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The Late Shift 14..The Goods, the Bauds and the Googly.


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Eloi Tsabaoth
00:08 / 21.05.03
I was on The Sopranos Merry-Go-Round up until Season 2, and am too timid to jump back on. I content myself with the adventures of a tiny blonde Shattenjager and a husky-voiced borderline psychotic Anti-terrorist agent. Actually, that sounds like a crossover. Is there any Buffy/24 slash, cleverly working in references to The Lost Boys?
00:08 / 21.05.03
Oh, buttocks. The jack. hadn't thought of that. Wanky wank wank. Oh well, what harm can owning another dell power supply do? Anyone have any brilliant ideas on the battery that will lead to me toiletting the better part of a thousand pounds on a new laptop? And shoudl I go for an iBook this time round? Or would that condemn me to the ranks of the utterly undeserving unemployed, to be despatched with haste and melee weapons?
Perfect Tommy
00:11 / 21.05.03
Are these imprecations upon iBooks part of the ancient Mac/PC clan war or something deeper?

(And, evenin', folks... It hardly qualifies as 'late', here, but I'm hanging around abusing my printing privileges.)
—| x |—
00:12 / 21.05.03
Oh yeah, that's on tonight isn't it? The last episode of this seasons 24 series. I gotta' watch it. I've liked it, although it is a little formulaic at times. I thought it was more exciting in the first 12 or so hours, but has been dragging its heals that last few hours.

It's nice that Jack (isn't that Keifer's character) has been suffering aftershocks from his Flatline a few episodes back.
—| x |—
00:14 / 21.05.03
Whoo-hoo--printing privlages!
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:14 / 21.05.03
If it is the jack, Dell should be able to fix it, or point you towards a service center that can. Mine was only unfixable because it was a Siemens, and they would've had to replace the entire motherboard to fix it - and this meant sending the fucking thing back to Germany.

So yeah. Call Dell and see what they say.

iBooks are highly enviable, I think. But rather expensive...
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:14 / 21.05.03
AAAAGHHH!!!! I'm a UK viewer!! We're only up to the 12th episode!! Spoiler space!!
Collapses in a quivering heap.
—| x |—
00:17 / 21.05.03
Oh shit! Sorry Biznuth--I didn't even think about that. All apologies...
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:18 / 21.05.03
That's alright. Somehow I will find the strength to carry on.
Saint Keggers
00:19 / 21.05.03
I just bet he's glad you didn't mention the part when the daughter finds out she's the president!...that was a shocker.
—| x |—
00:19 / 21.05.03
Whoo-hoo--carry on!

I'm gonna' go smoke some pot, then I'll be back!
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:24 / 21.05.03
You cheeky monkeys. I'm off to sleep, where I usually only get spoilers for real-life events like plane crashes and assassinations. TTFN.
00:24 / 21.05.03
Or the guest appearances by Coreys Haim and Feldman.

Actually, wasn't Feldman on some sort of reality TV program in the states a little while back?
00:30 / 21.05.03
re: the iBook thing - I'm tempted, because I'd like to try a Mac, for starters, and it woiuld have a lot less impact than replacing my desktop computer, but they are a) pricey and b) incomprehensible. I can never work out what their processing speeds mean in PC terms, so I can't compare values. Might have a look on eBay...perhaps one of the old ones, which looked like Keith Haring mussels, would be fun to play around with.

Sleep well, Biz, and dream of Coreys.
Saint Keggers
00:33 / 21.05.03
In highschool I looked like one of the Coreys...Not the Lost Boys Corey but the other I just look like me. 100% Corey free.
Tryphena Absent
00:34 / 21.05.03
Doesn't one of the Corey's spell his name Corrie? And my housemate informs me that Haim dated Posh Spice in the pre-Beckham days.
00:37 / 21.05.03
Fuck me - that's so very very wrong. I may have to burn my copy of "Dream a Little Dream 2". And I haven't even seen it yet..
Saint Keggers
00:40 / 21.05.03
Dream a Little Dream..wasn't that the film with the girl from baywatch?
—| x |—
00:41 / 21.05.03
Whoo-hoo--smoke some pot!

It's all coming up Milhouse.

And Corey's? Isn't that like "Safe Boys for Young Girl's" or something.

Kegboy, you scurvy dog! Keel haulin' poor Bizunth like that. Next thing your going to let slip is that the bomb was actually stuffed up the vice-president’s ass…

Anyway, I heard that last week they had to round up everyone’s clothes in TO—giving everyone a sanitized paper jump suit in the meantime—and incinerated them in a mass bonfire at which time a controlled burn of close to half the city’s buildings was initiated in order to control the spread of SARS. How you makin’ out?
Saint Keggers
00:47 / 21.05.03
Abh..Toronto is as safe as place damn safe I guess. Offically Sars free. But Alberta just had its first case of Mad Cow. Which is bad but the timing couldn't have been better if Jack Bauer had called it in.
FOr the past 3-4 weeks McDonalds has been running this commercial with an Alberta cattle rancher. She start off by saying how great it is to be an Alberta beef farmer and how great and wonderfull Alberta beef is...and end the commercial with 'and do you know who uses Alberta beef? McDonalds!'
LOL! Oddly enough I havent seen the add since the MadCow announcement..odd.
00:49 / 21.05.03
JESUS FUCK! Corey Feldman is only a few years older than I am. He looks like Rumpelstiltskin...

They are both Coreys according to the IMDB, Anna, thus suggesting that "Dream a Little Dream 3", if the funding ever comes through, will star the twosome and Corey Aquino.

Also, Kegboy, *both* Coreys (but not Aquino) were in the Lost Boys - Haim had a bit part as a vampire. Meanwhile, the quest for Buffy/24 slash must begin.

"I would never do anything to hurt you, Xander, but they have my daughter. Please let me fuck you. If you don't, they will kill my only child...."
—| x |—
00:56 / 21.05.03
Mad Cow in Alberta ya' say? Well, I'll keep my peeps open 'round this here Cow town for them angry bovines.

Such a shame about the McDick's commercial though--and I'd hate if people'd have to stop driving around with 'I (heart) Alberta (beef)' (where 'heart' is in the shape of a heart and 'beef' is in the shape of a silhouetted cows head. That'd be a damn shame.
Saint Keggers
00:58 / 21.05.03
Prez. Adivser:"Mr. President I have reason to belive that a rogure slayer is trying to stake you."

President:"Dammit...this is because Im going to be the first Undead-american president"

Prez. Adivser:"No sir...its because Jack Bauer has a hot daughter and you tried to get your fang on."

President"But she was willing, even when I told her I was going to suck her dry"

Prez. Adivser"She didn't hear suck, sir."
00:58 / 21.05.03
Hello all, hows everyone doing on this fine tuesday night??

Just ordered my new poot bits and the bill eventually came up to a grand and a half.

I could go into the finer details of it but feel it would further tarnish my poor reputation on the board of being geeky, or just a twat.

Lets just say even though the summer is coming up i'm gonna remain very pale.

Broadband gaming soon, Woo!!
anyone know any games that will rock my tiny little mind?
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:59 / 21.05.03
I think Corey's following the Kyle MacLachlan key to beauty: between projects, their mission is to go from "Aah, pretty!" to "Aah! Demonic!" with ease. Have you SEEN how many wrinkles that man's put on? Christ, and to think that in Twin Peaks he still looked like he wasn't old enough to shave.
—| x |—
01:01 / 21.05.03
Ah the joys of pot: those were “I heart Alberta Beef” bumper stickers. Like on their fuckin’ trucks and SUVs and minivans and such.


Well, I’m off to watch 24.

Later gators.
01:01 / 21.05.03
Well, I'm sitting here weeping over the fact that Buffy is over, and that's all I'll say on the matter.

How's everyone?
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:03 / 21.05.03
Fucked off with lawyers. And stuff. But OK, I guess. WOrking hard.
Saint Keggers
01:04 / 21.05.03
Im only going to get the buffy tape tommorrow so dont say a word about it!!!

Im doing great!!!
01:14 / 21.05.03
Not even to mention that Xander sleeps with Jack Bauer?
Tryphena Absent
01:16 / 21.05.03
They are both Coreys according to the IMDB, Anna

And Google tells me that you're right though I could have sworn that they spelt their names differently. It was a point of great confusion when I was 13 and my best friend Sophie had a massive crush on Corey Haim.

I'm good, I'm not working and it feels so very satisfying. I'm thinking about watching pay per view and drinking tea. Oh, did I mention that I love the whole universe! I spent the evening discussing costumes for my birthday party (period dress ranging from 1885-1985). Yay... it's almost June.
Saint Keggers
01:18 / 21.05.03
I always figured Xander as more of the Syed Ali type.
01:21 / 21.05.03
Info tidbit: My Latin teacher passed on an apparently reliable rumor that the Harry Potter books are going to be translated into Latin. I don't really know what to do with that. I guess it's spiffy, once you get around the jargon. God knows I wasn't ready for Aeschylus when I was ten.
01:22 / 21.05.03
Or Virgil. Or Ovid. Or people who actually wrote in Latin and weren't just translated- oh I give up. It's been a long day.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:27 / 21.05.03
Well, I know you can get various Dr Seuss books in Latin, so... hm. I wonder if it's actually an educational thing, or whether it's to flog to people purely so they can talk about how yeah, they've read Potter... in Latin... at parties.

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