Sometime in the early cro-magnon period of this thread, which doesn't exist by the way because we're all dreams of ourselves in RRMs head, someone asked who the annoying kid that bugs Neo is. I think he's supposed to be a character from one of the Animatrix shorts, which I haven't seen. Supposedly he meets Neo who shows him how to leave the Matrix.
As to what the Oracle in the Matrix game says to explain how Neo can defeat Sentinels, it's very disappointing if he's 'half in the real world, half in the Matrix', because that would imply that Zion is real, and that Neo is a real person whereas the most logical thing to believe is that he is just a computer program like Smith, the Oracle, the crap hair twins et al. However, if we were to take that POV then he can't leave the Matrix when he saves everyone else in the final chapter, and we don't get a nice tender scene with him standing behind Trinity gently caressing her nine months pregnant belly, which I think is required by law in films these days. I smell a possible cop-out a-brewing.
I agree with whoever said that the chateau fight scene was so much better than the 'Crisis of Infinite Smiths' fight. In the subway fight in the first film they both used up weapons, got dirty and Neo even broke Smith's glasses. The Smiths fight from the second film lacked these little touches to make it seem 'real'er. Even if Neo was destroying/killing the Smiths that would have been slightly better, but the fact that he doesn't seem concerned enough to try and destroy them makes the audience wonder why we should care.
I quite liked the motorway sequence.
Whoever it was that wanted better fight scenes? The Matrix One dude, seriously.
I would have liked it if in the first movie, you know, the first part of the trilogy (yeah, right) they might have liked to have hinted at some of the stuff we get here, like these super-characters. I don't know, a throwaway line or something. Then their appearence in this film wouldn't have seemed so completely wrong.
What happened to Tank? this film says he died, but I thought he survived the end of the first film, unless he got sliced in two with a squiddie laser in the background while Trinity and Neo snogged.
Honestly, who stole Morpheus's heart? I didn't think that much of Trinity in the first film, but I loved the way Morpheus cared for his crew. In this film he's just an arse.
It seems the game script explains the whole Persephone kissing Neo thing, or the other way around. Still, it would have been nice to explain in the movie that she either can or likes to feel the emotions between lovers to make up for her copld emotionless lief with Mr. M, rather than making out to be a dodgy porn moment.
Sorry, another dodgy porn moment. |