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Lateshift XVIII: In which our intrepid hero finds clues in a glass of white wine.


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Kit-Cat Club
22:02 / 10.06.03
Glad you chaps are feeling a bit more the thing. I seem to have an incipient throat lurgy myself, but I think it is probably just the result of too many cigs at the weekend and therefore I Only Have Myself To Blame.

Spent all day reading Coryate's Crudities in Duke Humfrey's Library and freaking out slightly because I have been given a specialist in witchcraft for my viva (not a problem with witchcraft perse - just bugger all to do with my dissertation topic...) which is NEXT WEDNESDAY OH GOD.
22:10 / 10.06.03
Oh God indeed, K-C C. Next Wednesday is, however, a good week away, and you shall have plenty of time to gird your loins. Beware overgirding, obviously.
Saint Keggers
22:17 / 10.06.03
Hello 'Lithers!
Tryphena Absent
22:36 / 10.06.03
Witchcraft... how distasteful!

It's okay Paleface, soon you will be able to eat again, whole meals! I ate lunch, dinner and a whole bar of chocolate today with no discomfort.

Tomorrow my willpower will just leave me (I know it) and I'll smoke. Sorry, I think this is going to be a long rant but I've got to let it out. This is my third cigarette- free day and it's not going too well. I'm not sure how much of the pain I've been experiencing has been nicotine related- I haven't had a fag free day in a couple of years. I'm sure it's made dealing with the throat a whole lot worse- not physically but just my coping facility.

The worst thing is that I don't feel the need to smoke but I'm really really missing it. I walked past some people earlier and just dragged in the smell of lit fags and... well I'm the sad addict. I'll smoke a Marlboro... maybe a light, maybe a Red and it'll be all warm and I'll get a slight rush from it and I'll feel all alone and secure in being alone. It's the most perfect separation and it will be wonderful because I'm a goddamn smoker and I don't want to stop. The problem with actually really loving it is that you can't decide whether to chance the ill health and continue regardless or quit while you could conceivably stop. I'm used to doing things that I want but then I don't usually want to do things that could kill me... oh, I curse the inevitable day that I started to smoke.
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:45 / 10.06.03
Well, I'm not smoking. But my US Supreme Court snowglobe (backed with a picture of Rotwang from Metropolis) is smokin', so I'm happy either way. I'm meant to be going out tonight, though a lack of cash may prove problematic... thank god for credit.

And here was I thinking people'd give me none...
Kit-Cat Club
22:47 / 10.06.03
Currently girding my loins to the extent that I can hardly unclench my jaw... it would help if I didn't have some different work in at the end of next week (expect some tedious belly-aching about this - I am too broke to distract myself).

I don't even really like smoking and still find it very very hard not to smoke in pubs, or around other people who smoke, as countless Barbeloids can attest. But given the persistent ache in the left side of my ribcage I should perhaps make more of an effort. Bloody difficult though. I smoked my way through a viral chest infection during my finals and this is the result...
23:00 / 10.06.03
Yes - I fell to buying fags of Flyboy this evening - not many, thankfully, but still a shockingly bad show. But saw the Museum of Memory thing at the BM, which was rather silly but good fun.

Gah - I must stop staying up with Barbelith Younger Team - it's dispiriting sometimes.
23:00 / 10.06.03
Bored on a stick. Okay, well, bored. And I can't think of anything clever to say about the relative distastefulness of witchcraft under varying circumstances. Can't believe it's only Tuesday. Still window shopping for cats and hair colors.

Glad to hear that the sore folk throat don't have mono/glandular fever (god, what a freaky name).
23:04 / 10.06.03
That was a little more relevant about five posts ago, when I started typing it.
Kit-Cat Club
23:19 / 10.06.03
It's not that it's distasteful... I just have this horrible vision:

Witchcraft specialist: So, what do you think about the key influence which witchcraft had on attitudes towards the Dutch?

Kit-Cat: Errr... well, none, really.

WS: (thinks) Clearly bloody useless. Fail!
23:22 / 10.06.03
They made "The Flying Dutchman" seem that much more plausible?

I've got nothing.
Kit-Cat Club
23:38 / 10.06.03
Me neither...

Haus, do you actually mean that you bought fags off Flyboy rather than cadging them? That sounds like the act of the desperate-but-determined-not-to-beg. I have been [t]here before.

Should go to bed now. A thousand angels sing thee to thy rest, chaps.
23:50 / 10.06.03
oooh bout quartr to 8pm here...i'm drunk!!! cos i'm sick and i won't be going into wrk tomorrow, so why not right? i might go out l ater...fuk it. i don't care who wants to hang and who doesn't/ fuck it. i've been chugging jim beam and fruit juice since 6:15 pm. yeah.
i should prob'ly take this oppportunity to tell some ppl to fuck off on here who i want to fuck off, since i'm drinking.

nahh..just kidding! i don't want anyone to fuck off!!! hugggles!!!
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:51 / 10.06.03
Ooh! Mantishuggles!
Tryphena Absent
00:00 / 11.06.03
I love the change in posting style when people are drunk!

It's no good. I'm going out for a drive with my fags. If one finds its way in to my mouth than I'm a fool but a fool in love. Eek.

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