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Whoever it was that said that the barbelith could use some speed injected into the pacing....


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Tryphena Absent
14:32 / 15.04.03
This is really, I mean really, lovely stuff. It warms my heart to see such compassion: people are simply delightful. And so patient...
Yup, there's not much eagerness for conflict 'round these parts.

Cheer up 6opo6- you're all symmetrical, join in the high times and don't call me fat. (I'm trying to fill in the chip on my shoulder but it's just too big!)
Rev. Orr
15:41 / 15.04.03
You're lucky - I've got a bloody chip shop on mine.
16:03 / 15.04.03
But surely, with suitable bracing, that would be very handy. Does it have any pickled eggs?
16:09 / 15.04.03
It must have. Or it's not a chip shop at all, just a purveyor of freedom fries and Ginsters pasties.
The Falcon
16:38 / 15.04.03
This self-congratulatory wankfest is tedious in the extreme. Thanks all for chasing away another new member of the board by insinuating they're stupid (N.B. just 'cos you say it's so, doesn't mean it is.) I consider several criticisms made here perfectly valid, but, hey, it's okay and funny one way but not the other; right? And the reference to ic was horseshit and unnecessary. Yeah, lets keep Barbelith a clique, great idea...

"Look, da', I'm going against the hegemony!"

In the FAQ can you please put this entry, from me: Do NOT, under any circumstances, use words that can be perceived as homophobic. The response will be a strange combination of irritating and dull.
Kit-Cat Club
17:42 / 15.04.03
Funny thing, isn't it. I'd actually be inclined to say that Crimes was trying to provoke this sort of thing - this thread was started to draw attention to another thread of flames, with the apparent intent of giving Barbelith a kick up the arse (see thread title). Guaranteed to piss people off; and no surprise that people did then get pissed off and bitchslapping ensued. I think it's probably reasonable to call it provocative. A shame, because some of the threads the Crimes suit posted were interesting. Next time perhaps we should try killing with kindness rather than an all-out slapfest.
Tryphena Absent
17:50 / 15.04.03
Well Duncan I don't see why we should welcome people with open arms all the time. We were accused of being cliquey (and we are but not overly so) and same old but when C_o_F was accused of behaving like any other person who comes on to a board all troll-like and follows a pattern the reaction was pretty damn aggressive. An attempt to back out admittedly took place but prior to this point it was all quite comfortable. Then some offence was taken.

Who takes kindly to physical and personal accusations? No, I think I'm glad about this one. Barbelith's got quite a few new members, or people posing as new members- you never know- at the moment so I don't think there's really all that much to worry about.

Why don't you put that entry in the FAQ, I thought it was a wiki??
18:23 / 15.04.03
It is. Those who complain most bitterly about Barbelith tend to be the ones least likely to have taken the time to look at the FAQ.

I tyhink crimes was indeed looking for a scrap, and it's not really anybody's fault that he chose the singularly hopeless "yeah, well you're really fat, and I'm not, so there" line on a group of people he had never met.

So, Duncan, leaving aside what I had hoped was your dormant obsession with armies of PC matelots sneaking in through your window and rubbing your balls with wallpaper paste as you sleep, damn it, which points did you feel were valid? That people who disagreee with him are fat ugly nerds? That we don't see enough tigers? That we don't have girlfriends? That it's dangerous to assume that people have any interest in what other people are saying when we should in fact be "posting for our own amusement"? Really, I just don't see a point where you could pick the bones of a valid argument or a valid complaint out of that.

All over the balls, darn it. And the upper thigh....area.
20:06 / 15.04.03
*peers over t1tz at 'Troll Cycle' diagram mounted on clipboard*

Duncan Falconer... check

"Clique"... check

"Look at ourselves"...
05:09 / 16.04.03
But it is a little tedious.

Maybe just as an experiment we/you could try something different next time a situation like this arises? If it doesn't work, I'll give you all my address and phone number so everyone can tell me "I told you so"

If they're looking for a scrap, why give them one?
05:28 / 16.04.03
hmmm... I know a coupla members who (conversely) find Barbelith too tolerant and have ceased posting.

Can't win.

I think Ganesh summed it up. I do look at myself, my posts, the way I have responded to the poster in question...

But, dissing Anna?.

Fight fire with fire or "be like water"?
05:38 / 16.04.03
... and all the chin-ups and dips in the world isn't gonna do jack for "internal ugly".
Our Lady of The Two Towers
06:05 / 16.04.03
I'm a bit disappointed that Duncan and rake didn't notice I was trying to be good. CoF turned up and I mostly ignored him, thinking him to be a bit of an arse. Several PMs conformed that indeed he was, but that with a bit of effort and encouragement would turn him away from the darkside. How was I to know that he was really Anakin Skywalker with the self-control of Cartman?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:39 / 16.04.03
Your strict bullshit about everyone having to climb your intellectual Ivory tower to earn the right to speak

How about this as one point. Lets be fair, there is some elitism here, We do chase off newbies but only if they dare enter Headshop. Perhaps we should make conversation visibly more noticable so that newbies will go there before trying their hand in the 'shop.
Cherry Bomb
07:49 / 16.04.03
I just think, which of these things has been done more often:

a): someone using potentially offensive language and shouting "Hey ma-an, I'm a non-comformist!" when someone asks him to cut it out

b): the ubiquitous shouting match and "Freedom of speech vs. But it's Offensive"/"First they came for The Knowledge" discussion that follows

c): said newbie/troll/user of offensive language who feels his rights have been violated because someone called it into question leaving the board crying something like "corrosion of conformity"

d): The is "Barbelith Elitist"/"Who is Barberoyalty?" discussion that follows

e): "Is Barbelith Dying"?


f): Some BarbeVeteran/BarbeRoyal yawning and saying "We've been here before"

>>Yawn<< We've been here before.
08:20 / 16.04.03
Where Lupus' contention errs slightly is that the Head Shop is not in any meaningful sense elititist. What it is is exclusive, in the sense that it excludes, or attempts to, offtopic rambling, lengthy threadrotting flamewars and a number of other elements common to bulletin boards. It's like a bar that doesn't allow children so that the patrons do not have to deal with wailing and crying- a bit hard on the children, but with a purpose.

In doing so it is following what I understand is the mandate of the board and its creator on how fora in the Revolution shoudl be administrtaed. Anybody with some awareness of their environment should probably be able to understand that, or at least acclimate to it without deciding to devote their lives to complaining about how they have been boo-hoo-bullied from then on. Lupus and Duncan appear to have decided that complaining that they do not fit in to the Head Shop is more important than changing either their approach or the Head Shop, but that's entirely their decision, tedious though it must be for them and us.

Quantum, for example, seems to have popped up as a newbie and done perfectly well in the Head Shop; likewise Orr, el Zilcho and indeed most of the people who can currently be found in it. Now, personally I think that restricting people from entering the Head Shop until they have been on Barbelith for a while smacks of newbism, but I do tend to overestimate massively the maturity and ability to cope with criticism of their ideas of some barbeloids, which is one reason why I now have people like Lupus and Duncan hanging off my voluminous skirts when they could be contributing value elsewhere. It's regrettable but by no means the fault of the Head shop in itself. People who struggle to deal with argument frequently settle on abuse. We. Get. It. That's the lesson of this entire thread.

The other funny thing about this thread is, of course, that a bit of close reading shows that Duncan and I are agreeing with each other. I moved to have the hacker thread deleted in part because the word "fagalicious" in the title added nothing to the thread and was likely to rot it with people talking about why CoF had decided to throw it in, and, since his opening post was one long cut and paste, it would not have taken much time to make a new thread without the distraction. Of course, it was not this that set CoF off, but rather that anyone dared to disagree with him about...was it redemption? And that he was being "bullied". I would invite any of our brethren to have a look at the thread in question and see if the facts bear out the need to start a new thread in the Conversation. You may also marvel at the swift transition from "I was being like Oscar Wilde" and "You're all fat!", which is rather lovely in itself.

As it happens, of course, the delete suggestion appears not to have gone through. This is the joy of distributed moderation - in this caase, it looks like I was out of line with the prevailing thinking, which is why a more serious suggestion like a delete order needs more agreement than moving a thread. Instead, the thread has been left to die through a general lack of interest. Why not have a look at the FAQ on how moderation works? I doubt that it will put your conspiracy theories about board dictators to bed, but it might at least challenge them to become a little more realistic...

Since the aforementioned irony has sailed over the head of, it is unlikely that this response is going to get a detailed enough reading actually to be criticised coherently, so I expect that this post will garner responses from the affronted at best tangential and at worst utterly unrelated to the actual words contained therein, but as has been mentioned before this thread, sometimes audience is more important than interlocutor.
Cherry Bomb
09:06 / 16.04.03
I don't understand why it didn't go through. I seconded your suggestion.
09:15 / 16.04.03
I think thread deletion requires three votes, because it's a major moderation action, rather than moving the thread to another forum which would only require one vote in agreement.
09:29 / 16.04.03
Erm, can I just say that I have been folllowing many of the threads in The Headshop, and I quite agree with Haus. As a relative newbie, the reason I haven't posted there yet is precisely because I am trying to get my 'head' round it's rules and etiquette. I've had lots of opinions on lots of the topics, but until I feel confident within myself that what I have to say is a/on topic and b/ reasoned and well thought through, I shan't be posting.

I think (for anyone) it takes a little while to get a feel for things like The Headshop, and I really think it would be wrong to go flailing in, spouting my mouth off about what *I* think, without understanding the purposes of the forum a little bit. Some people (Quantum et al) have an inate ability to do this instantly, but I don't think most of us do. Hence the watching, waiting and learning technique I have employed.

I'm not sure newbism *is* such a bad idea in that kind of context - don't you think perhaps if there were restrictions on who could post there, at least big flaming rows like this wouldn't happen, C-o-F would not have left the board, and all the people who feel he's been chased off now, wouldn't be fretting?
Cherry Bomb
09:33 / 16.04.03
Heh. Heck, oulabelle, I'm a moderator in the Headshop and I barely post there for the very same reason!
09:50 / 16.04.03
Fact is, the Headshop attracts philosophers and postmodernists etc. (as explicit in the forum synopsis thingy) so the standards are more rigorous. These abilities aren't innate (although I'm v. flattered- shucks you guys!) but are developed through extensive practice arguing with people. IMO any valid view that's been thought about would be welcome in the Headshop, what isn't is off the cuff,ill-considered tat.
The most reliable markers I've found to judge the 'reasonableness' of a person is 1) whether they can seperate arguer and argument (can you say to them 'I disagree, I think you're argument is wrong' without them hearing 'you're stupid and I hate you' and 2) their ability to read and understand what is posted.
I think anyone who pays attention and thinks about things, and has a level of emotional maturity, should be welcome in the headshop, irrespective of how long they've been on the board.
Char Aina
15:46 / 16.04.03
Crimes- Please read the 'gay' thread in the Headshop and then you can sit yourself down with toksik in the "but it's not fair that people get offended if I call them gay, because I'm using it to denote something that's bad, but not necessarily homosexual and bad" corner.

i called a shirt gay.
not a person.

i bet all your shirts are actually too repressed to let on their inner gayness to you. talk to them, you might discover a whole world of experience you have in common, or perhaps learn about worlds otherwise closed to you.

maybe for the uptight (my value judgement, obviously) we could have a SPOILERS style warning at the top of posts...
15:51 / 16.04.03
... the issue, Toksik, being your use of 'gay' to mean 'pathetic' - which merited further dissection, IMHO. To do otherwise would've been unforgivably niggardly...
15:52 / 16.04.03
What, all three of them?

Behind your shirt is a secret beard. A secret gay beard that is all hot. A hot gay beard, with a secret face in the centre of the beard, a face flushed with the gay hotness of the secret beard, each one of the follicles of which is wrapped in a secret gay shirt.
Char Aina
15:57 / 16.04.03
Why is it that the dim ones always assume that after a week we'll be desperate to know who they think is "in" on Barbelith? It happens every time...

i havent seen that happen...

who IS in, though?
Char Aina
16:13 / 16.04.03
Do all of the newbie trolls get the personal messages from other members of the board describing what a 'special' guy you are, Haus?

i know i did.
16:21 / 16.04.03
I'm in a pair of comfortable shoes.

Does that count?
Char Aina
16:39 / 16.04.03
... the issue, Toksik, being your use of 'gay' to mean 'pathetic' - which merited further dissection, IMHO. To do otherwise would've been unforgivably niggardly...

now listen here, missy...

i never used it to denote pathetic.
what was mised was that i was saying that the shirt(here we fukn go) was gay. as in it was stereotypical(to me) of gay style and fashion.(yes, i realise that there are many gay people with varied tastes, but in a similar way that many male kids tv presenters look gay, so did this shirt)

i then added 'badly', psooibly a bad choice of word, but more because it is not very imaginitive and for that reason i hate having to refer to it.

by badly i was saying that i thought said garment transcended simple gayness, and had attained a state where its very essence(its gayness) was becoming an overstated cliche of itself.

not very witty, not very perspicacious, perhaps.


i still think not.

what happened to make everyone think i was was probably the 'spiky' response i had for anyone who assumed i was posting evil before asking.

the spoilers i would put at the top would probably need to come in three flavours; one for imagined sexism, one for the homophobia police(organised along similar lines to the PC police, natch), and one for anyone playing the race card.

possibly one that warns of bad spelling and typos too?
16:51 / 16.04.03
"Homophobic"? I don't think that particular word appears in my post.

If we're to conduct a post-post-mortem on GayShirtGate (and your subsequent excoriation at the hands of the PC Police), perhaps we ought to do so in one or other of the threads already devoted to this?
Char Aina
16:54 / 16.04.03
sorry, yeah.
i assumed that with the closeness of your position to those who threw that mud that you were also dirty of paw.

i was wary of rotting this thread, but this thread really wasn't that fresh to start with.
16:59 / 16.04.03
Nah, Haus is my right hemisphere...
Mourne Kransky
17:28 / 16.04.03
You mean he's your better half?

And as for "Who's in?", toksik, you know you're in there with a bullet, so no false modesty please. We like spiky Glaswegians who rebel against orthographic conformity and challenge the Barbestablishment (who live lives of exhausting tedium, ever polishing the buttons on their Nazi snobtroll uniforms, all in the same vaulted and chandeliered Kensington drawing room, with a shrine to Haus in the corner and an ass-candle perpetually aflame below).

People need a robust ego and the ability to take a deep breath before riposte here but sometimes, being fallible humans, we get pissed off and snarl. It's still a more intelligent and enjoyable bbs than any other I've discovered. We just love to argue. If it weren't for the Lith we'd all be locked away in our bathrooms, screaming abuse into the mirror.

Char Aina
18:06 / 16.04.03
is it now that i make the 'immigrant baby raping' jokes?
Mourne Kransky
18:11 / 16.04.03
Now don't get cocky. Well, any cockier...
19:48 / 16.04.03
we could have a SPOILERS style warning at the top of posts...

We do.

We call it a SuitName

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