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Lateshift XVIII: In which our intrepid hero finds clues in a glass of white wine.


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12:51 / 07.06.03
Oh sweetie! Are you sick?
13:00 / 07.06.03
Huggles for Anna indeed.

Meanwhile, I got my six-month "financial checkup" from my bank, and it looks strangely like I wasn't paid in January. And I didn't notice. That's insane. Totally, utterly and completely insane. In fact, it is so insane that I honestly don't know what one does about it...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:03 / 07.06.03
Agghh, poor Anna. That sounds frightful.
Tryphena Absent
13:09 / 07.06.03
Yes I'm positively dying but that may be the nicotine withdrawal. I've almost reached my ibuprofen limit and am dreading the moment when I can't take anymore.

Haus that is a bit insane. I suppose if it was a big company then you would contact human resources and request that they pull up your payment records or something along those lines. I'm a little worried about you- missing a missing month's pay... off in cloud cuckoo land are you?
Bill Posters
13:16 / 07.06.03
hmm, i must confess i once spent an entire student loan without realising it, only found out months later, so i feel the need not to pathologise Haus for once. Also, and for the second time I might add, can i have my details of the Terry Eagleton scandal? Ta.
13:18 / 07.06.03
Nephelokokugia, yes...

I'm no good with money, basically. Which is why stuff like this happens...I will email the company (for whom I am no longer working) and ask them to check it out. It may be oversight. It may, conversely, be naughting...
Tryphena Absent
13:24 / 07.06.03
Gosh I'm hopeless with money but I think the one (possibly the only certain) thing I would notice was it not appearing when it was meant to. Everything else about the evil stuff just makes me panic.
13:28 / 07.06.03
Bill - no you can't, because it is rumour and scuttlebutt, and may be based on nothing more than the unusual number of sideways moves from college to college in his CV.
Bill Posters
13:30 / 07.06.03
Haus, you really are a word that hates women.
15:16 / 07.06.03
15:33 / 07.06.03
That's a pretty ugly word.
20:26 / 07.06.03
Mmm. Chicken curry for dinner. Clean apartment. Maybe some pie in the future, who knows?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
20:30 / 07.06.03
MMMmmmmm.......... Pie.
Saint Keggers
20:40 / 07.06.03
mmmm....chicken curry. Must start hanging out in Maz's kitchen...
The Strobe
21:26 / 07.06.03
I have the same thing as Anna, but worse.

It is actual agony to swallow. "Razorblades" might be a good example. The doctor has given me a pile of penicillin, hurrah, except it's in these things which are a fraction too big (especially for a throat constricted to the size of a pea) and thus scrape and hurt like the horsepills they are. And I have to take eight a day. Am currently chopping them in two with a penknife and leaving coke-like trails on my desk.

That's before the fever and the fact you wake up every three hours due to the pain. It's really quite fucking shitty, and has knocked out most of the past week for me - when, in a post-finals haze, I had lots of fun/productive things lined up to do.

Really praying the drugs kick in soon, because it's getting really fucking painful.
21:33 / 07.06.03
Do you guys have mono? It kinda sounds like what I had when I had mono.

Have now rented the DVD of Treasure Planet- jesus christ, Disney has made it difficult to get to the actual damn movie- and Secretary. Hopefully this'll be good.
The Strobe
21:35 / 07.06.03
What's mono?

Secretary is great. Enjoy it. "I'm not going to fuck you."
21:42 / 07.06.03
Mononucleosis. Wicked sore throat, severe fatigue.
The Strobe
21:43 / 07.06.03
Just googled. Which is really what I could not do with at the moment. Fatigue moderately bad, sore throat like a bitch, praying it's not mono constantly now.
Old brown-eye is back
21:48 / 07.06.03
It's a bit like stereo, except you eventually get your sight back.
Old brown-eye is back
21:49 / 07.06.03
Fist Fun
22:00 / 07.06.03
So what is the latehshift? Ok, yeah, I know...
22:10 / 07.06.03
praying it's not mono constantly now.

What do your tonsils look like? Solid red, or white spots?
22:39 / 07.06.03
MOno is known in the UK as "glandular fever", for future reference. I got it in the second term of my first year at college, although in my case it actually was a judgement from God for being dirty, which I inagine cannot have been the case for Anna, Paleface or indeed Maz. This sounds more like strep throat (known aas a throat infection blah blah fishcakes), which is also evil - it's actually pretty common after finals, as your body finally lets loose all the tension and lost sleep that you have built up and shuts down its defence mechanisms for a bit, allowing evil nasties to breed in the warm, welcoming space in your throat. It happened to me, and you have my sympathy and respect.
Tryphena Absent
22:57 / 07.06.03
My tonsils actually seem to have escaped this horror. Paleface you went to see a GP right? They would have identified that as a cause and given you, yuk, the blood test I imagine but this has come on too quickly in two people to be glandular fever. Since we were at a meet together on Saturday I imagine one of us caught it off the other (I'm going for Paleface as he's got it bad and I like to shift blame. My symptoms also started later than his).

It's a throat infection on the right side of my throat that's inflaming the tubes up to my right ear. It's painful but I can still eat and ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory that helps a bit. I'm going to wait til Monday and if it hasn't gone I'll go see the doc but basically the pain, pain, pain feels different today (in a healthier kind of way) and that tends to be a sign that it's going to go away. My immune system's quite strong so I'm hoping that I'll be all healed up by then... of course if I have to take anti-biotics I don't have to go to the toga party that my housemates are throwing on Tuesday because (oh shame) I can't drink.

Toga party + no drink = pointless.

Of course I could always lie about it and tell them I'm dreadfully ill thus avoiding the bastarding thing anyway and hopefully without the pain plus I have a ball to attend on Friday and would like to drink there! Drug avoidance scheme begins here.
23:01 / 07.06.03
although in my case it actually was a judgement from God for being dirty, which I inagine cannot have been the case for Anna, Paleface or indeed Maz.

I had Lyme disease at the same time. Got the mono from smooching my now fiance (worth it), got the Lyme from an ill advised trip outside (ever so not.) Trust me, I was being smote, smited or smitten (never figured out which it was) by the hand of God for being an actor and a heretic. The Lord works in mysterious and virulent ways. Kind of annyoing, really.
23:05 / 07.06.03
On the off chance that it is mono, dears, do avoid tylenol, as it can harm your liver, and take care not to rough house, since your spleen could be inflamed.

Crap. I am the den mother, aren't I? Dammit.
23:19 / 07.06.03
TBH, I'm not even sure we have Tylenol. Do we have Tylenol? I think it might be one of those US medicamenta that other nations burn at the border...
Tryphena Absent
23:36 / 07.06.03
On the other hand it might be called something else along the lines of acetaminophen.
Tryphena Absent
23:37 / 07.06.03
Or that might be its pharmaceutical name but yes I think we do have it over here.
Saint Keggers
23:45 / 07.06.03
Yeah, I thought Tylenol was Coca-cola but not evil.
lolita nation
00:49 / 08.06.03
tylenol is acetaminophen - I think Brits call it paracetamol?
01:58 / 08.06.03
I think it might be one of those US medicamenta that other nations burn at the border...

Tt. Just cause there was cyanide in like, one batch. Sissies.
Tryphena Absent
02:08 / 08.06.03
After an hour and a half of sleep I have awoken to PAIN. The right side of my face up to the crown of my head hurts like fuck and I can't speak (reverted to discussion of condition through pen and paper- for fucks sake). Have now abandoned real life people in favour of textual communication so is anyone awake to tell me to stop wallowing in self pity?

Also Tylenol is paracetamol? That's interesting and of course it is meant to be quite dangerous but organic food UK doesn't identify it as such and I'm not going to waste time checking up on it when I always take ibuprofen anyway.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:28 / 08.06.03
Cor blimey, I used to get the strangest sensation when in bed. (No tittering at the back). It felt like half my face was pulling away from the other half.
And leg cramps in the night are pure pain. You wake up screaming and trying to modulate your leg muscles to prevent more pain. I’ve been told that eating bananas and wearing socks in bed can prevent this, but I have never/will never wear socks in bed. Bananas are ok though.

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