No, Crimes, it doesn't give you a dynamic. It just makes you incomprehensible, robs you of full stops and cements the impression that you are screaming, crying, and wetting yourself.
Let's try to explain this one more time. You may, for all we know, have spent the day masturbating into a pair of your mother's knickers. You may be ugly, stupid, boring. Your girlfriend may be imaginary, or a 76-year old woman from Boise, Idaho who is a bit confused but very mobile for a senior citizen. You can claim to have a better life than other people until your little head turns purple, and it will be utterly meaningless. If your real life is so perfect, why, we ask ourselves, are you neurotically responding to one of those ugly, unathletic, living-with-their-mothers scumdogs who dare to disagree with you? Because perhaps deep down, somewhere in the tapioca pudding of your little brain, you are not living quite the magical life that you claim. Who knows?
If your best shot, after 50-odd posts, is to go back to claiming superiority in utterly unprovable areas, then "dynamic" is hardly the word we're looking for. |