Louise Michel
You are very much correct this one tells More… I like the way it goes but if you are sleeping then you will not get the movie, very simple.
“For a while there I felt as though I were watching The Two Towers”
Lets walk to Chess game/s and the Towers…I myself do not play chess but I would look at chess…anyone knows chessgames.com?
“The Merovingian's”
Lets add this story..and walk to the holy grail and the lord of the rings and then stroll over to the Mists of Avelon…
“Except for maybe the Oracle, there's ... Trinity? Neo's”
What if the Matrix ..was the beginning of the beginning of the awakening of all including the so called One remember all sorts of groups are waiting for their messiah and even preparing already like the Hopi etc What if the Matrix reloaded is the beginning of showing us encrypted some spiritual state that we are in, Look at the weather and tell its not like real bad around the world, look at the wars violence poverty Bush IMF N.O.W group Royals then look at the universe so much is happening up there, the planets travelling, the sun having Rings around her and Flares coming from her, the animals are travelling leaving or settling.. unexplainable things are happening up and below, it is clear that something is happening including the aliens coming to get us or our leaders, becoming more real than fantasy.
What if we would have indeed prophecies that are well hidden over what is really happening right now, the ALL which is earth planets universe electricity energy ether density.. All is changing.
by Mitch Battros (ECTV
“I was taken back so quickly when I received an urgent alert a series of X-Class flares had just been discharged from the Sun, that I really did not take the time to research the cause. Thanks to a loyal ECTV subscriber named Robert Cain from North Carolina, I was reminded of the two comets that hit or came close to the Sun prior the X-Class flares.
Earth Changes TV was the first news agency to report of the two comets caught on the SOHO satellite crashing into the Sun. I filed the report on May 25th. Comet Article:.
At this time, I have no other data to account for this very unusual series of flares. Unless I receive new information, I am convinced it was the passing of the two comets which was the cause.”
What if this is the end of times where all starts to collide become one again connecting to earth again? What if the Matrix Reloaded is a reflection of what is really happening, what if the movie tries to tell? Haven’t you noticed how its full of symbols? FULL of them. And it connects to the times of prophecies most cuts contain messages if you know some about religion and conspiracy and predictions and follow the weather patern planets etc, its all one game, web/program or reality.. no one ever thought to be living in a Program one selves? Never looked at our reality as if we are being fooled by Them, who control the Matrix?
I guess not because if you would realise that you yourselves are the one’s believing in myth states… we are living in a Matrix people…we are being bombarded with Satellite waves and beams etc we are being monitored every step we make..rules and regulations taking everything away from the common men police brutality everywhere.. demonstrations everywhere, riots and then more police and restrictions the doubling of cost of everything.. hello the world is right in the middle of the Movie called End of Times, which means the ending of time as we know it, for the system we all live in is about to undergo massive changes, for everybody, and some will suffer.
Now think new age madness the hippies and what have you.. think the prophecy of when the veil shall be lifted.. we all shall see in what sort of world we live, you guys read comics why do you not recognise the colliding of minds in the Ether, which many artist still do not understand, artist Creates and when one Creates one oozes out much energy in the ether, and then we talk about the Cause and Effect, one idea is born and the artist start to CREATE, and his energy that will travel as long as he is working towards 7 other ones and back in time towards 7 others, example; you will be able to find out that in the artist inventor musician painter writers etc = Creator the person comes from a line of ..well you know the rest.
The Film tries to teach people something which is very important.. Cause and Effect, non without the other, meaning everything you do Has Consequences.. in this way one is to say, that You do matter as a human being because you are part of the CHAIN..the Chain of LIFE FORCE…by the Law of Frequency one can say that everything we do/Cause has an Effect, we not only shape our future but we also reshape our past, so in order to understand the Future we must understand the past.. Matrix Reloaded is giving us a future and present at the same which all lays encoded in the past, but one must understand some, be aware enough, to see what the system is we all live in these so called Free countries also known as the western worlds or open prison camps, our prison the laws and regulations, the must do and dont’s, no free travelling of the world for its peoples, but Only for its Keepers.. we are slaves, only most are not ready yet to understand in what way, happy slaves…thinking to be free peoples, Not.
The Movie is showing something very , very Basic, as what the solution could possibly be to solving worlds problems in a heartbeat…
The Womb is the First Matrix, the seed is the Matter… now re-think again what you have seen in this movie..
See the Womb is an Entity which lives within each creating being, no matter what substance the womb is first, the earth is the Womb of the Universe, if she dies we die, so we must change our ways, right? but what if we put here on earth would not change our ways, would our creators let us Destroy the womb of the Universe? NEVER, if the earth dies, this Universe we are in dies…and science seems keen on destroying the Universe.., So here we have predictions, then again look at what the Matrix Reloaded is all about.. its about A prophecy which can go either way, which is the current state of the planet, we wake up and we change our ways in time, stop violence wars pains horrors inflicted on others , stop that little spiral chain of the Cause and Effect law, and we will have little natural disasters But if we do not and we continue, the earth has together with those who came from up, some deal but if they do nothing the earth will have to explode, sort of a great Bang so she can restart again…for after all she is the womb and in the end it’s the Womb that Decides. Especially the one from which all life came..the Universum….
Look at religion and their stories about females, not much and the little state’s.. female is filthy, dumb, not worthy, has to obey, and oh my god the devil is upon her when she has her period.. its all about this great conspiracy seed against the egg…A females is the carrier of the sacred womb, for from her all life comes forth…in other words the womb is closest to He that creates as above so below meaning one could say that the god on earth would have to be the Womb..again look at all the Womb symbols in the Matrix Reloaded…look at the scene where Neo and Trinity make Love..look at the Egg shape or better said the Womb reality..and look at what happens with the people who celebrate as if in trance happy while the two make love in the Womb atmosphere ..I say here lays a message hidden..
Now find the answers to many prophecies and searches for certain holy things, Like what is the holy grail for real? and viola you have the message, its merely stating at which part of prophecy we are… why do I say the holy grail? For there is something about this movie and the Holy Grail I can feel it…I think the holy grail is a human and not a thing, this thing they call the holy grail is a lie..it about something else, and I think its human as if in a certain bloodline or type or something like that, the One who carries the re-incarnated blood of the first One..and it has to do with Alpha and Omega…the beginning which is also their beginning will be their ending kind of thing..as it ones began so shall it end… so if all started ones with those who came from heaven, and this was the beginning of our stories like the one the bible tells us, which in a way could be seen as first there was the word and then came the law, then this means that we must be at the cross road of the world turning alien on us…this would be the Revolution story..those who once came from the heavens returning again…
But if you are not awake then you will think I am full of it. pity, but so be it..time has a way of showing who’s reality is the One.. in the end its safe to say that we have been had, the gods have been playing Chess games with us, for the Matrix started out as a Chess game, Babylon, Iraq..
So how does one call this program? The Games Gods Play, and most of us are nothing but pons.
Never forget why do we say there is more than meets the eye? Because many have seen things others did not see.. a Lentation moment? Switching from one program to the other?…then going what? And you are back in this reality? Never walked around feeling as if the world goes slower than you? Like the people are sleep walking? Is a natural lentation moment, one can do things then, if one manners the ways as to how, is knowing frequencies, is being able to fight in many special ways, like ones the old Samurhai Mystic fighters did , they were called the Ghost fighters those who live in the Fog/Misty Woods.
Holywood must be seen as a reflection of our society or ways, what we think the most, want the most, long for the most, fear the most and hate the most or destroy, will be seen on our TV or especially at the Movies..we are dealing with Magic here…the magic of the ether caught up where the strongest antenna’s are, places where the most creative minds are trapped to, those who see, have vision or knowing fantasia is Artist, Artist are visionares, and those who create come closest to the womb, is source, they suck up the life force coming from us people/society and from the earth, then they get inspired , and then we see our world looking like the movies or is it that we firstly Desire the whole lot we see presented to us, we Desire whatever it is that we desire and this has and effect, we see then this reality unfolding right in front of our eyes. Where did you think Artist get their inspiration from? We are Cause and the Artist/Art is the Effect…
My advise look a bit closer to Movies these days… its all about reality and fantasy meeting.
Sapient Thanks for the links these people seem a bit more awake, many seem to realise that there is something going on. People there is something going on..
Look at politics…we are moving to this State …now the film keeps giving us Zion.. but what if Zion is not them but looked us we who are about to fall in this Zionist state, look at all the new laws, and read the protocol of the elders of Zion again…yeh there I go again for those who know me from the first days.. but its time that you guys realise that this not a party, they the New World Order gang is closing us in while distracting us with wars and fear news like sars..
“Right lies in Might — Politics versus Morals — The End justifies the Means — "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" — The New Aristocracy.
23. Our countersign is — Force and Make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty
24. Our State, marching along the path of peaceful conquest, has the right to replace the horrors of war by less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which tends to produce blind submission. Just but merciless severity is the greatest factor of strength in the State: not only for the sake of gain but also in the name of duty, for the sake of victory, we must keep to the… PROGRAM… of violence and make-believe. The doctrine of squaring accounts is precisely as strong as the means of which it makes use. Therefore it is not so much by the means themselves as by the doctrine of severity that we shall triumph and bring all governments into subjection to our super-government. It is enough for them to know that we are too merciless for all disobedience to cease."
People Look at the Portocols of the Elders of Zion… this seems to be the program we are in, now I know it’s a long long read, but it takes you half a day and you will recognise so much I promise…IF You Are Awake… and its not about a final War alone its about the Absolute Love as well.. the one that will open up gates.. brining in a new awareness for all becoming one with the life force again..or something like that..
The Matrix comes from Minds who Know..they know what is going on..Reloaded is correct..for those who know..
Earth Steal and Stone… the speech Laurence Fishburn made.. this is Zion and we are Not afraid… He also said in an interview very clearly That we live in a time and that the people must realise in what sort of world we live in, and they Must realise that we must be very careful in what we do how we move around for everything we do matters..
Cause and Effect, in the end..its all about Cause and Effect…
Oh and the angels they show us that angels are not sweet being but life force sucking beings who can die..I believe they fear wood, maybe that is why they cut all the trees everywhere?
Lalia.. |