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Matrix Reloaded - SPOILERS


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The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
19:06 / 13.06.03
Incisdently I far prefer the Gun Porn (?. There wasn't that many guns in it, or am I being to literal?) of the Matrix to the Control Porn of say 24, Spooks or Big Brother.
Andrew C*** passing himself of as Haus
19:55 / 13.06.03
How the FUCK can anyone like this movie? It's truly retarded.

Oh, right, I guess that retards WOULD dig it then, right?

Seriously, I didn't fucking understand any of it and the whole mass dancing scene had me trying to scoop my brains up off the cinema floor after they'd leaked out of my left ear.

God, I HATE fucking shit films...
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:37 / 13.06.03
An edited Reloaded script.
nedrichards is confused
22:23 / 13.06.03
I'm still eagerly awaiting the theatrical reelase of the 'Chicks who love guns' film-within-a-film from Jackie Brown. The fact that they put it on the DVD in full, presumably for your shot by shot reencatment enjoyment makes me happy inside.

Not happy in that way obviously. Happy in this way.
Baz Auckland
22:26 / 13.06.03
I finally saw it last night (In IMAX! Oooh!), and liked it. I get so caught up in every movie I see, that I can easily ignore the bad bits, or the don't cross my mind (Reading pages 1-4 of this thread last night killed a lot of the good feeling I got from the movie, but eh well...)

Yes, the cheesy bits were pretty bad, but I expected a lot worse. I loved the revelation that they are all programs, even the rebellious humans are all part of the Grand Plan. I'm sure if I had seen it opening night when I was excited to see it, I may have hated it as much as some of the people here. I really had low expectations going in, and was suprised that it wasn't a bad movie. Really.

Due to dial-up, I can't see the Animatrix movies... does anyone know where there's a plot summary of them?
04:46 / 14.06.03
The Bikini Girls With Machine Guns video is available at better gun shops and certainly at gun shows. It's been around at least since the late '80s and there are probably knockoffs as well. Negativland sampled it for their EP "Guns."
10:24 / 14.06.03
I have to say, I was disappointed. The whole section in Zion was terrible- like a cross between Battlestar Galactica and The Hitman And Her, but not in a good way.
Okay, so the philosophical elements were simplistic/had been done before. Whatever. It's still got more to it than your average action movie, and it is good to see this stuff getting disseminated in such a hyped film. No, what upset me was the appalling script.
Funnily enough, my favourite scenes were all the ones without Neo in... not actually Keanu's fault- he was no more wooden than usual- it's just that pretty much all his scenes were bad scenes. That and the fact that you knew he was pretty much indestructible so it was hard to care what happened to him.
The Trinity-Agent Smith falling-and-shooting scene was ace, as was the motorbike chase. The multiple Agent Smith fight was good to start with, but just got silly.
Don't get me wrong... I quite liked the film. I just expected to love it, and didn't.
As for characters, well... Trinity and Morpheus were fun to watch, but the only character I really cared about was Link. Link's cool.
16:16 / 14.06.03
I cannot believe that in nine k'fucking pages of discussion not one of you - not one! - has copped to the fact that the digital vagina in the cakegasm scene is a fairly obvious reference to a similar (but much more poorly animated) shot in Monty Python and the Meaning of Life. I mean, I spotted that the minute I saw it. You guys are slipping...

Only seen it once, thought it was a nice piece of confectionery but the CGI was overdone. Yeah, I dug the reference to Jack meeting Satan at the end of volume two of the Invizzies - just a shame that the WB's also decided to rip off what for me was the most annoying part of 'Black Science 2', the excessive amounts of explanation clogging up the Hollywood-esque violence.

Oddly enough, the Merovingian was my favourite character in the film, just due to his being a total sleaze and not wanting to join any side in the war. And his Super-Frenchness, obviously. I'm assuming he has more to do with volume 3, otherwise it's just a waste of the character.

You know, I'm glad someone out there has played all the way through the game to get those plot points, but that's the suckiest thing about this movie: if those are important plot points they should be in the fucking film, not squirrelled away in some piece o'shit videogame. The only reason to do that would be because the WBs wanted to funnel more money into their little Matrix empire...

So, basically, the Matrix - a satire on consumer society turning people into drones - has became another thing that turns people into consumer drones. No wonder the fact that Neo was actually a tool of the conspiracy wasn't a shock.

Two things occur to me here:

1) Would it be possible to photoshophack the film, so that all the characters and locations in the Zion scenes are festooned with Matrix product? You know, T-shirts, little kids holding up Neo action figures during his 'suffer the little peasants' scene when he gets out of the lift, maybe an MTV-style caption at the bottom of the screen during the rave sequence? And,

2) This is one of those rare and wonderful opportunities life sometimes gives one to point out that 'the idea has became the institution', and pretend to be Michael Wincott in The Crow.

Oh, and lastly, everyone I've talked to about the film still thinks that Smith was easily the coolest thing about it.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
17:18 / 14.06.03
I know what you mean about the 'gina thing, after I'd seen the film I was shouting at all my friends in adrenilised maina "HOW! MONTY! PTHYON! WAS! THAT! CUNT! SCENE!"
The Return Of Rothkoid
08:46 / 15.06.03
Really? I figured that mentioning the whole universe song bit mightn't have been revolutionary for these parts. Maybe that's why everyone kept schtum.

Oh, sorry, fnord. Etc.
14:21 / 15.06.03
I think the film would have been infinitely improved by having Eric Idle sing the end credits song, rather than RATM.

And I mean Eric Idle singing Calm Like a Bomb, as well, not making his own song up. In fact, Idle should have sung all the songs over the credits. And played the Keymaker, in the style of the stupid guardsman he plays in Holy Grail.

Keymaker: 'Right. So, you want me to give you a key so you can get out of this building and away from the Matrix.'
Morpheus: 'NO! We want you to give us a key so we can get in to the building, and into the source, and we have to do it on the stroke of midnight exactly.'
Keymaker: 'Right. So, you want me to get you a key so you can get into the building, and you want me to get you some sauce, but I can't feed you after midnight. Right. Yes, I think I've got that.'

Also starring that Zoot woman as Persephone, obviously...
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
15:14 / 15.06.03
Why was the French guy called the Merovingian? Why not the Carolingian?
16:03 / 15.06.03
Well, they are saving the Carolingian and the Capetian, and possibly also the Plantagenet, for the finale, the Matrix Reformations, in which the royal houses are restored.
Baz Auckland
01:54 / 16.06.03
Until I read this thread, I too thought he was the Meryll-Lynchian. I couldn't figure out why he was named after a financial thingie...
15:54 / 07.07.03
I saw the movie again on IMAX, and noticed that during the Smith fight scene, one of the graffitis on a fence said "Mob," so somebody on production has defenitely read their Invisibles.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:05 / 14.07.03
Just to say I saw it for a second time last week and thought it much better for a second viewing. Not 'the best film evah!' but a definite improvement on how I felt about it on walking out of the cinema the first time.
yawn - thing's buddy
20:44 / 16.07.03
they know how to work yer pocket.
01:51 / 06.08.03
I finally saw this -- pretty mediocre. Some interesting ideas, lots of boring fight scenes, boring sex scene with Neo & Trinity, stupid rave, meandering plot, disappointing compared to the first. And yes, these are all just my opinions.

So who was the other dude who survived in the very last seconds of the film? Was it: 1) The evil-looking dude who cut his hand and then shook Neo's hand, or 2) The sickeningly nice kid who's all "Neo, can I carry your bags? Neo, you saved my life! Wanna go chase cars, Spike? I mean, Neo?" I assume it's the evil dude. And why was this the big cliffhanger? Seemed like an odd place to cliffhang, especially if it's not clear which of the above 2 characters it was. Although now that I think of it, the evil dude had a goatee and the nice annoying hero worship kid was clean-shaven, right? So it must be the evil guy??

A very funny moment I don't think anyone's mentioned on this thread is the facial expressions/reactions of all the Agent Smiths when Neo flies away. Got a huge laugh in the theater I saw it in.

And I wanted more of Monica Bellucci's hot ass on the screen. Her scene was sort of pointless, but who cares, she's sexy. The orgasm cake thing was just stupid, I thought. The Mergovian was a great actor, quite funny but he played a stupid stereotype.

It seemed like Agent Smith also wanted something from Neo, like more knowledge about what it's like to be outside of the Matrix, it even seemed like Smith might want in on the Source action. It would be interesting if Smith's being 'freed' makes him slightly more sympathetic to (and curious about) Neo. Then you could have the whole 'reluctant alliance with former arch-enemy thing' going.

And anytime Neo flew, it was fucking cool. Especially the little circular shock wave that swept the ground whenever he got ready to take off. I'm surprised the credits didn't say "Superman is copyright DC Comics" -- I agree with the poster who said it was a little strange that the credits had something like "Characters by DC Comics are copyright DC Comics" when it was only Supes that was named. But hell, Warner Bros. made the movie. I wonder if the SPIDER-MAN film team had to get permission from DC for the "You do too much, you're not Superman, you know" line from Aunt May?? Or is Superman just so iconic (and one could even argue the Neitzchean origin comes before DC's) that it's common language now so you can use it in a movie without permission?

It was cool that Niaobi's ship was called "The Logos" (only said once but Impulsivelad and I are working on a Jenny story that mentions the logos so my ears perked up).

>> I've...never seen numbers in the shape of a clitoris, but now I can say I have. thank you wb's.

This is one of the funniest things I've read on this quite-long thread.
03:44 / 06.08.03
the guy at the end was the man that Agent Smith downloaded himself into... not sure if it's the same guy that cut his hand, it seems like ages since i went to the cinema to see this...
16:14 / 09.11.03
Well, I thought to celebrate the release of Revolutions by finally being true to my word and getting this out on video, with nibbles and tea. And my God. My fellow viewer fell asleep, and in many ways I could only look on in envy.

The basic structure is shit. Overlong action sequence followed by overlong monologues, then back to overlong action sequence. At no point was there any sense of danger, threat, or even interest. The fights were, once you took away the fetishistic overuse of slow-mo and the preponderance of Hugo Weavings, pretty by-the-numbers kung fu battles, except without the skill to tell any real story. Punchy punchy punchy.

None of the characters actually *were*; this is more understandable in the minor characters, that is those who turned up purely to make one overlong speech and move the action along to the next set-piece (Merovingian, Architect), but when you manage to get through an entire film without suggesting any interiority to your central characters whatsoever, you probably need to hire a writer.

Many of the scenes in an overlong movie were pointless anyway - the scrap with Seraph ("you never truly know someone until you fight them" - I pity his mum), the Trinity/Keaneo parallel with Last-reel Link and Last-reel Link's lady, almost everything that happens in Zion (but most especially Neo's halfwitted conversation with Commander Adama - Jesus). The agents have, in the manner of sequels everywhere, become almost totally unthreatening (now *Morpheus* can outfight an agent? And hold his own against a tide of Smiths?) and Agent Smith, now there are lots of him, is about as menacing as an Imperial Stormtrooper. The shimmer twins were endearing, but not exactly scary mcscary - after an impressive two minutes or so we find that, like the agents, they are getting flattened like an ironing board.

Ultimately, the cool things about the Matrix were its aesthetics and its premise. The premise was looking tired by the end of *that* film, but the aesthetics were still nice. In this one, half the time we are stuck in the real world, a Logan's run via the Hemp Shop Abercrombie catalogue full of unbleached cotton and straight young couples, and the other in the increasingly corrupted and bankrupt conceit of the Matrix, harried unconvincingly by a grinning loon of a pantomime dame who used to be menacing and interesting ("Smith will suffice" - double Jesus).

If it weren't too late, I would start a campaign for the final film to be written and directed by Jade Goody. That way at least we might get some actual conflict and not this artlessly engineered arsecheese.
The Falcon
20:46 / 10.11.03
I saw this quite recently. Yer only really supposed to watch these things once, I reckon. And preferably after a smoke.

To my surprise, I really quite liked it. Despite the trustafarians.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
22:21 / 10.11.03
It gets better the more you see it, I reckon. I can only pray that the same is true for Revolutions, but I doubt it.
Professor Silly
15:58 / 12.11.03
I tried something I've never tried before when I watched this DVD--I then told my wife about, who tried it, and got similiar results.

Put subtitles on during the Architect's scene. It makes the scene soooo much easier to understand. I think I might start doing this for other movies as well.

DVD's are so much cooler than VHS...I think I just wet myself.

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