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Lateshift XVIII: In which our intrepid hero finds clues in a glass of white wine.


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The Return Of Rothkoid
02:12 / 09.06.03
Hmm. Commodore 64 emulators rock. Anyone know any games I should be playing?
02:16 / 09.06.03
Oregon Trail?
Saint Keggers
02:17 / 09.06.03
Zorro, Project Firestar(er?), Impossible Mission, Spy vs Spy, Zak McKracken, Haunted Masion
02:20 / 09.06.03
Did they have Zyll: A Text Adventure for Commodore?
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 09.06.03
Whoops, I meant Maniac Mansion, not Haunted Mansion.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:27 / 09.06.03
Stay a while... stay FOREVER!

Heh. I've downloaded a couple - this site is pretty good. Who knew I'd be playing Killerwatt beyond the age of 8?

Maniac Mansion and Zak are great - they're the first games I had on my PC...

No Zyll, as far as I can find...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:59 / 09.06.03
I'm hot and I can't sleep and I'm bored. Who can I blame?
03:04 / 09.06.03
God. The sun. Circadian rhythms. Us for not being very interesting tonight, (or at least me).
Less searchable M0rd4nt
03:07 / 09.06.03
I choose Circadian rhythms. Bleph. Can't really justify hanging around in hopes of a conversation when I'm on a dialup, so nighty-night kids. See you inna morning.
03:08 / 09.06.03
Whoah... back again... had a couple of hours wrestling with an unpleasant work/hangover/extreme exhaustion combination... but I'm feeling better now.

As far as I could tell, Blixa was replaced by James Johnston of Gallon Drunk- leastways, it was a guy with a quiff with a bit flicked down over his face and a Hawaiian shirt. And yeah... it rocked. He did the Birthday Party's "Wild World" only in a classic Bad Seeds style, he really rocked the shit out of "West Country Girl", and did a very strange version of "Henry Lee". And one of the best "Mercy Seat"s I've ever heard, though as one of my friends pointed out, I always say that.

Looks like they're never playing "Weeping Song" again, though (although for post-modern jollies, I reckon they should've got Kylie on to do Blixa's parts). Chris Bailey of the Saints guested (and was very pissed)... all in all, a blinder!
Saint Keggers
03:09 / 09.06.03
03:11 / 09.06.03
You lucky, lucky boy.

I gotta go to sleep. Work tomorrow. Much love, Rothky, enjoy your emulator. (It'd be really nifty if emulators turned things into emus.)

Goodnight all.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:53 / 09.06.03
I am currently working on my emulator. It's going to be followed by a platypusulator and an echidnator.

I'm off to have some lunch and to tidy up a bit. Cave sounds good - though I still think it's a bit odd sans Bargeld. Pah. Even if he is looking more rotund these days... yanno?

You should've killed Chris Bailey for me. Ed Kuepper would thank you, I'm sure...
—| x |—
06:49 / 09.06.03
I'd buy that for a dollar.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
11:13 / 10.06.03
Its so late its early!
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:11 / 10.06.03
It's 11:09pm and I'm looking for pictures so I can make someone a Supreme Court snowglobe.

No, honestly.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
12:31 / 10.06.03
That is cool, I think.
Don't ask me my judgement may be impaired due to lack of sleep.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
12:35 / 10.06.03
I am doing an experiment. I am only sleeping on one day a week. This will be my second week in a row. On saturday I slept 15 hours and I won't sleep again untill saturday of this week.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
12:36 / 10.06.03
The things you can do when un employed.
Tryphena Absent
12:46 / 10.06.03
Assuming you're telling the truth- isn't that terribly boring? I mean what would anyone do with that amount of time awake?
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:14 / 10.06.03
Wish they were sleeping, I'd imagine.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
15:22 / 10.06.03
I internet chat. I read phil K dick.
15:57 / 10.06.03
"A Scanner Darkly" + sleep deprivation = fairly intense, I'd imagine.
(OK, I know I'm cheating by posting in this thread when it's late afternoon/early evening here, but my sleep pattern is FUCKED due to spending most of yesterday unconscious, and I now no longer have any idea what time it is, despite having slept properly.)

Some good news, though- I got promoted yesterday morning, despite being convinced I'd blown my chances at the new position by turning up shitfaced on Sunday night! Yay me!
Baz Auckland
16:04 / 10.06.03
Nietzsch! That's so cool! I wish I could on no sleep. How is it? Can you function? Do you have energy to actually do things?

..and I'm cheating too, since it's only 1pm. But I'm procrastinating to going busking...
Baz Auckland
16:06 / 10.06.03
Oh, and congrats Stoatie! Promoted in a supervisor kind of way>?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:12 / 10.06.03
IT is actually working. Actually no sleep and The Crying of Lot 49 made me insane.
16:14 / 10.06.03
Sort of. Basically I'll be doing exactly what I do now but getting paid more. (They keep getting me to check other people's stuff and teach them how to do things anyway, but now it has a title, and an attendant increase in pay. That is, of course, unless the company decide to restructure yet again in the month before it's phased in, and the position no longer exists. Either way, it's ace to know that they still trust me to do this shit despite the fact that the night my boss made his decision, I was wankered. And he knew it.)
Baz Auckland
16:16 / 10.06.03
It does that. I ended up with a TRISTERO tattoo.

I'm reading 'The Doom That Came to Chelsea', and shuddered at the mention of Larry Kirwan and Black 47. What a horrible band...

Stoatie: Your job reminds me of office space. I bet if you're ever sacked, they'll neglect to tell you, and you'll keep getting paid for years and years...

After completing that what Old One are you? quiz, I have the urge to read some Lovecraft...
—| x |—
16:18 / 10.06.03
Coyote you mad non-sleeping type entity! Who would have thought that you'd be posting at ten in the morning--or me for that matter!
—| x |—
16:21 / 10.06.03
Baz, get out there man! It's a whole new day and time to play--imagine the people whose days are not currently being altered in slight and subtle ways by their lives intersection with yours. What do you do for busking?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:23 / 10.06.03
Too be honest I find it harder to imagine you up then me. But that is only because I know I could STILL be up, rather than have gotten up.
Tryphena Absent
16:24 / 10.06.03
Hmm... I have enough trouble not sleeping normally, never mind any foolish scheme to do it on purpose. Good luck, I hope it's fun for you.
Baz Auckland
16:24 / 10.06.03
I'm going in...7 minutes. I fiddle. It's fun. But so is procrastination and Barbelith...

Is this the day shift then? How's the west coast?
—| x |—
16:27 / 10.06.03
Yarr. Me mum in law dropped by this morning to pick an electronic piano up to take with her out to the sis in laws place. A rather heavy unit, I had to be up to load it into the van.

Hey, can you believe that Flyboy figured I was associated with the Greenland posse? Crazy stuff, man. I wonder if there are others who share this mistaken speculation?

I think I'd rather still be sleeping, but the two cups a joe is kinda' getting in the way of going back to bed!

And congrats on your promotion, Stoatie!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:29 / 10.06.03
Baz your tat makes you officially scary to me.
I am not sleeping on purpose because I am sick of not sleeping because I can't. And its a magick thing.

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