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Whoever it was that said that the barbelith could use some speed injected into the pacing....


Page: (1)23456

07:09 / 14.04.03
I been running my mouth off in head shop.

I know I'm a jerk.

But I don't like bullies.
07:29 / 14.04.03
That thread might need some modding - thanks for bringing it to our atttention, although PMing a mod would have worked as well.

However. The Head Shop is not a suitable place to satisfy personal vendetta, or to rot threads with self-defence, no matter how justified. In general, you can get away with a parallel line of bitchery as long as your posts also address the continuing question at hand, which unwritten rule grew out of attempts to turn threads into personality-based slanging matches which were neither edifying nor, more to the point, on-topic.

The moral of the story is, I'm afraid, that you may have to unpack your thinking a little in the Head Shop, and also take into account that it is not a forum devoted to seeing how clever and elliptical you are. It's a forum for people who want to discuss things to discuss them. That means taking time to think about what you and other people are saying, rather than just bowling in with an attempt to show how much smarter you are than everyone else, which tends not to go too well.

On a similar note, your hacker manifesto thread has been moved for deletion. If that deletion is approved, might I invite you to repost it, with a more analytical approach, a more useful topic abstract and a title hopefully without the homophobic language? Or, to get a wider spread of responses, you might want to stick it in the Conversation.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:17 / 14.04.03
If the manifesto exists elsewhere on the web you could post a link instead of posting the whole thing.
09:21 / 14.04.03

Do I have to justify my choice of word, which as a matter of fact comes from the gay scene, by sinking to describing my sexual practice, or will the march to homogenize the language for white, straight ears end here?

By bringing slang into the mainstream it subverts the message, look at the flippant use of racist remarks on a hip-hop record, I personaly wouldn't use them, but I'll certainly use words used against myself in this context.

is that okay?

In fact I second the motion to remove it I'd hate to offend the straight kids.
09:44 / 14.04.03

You should remove the instance of 'cracker' that I made too -

wouldn't want to make anyone out to be a hypocrite.
bio k9
10:27 / 14.04.03
So I can claim to be black and call you a bunch of niggers?

Maybe I'll just claim to be stupid and call you an idiot.

10:30 / 14.04.03
Yeah, and in a very real sense yeah yeah. You are free to use whatever language you like; moderators will propose emendations according to individual conscience. If you have read the FAQ, you know that individual moderators cannot act alone, and thus consensus is required for any changes to be made. We shall see if there is consensus for this change to be made. However, your own sexual orientation is both unprovable and, to be honest, irrelevant. Barbelith is a community and simple consideration would suggest that taking into account the fact that you are not speaking into a vaccuum would seem reasonably simple manners, and no challenge for somebody so intelligent and well-read. Your hacker manifesto thread should not be in the Head Shop because it was created without thought and has no consideration or question within it. Pulling the gayer-than-thou card is not going to change that.

Right now, it seems, you are more interested in, and largely restricted to, talking about yourself rather than any other concept at issue. While this continues, I'm afraid you are likely to get slapped a lot in the Head Shop. As it happens, both Orr and Jack Fear could have done with avoiding threadrot as well, but I wouldn't describe any of the activities going on at present as "bullying". Hair-pulling and handbag-whacking certainly, but not bullying.
Cherry Bomb
10:39 / 14.04.03
I seconded the motion to pull your hacker manifesto out of the Headshop, and while I think it has potential, I suggest you edit it a bit, leave us a little and a link so those who want to check it out can do so.

As far as your fagalicious comment goes, why not err on the side of sensitivity towards others and remove it? Maybe it doesn't bother you and you are "taking back the word" - ok, fine but you are assuming that most people, or most gay people will have the same attitude as you, and that's unfair. Besides that the word doesn't add anything to what the post was about.

This isn't a democracy, this is Barbelith. We try and keep the speech as free as possible but it when it comes to offending people it gets a little sticky.

Now relax and let's see if we can come together my brotha..
busy licking richard nixon
11:27 / 14.04.03
Free speech. Nigger, fatty, coon, dyke, shirtlifter, pansy, fag, chink, slitty-eyed, cunt cunt cunt. Words are words - duplicitous, coy - powerful admittedly, yet wrapped up in so much subjective yee-hah that simply pouncing onto the application of a single word, phrase or sentence and thus denouncing the author as some kind of heretic is, quite frankly, dumb, purile and staggeringly pointless. If people get offended by words, that's their problem - maybe they should stay in bed instead of logging on and remain secure in their own homogenised reality. I get offended by virtually everything, yet I don't bother filling up message boards with my diatribe against X,Y and Z. Whinging, even when accomplished in smart-talking sub-philosophy grad speak, is still whinging when it's time to call the play. Anyone who wants to come here and stir things up gets my full approval; for anyone who disagrees there's always the Shania Twain chatroom awaiting.
11:37 / 14.04.03
Yeah yeah yeah. Fuckin' crybabies, the lot of you.

*farts manfully then settles down to read 'Preacher'*
11:39 / 14.04.03
My point is that this is NOT a vacuum and must therefore keep up with the times, words like 'fag' and 'nigger' are entering the collective vocabulary in ways meant to counter the negative connotations of their use, probably unwanted, but nevertheless without your consent.

turtle power: shirtlifter
Rev. Orr
12:20 / 14.04.03
Apologies to all for the threadrot. If the mods want to delete that section of my post, feel free, but it might leave later posts looking a little odd.

Crimes - Mon cher, you want to reclaim 'nigger', 'fag' et al then fine, but casually using the adjective 'fruity' as an unthinking insult is hardly the same thing. I'll try to keep the ad hominem noise out of the head shop from now on.

Arguing about the derivation of the quotation is a little like quoting 'something wicked this way comes' and then claiming that you were referring to Ray Bradbury and you've never heard of this Shakespeare dude. The whole point of the 'typos' section was meant with no sarcasm - we all do it. I toned down my entire reply to be as even handed as possible when I checked the location on your profile. Spank me soundly for not realising you were just a drunken troll.

Basically, there appear to be some assumptions that aren't as generally accepted as you believe. For example your understanding that all Christians are delusional fools beneath contempt might come across as a tad knee-jerk. As a rule of thumb why not take nothing as being universal and self-evident and unpack it a little for those of us in the special class? Pretty please?

Oh, and just for the record, I'm as ugly as sin inside and out, but that's okay, I've learned to deal.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:29 / 14.04.03
Crimes- Please read the 'gay' thread in the Headshop and then you can sit yourself down with toksik in the "but it's not fair that people get offended if I call them gay, because I'm using it to denote something that's bad, but not necessarily homosexual and bad" corner.
12:30 / 14.04.03
Hey I said 'frooty' - like the cereal

And I never said that about Christians - Theyre tight like cleched fists and spin like tops - gotta love em.
12:33 / 14.04.03
wtf I used the term 'fagalicious' like 'fagulous' - where the fuck are you getting the 'hate crime-Crimes' tude from?
12:50 / 14.04.03
I think the lesson to be learned here is that using certain terms, although well and good and groovyn in context, is going to lead to more time being spent discussing choice of words than discussing the actual thing being raised. That's an unfortunate consequence of the medium, and it doesn't matter if you're the gayest man in the history of Gaydonia. So, in general, such terms shoudl probably be avoided. In the same way, if you can't disagree with somebody without calling them ugly (something else it is very hard to prove one way or another on a tex-based bulletin board), you might want to avoid the Head Shop, because you will find it very frustrating.

Anyone get the feeling we're heading towards innercritical mass here?
13:14 / 14.04.03
oops... does that mean I should go moderate my recent post in creation?

This Idea that words can be offensive to some without the speaker/author realising is one that I've been slapped with before: Ask Runce about m***tered!

Put it this way: in England I can go out at night and smoke fags without charges being pressed. [looks for "tongue in cheek" emoticon].

pissed as angry? pissed as drunk? it's almost a case of the Babel.

... as for the "I C you baby", wasn't that "many in one" rather than "one in many"?
Jack Fear
13:22 / 14.04.03
Is it "bullying" to ask you to express yourself clearly, with some context around your ideas and with a minimum of swagger?
13:54 / 14.04.03
lol This is the most fun I’ve had on this board since I signed up.

"Fuck whatever you do don't sully the Head Shop - got to be nice an spiff and post and be and do just like everyone else... unless your talking about looks" - Its a chatroom! get over it. Why do they have to end up being support groups for kids who didn't get picked for dodgeball.

And looks are everything - what you own - what you do - it's the world - it's unfortunate there aren’t visual profiles so we could cut the foreplay and sort the house bounds from the humans.

And I never said I was gay, I asked if it was necessary to back all statements by a run down of my sexual practices, let alone the gayest man in the history of Gaydonia' I find that really insulting - I said fagalicious as a term of camp endearment like unto Oscar Wilde, what you said is just not cool at all.

Lets kiss and make up and move on - I think it's more then apparent this has been ridiculously blown out of proportion - admittedly to some fun (Ganesh is the coolest girl in town) - but it's time to talk about something else cause guess what - my fagulous post has been removed - or pending - so the Head shop is now clean again.

The C in c-theory you doesn’t imply say, fringe Ebonics or pop television, it's more for conformist, huh?

I know I know It's your party and you'll cry if you want to.

Knock yourselves out.
14:05 / 14.04.03
Excellent. Everybody... sssshhhhh now.
Tryphena Absent
14:24 / 14.04.03
You think this thread is aggressive? It seems quite constructive to me, no one's flamed you and everyone's explained their objections.

Technically this isn't a chatroom but a message board and I never got picked in sports lessons and maybe I need a support group. As for your feelings about Head Shop... leave the theory bitches alone, they need a space just like everyone else, just because your idea was far too long and no one could be arsed to read it you needn't get defensive.

It's unfortunate there aren’t visual profiles so we could cut the foreplay and sort the house bounds from the humans.

And that's just really fucking rude darling- I think you've proved that you deserve the textual shit being thrown at you. Apart from all that you might be Okay, you do seem to have a small thing for shoes.
14:34 / 14.04.03
Why do they have to end up being support groups for kids who didn't get picked for dodgeball

I thought that was the point of barbelith. Though I don't have a clue what dodgeball is.
14:40 / 14.04.03
American name for hot rice. Crimes of Fashion is suggesting that we are all ugly nerds who never leave the house and are shit at games.

What that makes someone desperately seeking the approval of the previously mentioned losers, I have no idea. Not terribly coherent, I suppose.
Jack Fear
14:44 / 14.04.03
He's trying to free us, Haus. Because, you know, structure, coherence, logic, taste and clarity—those are tools of The Man, and the chaotes and da kidz have no use for such petty, bourgeois things.

14:51 / 14.04.03
Haus - Don't flatter yourself I post here for my own amusmement - And I wouldnt say ALL of Barbelith are ugly nerds - Theres some lovely people attached to the 'messege board' try and follow their example and maybe someday youll surpass your physical shortcommings.
14:52 / 14.04.03
I'm an ugly nerd who never leaves the house and never got picked at games, and I *loved* the expression 'the gayest man in the history of Gaydonia'.
I also love the hacker manifesto (anyone heard of the virtual adepts? "the information wants to be free" made me laugh especially hard) bless 'em. If I wasn't shit at IT (an ITheist as I like to say) I'd be a hackerr too. I hack Luddism.
Aggressive threads have a place too, as soon as I post 'The Arena'
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:56 / 14.04.03
Crimes of Fashion (Ganesh is the coolest girl in town) With this and his consistent braying about us being such meanies for complaining about the way he casually uses homophobic insults, has inner_circle returned to post our thoughts to other boards again?
14:59 / 14.04.03
Got to love it.

"Hey, you're bullying me! Yes you are! You're picking on me! You big bully!"

In the same breath

"You're really fat! And ugly! And crap at sport! Ner-ner!"

I think C_o_F is probably too dim to be a hypocrite per se, which is at least reassuring. However, we could now all post pictures of Brad Pitt and say, "This is how good *I* look, and furthermore I have a black belt in ninjing. What about you, uglypuss?" Because, you see, it's the Internet. It's very easy to claim to be better looking or indeed better at sport than you actually are. I was discussing this with Cameron (not Stewart) only the other week when we were doing the Armani shoot before that five-a-side with David Beckham.

What is far more difficult to falsify, as is becoming increasing clear, is coherence or self-awareness.

Why is it that the dim ones always assume that after a week we'll be desperate to know who they think is "in" on Barbelith? It happens every time...
busy licking richard nixon
15:00 / 14.04.03
Sorting the house bound from the humans - this site should evolve into a 'post-yourself-nude' affair. Pointing at people with out-sized aureoles seems more intellectual than "fuck, you used a dirty word" dribbles
15:03 / 14.04.03
Hey! I am the coolest girl in town!
busy licking richard nixon
15:04 / 14.04.03
And I'd just like to point out that I'm the bestest hockey player this side of Sergei Federov's CLICK HERE FOR TINY Little Mosquito Bite Size TITTIES!!!!!!
15:05 / 14.04.03
How about we just head on over to the Nonuglies??
15:09 / 14.04.03
Our Lady Of Guadalupe (Flowers Division)- what I need you to do is come up to speed and read the words I actualy used because your drone of 'homophobic insult' betrays your spite at my housebound comment.
Really - You too can evolve beyond mere physical beuaty all the way down the street to a gym and rectify the problem - Or not, feeling sorry for yourself is so much easier.

Haus -

I thought we could maybe hold name cards so you couldnt pull your normal 'this is a picture of me' scam.

The word bully just sounded funky at the time and I didn't want to rush in with 'ugly little garden gnome' just yet.
15:13 / 14.04.03
You'd pay someone vaguely presentable to hold the namecard for you, ugster.

I don't think it is innercircle, Flowersy - different flavour of self-absorption. More likely some Livejournal chum of one of our more excitable young team brethren. Will probably calm down over time, or get distracted by something bright and shiny on another board.
15:15 / 14.04.03
Fuck - Im vain enough to send video footage fatster.

You dont have to fear Id be as pathetic as yourself.

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