Blimey, this is exciting! Except that whether we kill a mafioso tonight or not, either myself or K9 are likely to cark it in the revenge hit, simply because we are certified trustworthy and thus can't be mafia playing headgames with the innocent villagers.
Or then again the mafia might choose to off one of the others who has come too close to guessing their identity - I suppose it all depends on how on the money any of us are. Or they might try to off someone other than me and BioK9 in hopes of getting a detective ...
Now, let me think out loud a la Don grant about this:
There are 8 people left:
2 confimed villagers - me and BioK9
3 mafiosi - my votes are for Sax (maybe) and grant and ... hmm
3 villagers - all the rest
So the unknown quantities as far as I'm concerned have boiled down to only four villagers:
Let's make some cases for our third(?) mafioso.
Why is grant so sure that Lionheart isn't mafia? Unless he's mafia himself and so is Lionheart, and they are protecting each other ... which would also explain why Lionheart voted against Sax, thus making it (so far) a neck and neck race to death! (drumroll please) I reckon old Lionheart is pretty suss.
She *could* be playing an incredibly deep game, a Mafiosa risking sticking her head about the parapet and being suspected as Mafia in order to mislead us ... but then again she wants to kill grant and that is a good thing. Unless she, Sax and grant are the three and realise that in order to avoid being killed themselves (as we are closing in on them) they might have to sacrifice each other. Turning on their own like rats in a cage ... er, sorry, where was I? Yes, I think Persephone it either a brilliant actress or genuinely a villager.
Who? What? Where? Is he still even playing? The last thing he said was to accuse dear departed Qalyn of being mafia, and that was on, like page 4. They do say it's always the quiet ones (grant), and if I were mafia I'd lie lower than a snake's belly (that's another point in favour of Persephone, I think - she's been outspoken from the start). I think Duncan *might* be a "sleeper" mafioso. But would grant then, in passing, cast suspicion on him?
I think he's a good mafia prospect,actually. He accused Persephone, who I'm pretty sure isn't mafia, and seemed strangely unwilling to accept the Truth from dead Qalyn's lips - only a mafioso could have any motive to sow distrust and suspicion among the villagers.
Do you know, in the course of this I've managede to pretty much convince myself that Sax is (as he implies) the second detective and that the three Mafia are grant, Lionheart and Paleface.
It's such a gamble though ... Sax and Persephone could both be Mafia protecting each other ... (Sax claims to know that Persephone is innocent, Persephone subsequently votes for grant). The point is, we HAVE to trust someone (apart from me and K9 cos I'm not a detective and I don't think he is either) ... and I think the only way to do that is to kill either Sax or grant (yes all right, I know this is pretty much a fait accompli). Either way we will know which way the wind is blowing and who not to trust. I think that one of them is *definitely* mafia and possibly both are, but because there's just a possibility that Sax is a detective,
I accuse grant.
If grant is innocent, Sax is Mafia and MUST be killed tomorrow, even and especially if k9 or myself die tonight. We will be casting our votes in spirit.
Whisky brane hurt. Off to lie down. |