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The Late Shift 14..The Goods, the Bauds and the Googly.


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Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:22 / 24.05.03
George Clooney is the love child of Jay Leno and Sam the Eagle

And now, so may things make sense. It might be a painful and confusing sense, the sort of sense that things make in a terrible nightmare, but sense nonetheless.
Tryphena Absent
23:28 / 24.05.03
And I am going home to eat chips and watch Big Brother Live or Donnie Darko... again. Goodnight my darlings.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:36 / 24.05.03
Here’s a big hug to you Anna and to you Mordant. I love you both very much. Soppy bastard that I am.
23:44 / 24.05.03
And now, so may things make sense. It might be a painful and confusing sense, the sort of sense that things make in a terrible nightmare, but sense nonetheless.

Apparently, that's the only kind of sense I make on any sort of regular basis. How goes, Mordant?
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:05 / 25.05.03

Gin is good. Oho yes.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:19 / 25.05.03
Said hug has infected you with the Snot Gremlins, panarchy. Evil little green monsters will live in yr sinuses, pumping out yellow gunk forevermore. Haregh.

Mazarine: Apart fromthe imminent demise of one of my role models, cool. You?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:59 / 25.05.03
*Clears throat*

*Twiddles thumbs*

*Gets up and taps the side of the guppy tank*

Well, this is nice then, isn't it?
Saint Keggers
01:00 / 25.05.03
I had this weird ida of going to a hotel room and finding that instead of putting mints on your pillow they put in mincemeat. Odd.

I also want to make 'Barbarella'...the Musical.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:05 / 25.05.03
I've got your thread!
I've got your thread!
Ev'rybody knows
I've got your thread!

Was it, like, minced beef? Or mince pie mince? Either way,

I've got your thread!
I've got your thread!
Ev'rybody knows
I've got your thread!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:08 / 25.05.03
Still got yr thread.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:10 / 25.05.03
Thread still mine. Think I might re-paint it.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:13 / 25.05.03
What this thread needs is some nice crochet antimacassars.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:14 / 25.05.03
And wood-chip paper. And chintz. Never goes out of style.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:16 / 25.05.03
Maybe I should re-paint everything in turquoise.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:19 / 25.05.03
And a big airbrushed Ferrari poster.
Spatula Clarke
01:20 / 25.05.03
Hmm. Nice thread.

Think I'll take it.
01:22 / 25.05.03
-Hurries in and takes away the paintbrush-

Good lord, I wander off for a moment and suddenly it's redecoration. It's ludicrous enough in here without adding paint fumes to the mix!
Spatula Clarke
01:24 / 25.05.03
I grow tired of this thread.
Saint Keggers
01:28 / 25.05.03
Cover the thread in macrame!!
01:53 / 25.05.03
-Sighs, and gives back the paintbrush.-
Fine, fine, I've been outvoted. Go nuts.

-makes with the crocheting.-
Saint Keggers
01:59 / 25.05.03
What are you crocheting? 'cause if its doilies....
02:03 / 25.05.03
I'm afraid I'm only really qualified to crochet your basic parallelograms, which, if I'm lucky, turn out to be rectangles.
Saint Keggers
02:08 / 25.05.03
You could always make fishnet.
Saint Keggers
02:10 / 25.05.03
I'm really starting to hate that kid from the PopTarts commercials. Baaaaaam! indeed.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:23 / 25.05.03
A rectangle is a parallelogram, silly. It just happens to have angles that are all 90 degrees.
02:25 / 25.05.03
I know, but usually my crocheting tends towards the angles greater than or less than the ninety.

Which poptart commercial? I kinda like the one with the angry monkies riding the stampeding goats...
02:29 / 25.05.03
Just back from another fun-packed evening at The Hoist, in which we got gussied up in assorted leather and rubber, behaved disgracefully then staggered (five minutes) home across Vauxhall Gardens. Spent a good half hour (not so) surreptitiously checking out a muscle-bound guy in 'leather pirate' garb whose rather sexy hirsuitness reminded us both of the lovely Lurid...
Saint Keggers
02:41 / 25.05.03
Its the one where a car full of girls pull up net to a car full of boys at the red light and look at each other, put on the music and their supped-up car starts to bounce up and down...they then give the boys a "let see you do better" look and the driver of the boys car flicks on the radio and looks to the Poptart on the passagens seat. The Poptart then starts jumping up and down and the car ends up being bounced with the poptart.... The boy then looks over at the girls and yells "Baaaaaam!" and takes off...
I hates that kid....hates him forever!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:44 / 25.05.03
Filthy degenerate! As if I would be making time with anyone even remotely piratey. Pah.
02:46 / 25.05.03
I dunno, Mordant. Black says 'ninja' but hair and beard say 'pirate'...
02:54 / 25.05.03
Goats and monkeys are definitely better. Is it monkeys or monkies?
Saint Keggers
03:05 / 25.05.03
Doesn't matter..they can't read.
(I'm pretty sure its monkeys)
03:17 / 25.05.03
But they can ride goats. You'd think reading'd be a cinch.
—| x |—
03:24 / 25.05.03
Hey-hey, we're on page seven, so I invite y'all to come over here to continue the late night shift tradition!

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