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Mafia - Game Thread


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13:36 / 10.01.03
I have an inkling that Persephone's instincts are good. But I don't think she's mafia. Go figure.
The Falcon
13:42 / 10.01.03
Qalyn's on the double-bluff.

And even if he ain't, he's village idiot. Who's gonna miss him?
Ethan Hawke
13:57 / 10.01.03
Is that an official vote, Duncan?
Everyone, please make sure in the future when you're voting, that your vote is crystal clear. No hanging chads, no double marks, etc.
8===>Q: alyn
14:51 / 10.01.03
Pff. Village idiot indeed. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

It's like this: A guy stands up and says, "I'm #1 detective. We have two dead/not-mafia, two detectives/not-mafia, and two suspects confirmed mafia/not-mafia. That leaves six suspects; contact me and we'll pool our info. Tomorrow I'll be dead plus one other, and we will have two more confirmed mafia/not mafia. Assuming we have no confirmed mafia*, that leaves you with 4 unknowns among eight players, three of whom are guilty. Using your confirmed players as a voting block, you can win."

Now clearly, if not for this sentence which will muddy it up, this guy must be mafia trying to flush out both detectives.

What I expect now is either to be ignored, since nothing that is said in this thread is really worth anything, or to receive 2 PMs, one from the detective & one from the mob. I can handle that, but if I receive more than 2 PMs, or the lynch vote looks like it's going against me, I'm going to go public with what I know. If you decide collectively to lynch me in order to get at my information, please do it slowly, so I have time to go public before I die. I think we should hold off the formal voting till Sunday night/Monday morning.

There are, I think, exactly two angles on this scenario that you'll have to work out on your own, because if I explain them it nullifies all the above. For now, though, Persephone's campaign against bio K9 is not convincing. Examine it closely, villagers. You, too, detective(s).

*Paradoxically, this works best if we begin in a state of ignorance, with all our guesses confirmed "not-mafia". The more mafia we know now the fewer we can eliminate later -- you will have 2 or 1 among 5 unknowns. Unless between us we have correctly guessed all 3, which seems unlikely. Unless my math is wrong. Sometimes I lose track of variables.

**You villagers might think it wise to lynch me tonight and you'd have a point, except that I won't get a chance to make my second guess and the above scenario is blown. The remaining detective, if I am in fact a detective, will have one more variable to deal with. Also, the mafia will get a twofer -- you'll eliminate me and they'll get one of you... so maybe you shouldn't. Suffer me to live tonight, and you just might get out of this alive. Up to you if you like the odds.
The Falcon
14:52 / 10.01.03

Qalyn must go. Oh, lord, yes, he must.
8===>Q: alyn
15:12 / 10.01.03
Tell you what, villagers, lynch me "tomorrow". Lynch someone else tonight (or at least hold off your lynching vote until the very last moment). I recommend Jade, who I am pretty sure is not-mafia (remember, the more mafia the surviving detective has in hir pool of variables, the less likely ze is to wrongfully accuse one of you). If the mafia kills me tonight, which they most likely will (but if they do, they'll lose the game), then you won't have me to worry about any more. If not, you can get me "tommorrow" (that is, next week).

Actually, I'm not sure what I'll do if I survive the night. I'll have to check me diagram.

And Duncan... be careful.
bio k9
15:35 / 10.01.03
Bio K9 returns home from a hard nights work at the pudding factory and changes into his All Dogs Go To Heaven t-shirt wondering if this is indeed, the end...
The Falcon
15:47 / 10.01.03
Are you threatening me, Mafia-boy?

Oh, shit.
8===>Q: alyn
16:22 / 10.01.03
Not at all, Duncan. I'm saying that if I'm lynched then certain immutable facts will come to light and those who called for my lynching--especially the first ones--will be suspect. It's too late, though, you've voted. Probably your best hope is if no one follows your lead.

Villagers, we shouldn't be trying to figure out who is mafia, we should be trying to figure out who is not. The mafia's going to want to silence me & the only way they can be sure I won't broadcast what information I have, or deliver it secretly to the other detective who I may or may not be in contact with, is to get you to kill me before I get it. I can't say for sure that anyone who votes against me is mafia, but at least one of them is likely to be.

Now... if I do not die tonight, I may be mafia or I may not be. At this point it's hard to say... if they do kill me they'll have those immutable facts to worry about, which will tend to bear out my story, but if they don't the odds are I'll get them.

If I survive and one of my accusers doesn't...
Ethan Hawke
10:23 / 13.01.03 votes over the weekend...
11:30 / 13.01.03
What time is voting up?

I don't want to go first.
Ethan Hawke
11:45 / 13.01.03
Voting so far-

Jupiter Jade accused Biok9
Duncan accused Qalyn

No one else has voted. My original deadline was 14:00 B-time today, but since that's in 10 minutes, and it's doubtful the rest of the people will vote in that time, I'll extend the run until 20:00 B-time. Hopefully, everyone will vote by then.
8===>Q: alyn
12:35 / 13.01.03
I accuse Jupiter Jade
12:36 / 13.01.03
All right, fi-iiine.

My certainty about bio K9 has gone down over the weekend from 100% to about 50%. I hadn't thought before that someone might sign up a faux-Persephone ficsuit to terrorize the other villagers with. Which in my opinion isn't necessarily out of the pale for this game, this being one of the feints that Barbelith uniquely offers this game. However, the Mayor has frowned upon this. But too late for me, the suggestion has been planted and taken root in my poor brain.

I won't go into all the possibilities that I've considered. I was going over all the possibilities this weekend out loud and Husb interrupted, "I'm trying to think of the name of the character that Wallace Shawn played in The Princess Bride, because that's what you're doing right now."

P, after a pause: Just kill bio K9?
Husb: Just kill bio K9.

I'm really sorry, bK. My head's perfectly fucked in and I don't know what to do. Maybe if --addressing the populace-- maybe if you know that you are a villager, maybe you shouldn't vote against bio K9. Only the Mafia know if bK's innocent or guilty. Maybe it will say something about the ones who vote against him, if he turns up innocent.
Ethan Hawke
12:40 / 13.01.03
Vizzini. His name was Vizzini.
The Strobe
12:48 / 13.01.03
I'm going to accuse Persephone. Whilst she appears to be thinking on the matter very lucidly, as of course we all are... she's doing a little too much thinking out loud for my liking. Very convincing thoughtpatterns, I must say, too; I think people might be a little to easily... swung by them.
8===>Q: alyn
12:48 / 13.01.03
Bio K9 is not mafia, and voting for him now will hurt your chances later on -- you increase the risk, should you live so long, of being falsely accused yourself. The only people with a good reason to vote against him (or me) are the mafia.
8===>Q: alyn
12:57 / 13.01.03
Paleface, why would the mafia make as much noise as Persephone has? I'm not saying you're wrong, though I wish a couple of people would get behind me on this Jupiter Jade thing, it's only that I don't understand your logic. Or maybe it's instinct. Or maybe it's a frame-up.
14:00 / 13.01.03
Paleface. Sorry.
14:02 / 13.01.03
And I get the feeling Qalyn wants us to think he's a detective. But... he reckons he knows that BioK9 is definitely NOT mafia, but Jade IS. However, as only one night has passed (I know, I know, it feels like a week), he can only have asked one question of the Mayor (That's right, isn't it?) so he can only know ONE of those for sure.
14:04 / 13.01.03
Oh, re-reading the thread I see Qalyn has come out as a sleuth... is that legal?
Ethan Hawke
14:05 / 13.01.03
Yeah, detectives can only ask one question per night. Well, they can ask more than one, but they only get one answer.
Ethan Hawke
14:17 / 13.01.03
It's certainly legal for anyone (villager, mafia, or real detective) to claim to be a Detective in public or private conversation. However, the player's status will only be verified as true by me once the game is over, or when they are killed (by the mafia or the village).
8===>Q: alyn
14:26 / 13.01.03
Sax, I'm pretty sure Jade is not mafia, though I'm not positive. It'll screw up my strategy if he is. At risk of repeating myself, because I realize I've been talking a lot of shit in this thread and maybe it's a tad annoying (but really, what other reason could I have to do so?), I'll restate my thesis.

Two Toddsylvanians are dead/not-mafia -- that's Tez and Stoatie. Two are detectives/not-mafia -- that's me and one other. I know of one not-mafia and there is another known quantity. That's a total of six known entities. Tonight there will be four more known entities -- the lynched, the murdered, and the two people we detectives query about tonight. That's ten known entities plus two who can probably be known by elimination. There will probably be some overlap, such as if the mafia kills me tonight, but we can reduce it through reasonable application of our limited powers. Ideally, we want to leave the hidden detective with as large a pool of confirmed not-mafia as possible. For this reason we should lynch Jupiter Jade, who I do not believe is mafia, tonight.

If he is mafia, well, fuck it.

(Please note, the mafia may well not kill me tonight, as doing so would tend to confirm everything I've said. If not, then you villagers must lynch me tomorrow. My certainty that I will be dead soon should act as a strong indication, if not proof, that I'm telling the truth.)
14:37 / 13.01.03
I don't think you should lynch me. Because, like, it's gonna hurt. And I'm innocent. I might enjoy seeing a bonfire a little bit too much, that's all...
8===>Q: alyn
14:43 / 13.01.03
Jade, I'm not asking you to suffer anything I won't suffer myself. It's for the greater good: Justice.
8===>Q: alyn
14:45 / 13.01.03
Qalyn has come out as a sleuth... is that legal?

As far as I can tell, it's the only way to 'win' the game -- that is, the only way to identify the mafia before all the villagers are dead. So it must be legal.
15:32 / 13.01.03
On the other hand, you could well be mafia.

I wonder... if Jade was to survive the lynching, would he make it through the night? Hmmm.

How's this for cold-blooded: I don't have the time to write all the figures out at work (here at Pudding Maker's Digest), so I'll take this at face value...

J'accuse Jupiter Jade, because God has mercy on innocent souls.
15:53 / 13.01.03
I knew it! People, grant is Mafia! Notice how he barely posts? To avoid drawing attention! Evil overlord, that's what he is! If I die, grant, I swear upon your soo-to-be-dyed-green-beard that I'll come back to haunt your leg! And, really, *nobody* would want that.
16:07 / 13.01.03
Is that an official accusation??
Ethan Hawke
16:13 / 13.01.03
Nah, he already accused biok9. he can't change his vote now.

Recap, in order of posting:

Jupiter Jade - accused bioK9
Duncan Falconer- accused Qalyn
Qalyn - accused Jupiter Jade
Persephone - accused Biok9
Paleface - accused Persephone
Sax - accused Paleface
Grant -accused Jupiter Jade

3 players left to vote.
Whisky Priestess
16:26 / 13.01.03
This is all wery confusing - I'm beginning to see how this game can become a bit of an addictive headfuck.
Ethan Hawke
16:36 / 13.01.03
I just hope everyone sticks around til the end, and then looks back at what happened....

And you need to vote, Ms. Priestess!
bio k9
17:27 / 13.01.03
Sorry, been a bit busy this weekend.

Well, since Jade and I are tied...and in the interest of my own well being...I'm not convinced Jade is mafia and I already voted to kill an innocent villager to save my own hide last time.

But he did accuse me...

Ah but then there is Persephone...when you send someone a PM the board allows you to respond to the sender. And it wasn't a different suit. I checked. I must admit, your charade has me baffled but its now a three way tie as I say we lynch Persephone.
18:14 / 13.01.03

Oh my God, you ARE Mafia. And no one will believe me... somebody please, please help me kill bio K9 please!!!

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