before he became Britain's Top Marxist Literary Critic. Bob Eagleton is a far safer bet.
Bill Posters
09:55 / 07.06.03
Rumours about old Terrence? Do tell!
12:30 / 07.06.03
Hi. Good morning. Hi. How's everyone?
12:33 / 07.06.03
Whoah. Goodnight! It's now half-two in the afternoon and I'm very drunk and going to bed. Back again tonight, hungover.
Tryphena Absent
12:40 / 07.06.03
I can't swallow without excrutiating pain and the ice cream I bought yesterday is the only fucking thing that doesn't hurt except my stupid brother ate it and I'm bored and I don't know what to do today and this day is dragging on forever and I wish it was last Saturday again.

I'm fine. How are you?
Bill Posters
12:50 / 07.06.03
sorry Anna. i send healing vibes your way.

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