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Lateshift XVIII: In which our intrepid hero finds clues in a glass of white wine.


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—| x |—
16:29 / 10.06.03
Well Baz, I'm a prairie boy meself--Cowtown, if ya' know what I mean. It's murky here today, probably get some rain. You are in TO?
Baz Auckland
16:30 / 10.06.03
Actually, ...>0<... I though you were someone else. Not Greenland, but Toronto for some reason...

I better skedaddle and shave before I go out there. It's been over a week, and I don't want my facial hair back. Maybe when I hit 30...

Have a good day, all!
Baz Auckland
16:31 / 10.06.03
Yep. The big T.O. Fun place, but I think I need a vacation.

You're in Alberta ain't ya?
—| x |—
16:31 / 10.06.03
Coyote, what isn't a "magic/k thing"???

Baz Auckland
16:33 / 10.06.03
Niet: Tristero aren't the scary ones.. Canada Post is much worse.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:34 / 10.06.03
True >0< unless it is an ego trip maybe. specifically this is tied up with an initiation trial. Man there is too much bread. We all need to go to calgary.
—| x |—
16:34 / 10.06.03
Yeah Baz--Calgary, home of "The Greatest Outdorr Show On Earth!" It's too bad that by 'show' they mean 'rodeo'.

Oh, and fiddle is a damn fine instrument to be busking with! What's your style? Have you heard of Oliver Schroer?
—| x |—
16:37 / 10.06.03
Hey, an ego trip can be magic/k too--a shallow and degenerative magic/k perhaps, but still...
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:37 / 10.06.03
I don't know The T do seem to be a little violent. And for that matter irrelevant considering E-mail.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:38 / 10.06.03
its the degenerative part I am worried about. Or would be if I could worry right now.
Baz Auckland
16:38 / 10.06.03
Afraid I haven't heard of many fiddlers... I really should look into more of them...

I've seen the Calgary airport in December, but that's it... I passed through AB via greyhound on the way to Alaska, and I all I remember was Edmonton was nasty, and Wrainright was pretty funky.

Nice mountains too.

Right! Enough stalling! I'm off!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:39 / 10.06.03
off to where?
Baz Auckland
16:41 / 10.06.03
Busking. I'm not in Tristero.. I just got the tattoo to symbolise all the fun conspiracy and synchronocity(sp!) and etc. stuff. I should have just gotten a Barbelith one... maybe next year..
—| x |—
16:42 / 10.06.03
Well have a good day Baz, and may the sentient streets rise to greet you!

We had a nice little Canuck conversation triangle going there...from the East side to the West side, yo! We, like, stand on guard, n' all, ya?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:43 / 10.06.03
I slouch on guard.
—| x |—
16:44 / 10.06.03
And Baz, check out Oliver Schroer if you can--really unique fiddle playin'. I saw him at Victoria's Folk Fest last year, really good. I think he's based outta' TO as well...
—| x |—
16:46 / 10.06.03
I sleep on guard.

"Asleep at the switch!? I was drunk!"
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:48 / 10.06.03
I don't believe in anything any more,
I'm going to law school.
—| x |—
16:50 / 10.06.03

So, for the first time in years, I made a really smokin' mix tape for someone I know.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:51 / 10.06.03
for who and what?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:00 / 10.06.03
How is the Sore Throat tribe fairing? Have you guys tried getting some soluble paracetamol and sipping it slowy? Really numbs the pain.
—| x |—
17:00 / 10.06.03
For my friend Neil. I was playin' at DJ the other day--ya' know, slappin' down different tracks one after the other on the ole five-disc player, when I was suddenly inspired to make a mix tape. I cracked open the "hardly sees the light of day anymore" cassette tape box and was pleasently surprised to find an unused blank tape. Here's the play list:

Side One: Flame--the Sebadoh, Art Class--Superchunk, Surf Wax America--Weezer, can i ride--Polvo, A Ghostly Bishop--Arcwelder, A Good Idea--Sugar, Sky of Bones--Alice Donut, Intergalactic--Beastie Boys, Hirnlego--Einsturzende Neubauten, flip-book oscilloscope--turing machine, I am a Scientist--Guided by Voices, bpi (excerpt)--microstoria.

Side Zero: 2PIr--Clint Mansell, swiss grid--turing machine, Sea of Tranquility--Six Finger Satellite, Awakened Beneath Ground--Controlled Bleeding, Sharkey's Day--Laurie Anderson, In Circles--Neubauten, Brown--grotus, Firist Vigil (excerpt)--Zoviet France.

It's a pretty kick ass mix, if I do say so meself! Perhaps I should make you a tape and send it to ya'?
—| x |—
17:02 / 10.06.03
Mordant! How ya' doin'? How's Spain?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
17:07 / 10.06.03
Cool send me it! I need something for my car. The book Good Omens was right, I am reduced to listening to queen if I use a tape.
Tryphena Absent
17:15 / 10.06.03
Ah- I assume that I am a member of the sore throat tribe. I would like to confess that I can speak today!! I'm definitely feeling better so hooray for penicillin. Also, to darken this a little, I miss cigarettes really badly. Really badly.
—| x |—
17:23 / 10.06.03
Then you probably won't want to hear that I just got back from havin'a cig?

Coyote--I'll have to buy some more blank tapes, but I'll get a tape off to you by the end of the week! anything you'd like on it specifically?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
17:27 / 10.06.03
nope cool shit that you think I would like.
—| x |—
17:31 / 10.06.03
Well, that's just it, Coyote, I'm not sure what you might like!? Rock? Acpocalypse Rock? Industrial? Electronica? Post-industrial bat cave disco?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
18:38 / 10.06.03
Industrial? Electronica? Post-industrial bat cave disco?

not sure about the last one.
I like a lot of music but my base taste would be Massive Attack
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:42 / 10.06.03
>0<: Spain is grand. Enjoying the sunshine and liking the people.

Anna-- good to hear you're on the mend. I get more than my fair share of icky throat infections and I know just how fould they can make you feel.

Currently trying to re-write my article on Iraq in the aftermath of the war. Am suffering from a) information overload and b) an intense desire to smash things. Must stop writing about stuff that makes me want to smash things.
Tryphena Absent
20:04 / 10.06.03
I sometimes have an intense desire to smash things after information overload but find myself looking around the room and liking everything too much to break it. I've taken to flinging the biggest, heaviest book against the opposite wall while making a noise close to yodelling. Very effective when your throat's okay.

I am going to Tesco's and I am going to buy chocolate because I can swallow again! Hooray!
20:27 / 10.06.03
Good, good, excellent. Very pleased that you're feeling better.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:03 / 10.06.03
Hmm. Wall are a bit thin for yodelling. I think I'll go evil and start hexing people instead.
21:42 / 10.06.03
Ah, black's a solution...and a chocolate assortment.

Evening, all. I am a sleepy thing, but am wondering vaguely how to integrate the latest arrival painlessly; I seem to spend a lot of my Barbehead at present thinking about how to resolve conflicts...

Glad to hear you are feeling better, Anna.
The Strobe
21:43 / 10.06.03
Sore throat beginning to mend here - I mean, it still hurts like hell, but I have a bit more zip than I did. And somehow the pain is becoming more bearable. Maybe the penicillin's working.

Still tired, though, so off to bed.

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