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Mafia - Game Thread


Page: 12345(6)789

Ethan Hawke
18:16 / 13.01.03
Two voters remain, Whisky Priestess and Lionheart -

Jupiter Jade - accused bioK9
Duncan Falconer- accused Qalyn
Qalyn - accused Jupiter Jade
Persephone - accused Biok9
Paleface - accused Persephone
Sax - accused Paleface
Grant -accused Jupiter Jade
bio K9 - accused Persephone

It's a three-way tie right now...
8===>Q: alyn
18:24 / 13.01.03
sigh... bio K9 is innocent of all but malice. Whiskey, Lionheart: kill Jade.
18:31 / 13.01.03
Bio K9 is lying, lying, lying!!! And that means Qalyn is lying too. We can beat them, villagers. Unless Whiskey or Lionheart are wolves, in which case we're screwed beyond hope... but please be villagers, and please both of you vote against bio K9. Next round we will kill Qalyn, we can win this infernal game that I'm never playing again...

...I think I'm going to faint.
8===>Q: alyn
18:34 / 13.01.03
Persephone's either lying or hysterical. My life is already forfeit, since either the mafia will kill me tonight or the other mob will kill me tomorrow. You'll find out that I'm not lying when I say Bio K9 is innocent; lynch Jupiter Jade.
bio k9
21:00 / 13.01.03
Bio K9 is lying, lying, lying!!! And that means Qalyn is lying too.

Just for the record, I'm not convinced of anything Qalyn has said. Except that I'm innocent.
Whisky Priestess
22:10 / 13.01.03
I want to see the K9-Persephone face-off last a little longer - so
I accuse Jupiter Jade.

heh heh heh ...

Not that I'm really evil. Or Mafia.
22:49 / 13.01.03
I'll accuse Jupiter Jade. Cause i've bben away for the weekend and haven't really been thinking bout who's mafia. So I'm voting with the majority.
Ethan Hawke
23:07 / 13.01.03
The final vote tally:

Jupiter Jade - accused bioK9
Duncan Falconer- accused Qalyn
Qalyn - accused Jupiter Jade
Persephone - accused Biok9
Paleface - accused Persephone
Sax - accused Paleface
Grant -accused Jupiter Jade
bio K9 - accused Persephone
Whisky Priestess - accused Jupiter Jade
Lionheart - accused Jupiter Jade

"So be it," says Mayor Todd, "the mob - excuse me, the village, not the mob; we wouldn't want anyone mistaking our righteous and holy deeds for the work of the degenerate mafia- has spoke."

Jupiter Jade's eyes widen in fear. "Tezcatlipoquette, help me, please!" he cries, as he's taken hold of by the strong arms of Qalyn and Whisky Priestess. The Tezcatlipoquette just smiles her mysterious smile and grip's Sax's arm tightly. Lionheart binds Jade to the pole, while grant kindles the fire...


After the horrific business is done, a grim Mayor Todd leads the mob - excuse me, the villagers, to Jade's house. A thorough investigation leaves no doubt - Jade was NOT in the Mafia.

"oops," shrugs Mayor Todd, "well, he didn't vote for me anyway. Everyone still alive, meet back at the courthouse at 20:00 Barbetime, January 14th. I'm sure, postitive, that next time we'll get one of the Mafia."

(voting will continue until 20:00 B-time, January 15th, or until all votes have been cast.

Detectives, Mafia, please PM the Mayor with your requests.
23:57 / 13.01.03
8===>Q: alyn
02:56 / 14.01.03
My plan is working perfectly. Not for nothing am I known far and wide as the smartest village idiot in the village idiot industry.
bio k9
03:17 / 14.01.03
Your plan involved the lynching of two innocent villagers?
8===>Q: alyn
03:19 / 14.01.03
Just one.
10:03 / 14.01.03
I wasn't Mafia. Now I'm a wrathful ghost. And I will haunt your legs. Boooo and stuff.
Whisky Priestess
12:26 / 14.01.03
Oh dammit Jade, sorry about that. To vote for you simply because I wanted to prolong the BioK9/Persephone show for my personal amusement was a little ... shallow, I admit. I apologise heartily and will placate your restless spirit with puddings.

Puddings made from the blood of the Mafia scum we took you for. Yessss .....
Ethan Hawke
13:14 / 14.01.03
Um, mafia....hit me up any time now...
8===>Q: alyn
17:02 / 14.01.03
The mafia's on strike. Mayor, appoint a committee to negotiate with the mafia. Look at all these living people piling up! We need them to kill somebody.
Whisky Priestess
17:45 / 14.01.03
Lionheart is clearly mafia as he was late to vote (my own noble example is excepted from this rule) and now AS A MAFIOSO, is late to kill!

Typical Italians, can't even get the trains to run on time ... unless Mussolini takes over .... Daily Mail ... grumble ...
23:20 / 14.01.03
I'm not mafia. I voted late cause I barely had access to a computer this weekend. You could figure this out by my lack of posting on this board as well as my livejournal.
Ethan Hawke
23:49 / 14.01.03
Day breaks over Toddsylvania at dawn, as usual. Some of the town crones had carried on about day not breaking at dawn anymore, because of the evil presence, yadda, yadda, yadda - but between you, me, and the lamppost, that's just bullshit.

The citizens of Toddyslvania skip happily off to their employments in various capacities in the pudding trade. The employees of Gell-oh Pudding Corporation, a conglomerate that had of late moved into Toddsylvania, are puzzle to find the normally double-triple padlocked doors of their factory flung wide open when they arrive. Fearing the worst, they rouse a disgruntled Mayor Todd from his bed to investigate. Just as he arrives, braces all a-flyin' a tremendous bump is heard from within the factory. The crowd reels back in perturbance.

The Mayor begins consulting with his pollsters on what course of action to take, when suddenly, a huge machine of steel, chrome, and plastic lurches from the door to the factory. It is obviously a pudding-making robot run amok! One of it's blending arms spins dangerously out in front of it, while the other has been jammed stuck with a silver platter. Taped to the silver platter, obviously with little forthought, is a human head.

The robot pauses, and cocks its jauntily bemasked head and looks at the crowd. Mayor Todd raises his hand to give the order to for the gendarmes to fire, but with a spritely shower of sparks and a delightful 8-bit sound effect, the robot breaks down, falling to its knees, quite harmless now, really.

The crowd rushes over to the fallen titan, obviously impatient to find whose head had been so roughly treated. The Mayor rips the duct tape off none to gently, which a harder job than you'd imagine on a corpse (or part of one, right). The head appears to have an apple-like object lodged between its teeth. The forensics report will reveal it to be an apple. But an immediate examination reveals that the head belonged to Qalyn.

Naturally, there's a big to-do and a rush to Qalyn's house. An investigation reveals a scrapbook hidden under the bed among the pornography traditionally kept there by loyal Toddsylvanians. On the cover of the scrapbook is written in gilded ink "My First Diary." The word Diary is scratched out, ineptly, and the word "Investigation" is scrawled in Wite-Out over it. The book is filled with the detailed notes one would expect from someone trained by Captain Midnight's Correspondance School of Detectivity and Findin' Stuff Out. One particular entry catches the eye of the populace:

January 14, 2002
If you're reading this Book, then I am dead (or I just felt like sharing my inner most thoughts and feelings with you, possibly because I have a crush on you) and you know, tragically, that I did not lie when I said I was a detective. And what a detective I was! I hope you have all learned a lesson about trust. As a final malediction, I declare that BIO K9 and Whisky Priestess are NOT MAFIA. Please act accordingly, so that my death, and those of Tezcatlipoca, Chairman Maominstoat, and Jupiter Jade (though I kind of suspected him... oh well) will not have been in vain. Now, I hear my mother's sweet voice calling me, and I leave my beloved turnip Samuelo in the care of bio K9. If you eat him, I will curse thy progeny.
Ethan Hawke
23:57 / 14.01.03
(you may start flinging wild, official accusations at 20:00 B-Time today (the 15th). Unofficial wild accusations are always welcome and appropriate.)
06:12 / 15.01.03
So Qalyn was a detective. Oops.

Qalyn, Tezcatlipoca, Chairman Maominstoat, and Jupiter Jade are goners.

Bio K9 and Whisky Priestess are NOT mafia.

Hmm. (does quick head count)

Things are getting hairy around here. Persephone, we should run away to some love-nest somewhere until all this is over.
11:41 / 15.01.03
I'm not going to any fucking love-nest with anyone. So that's what happened, someone sent a false message from me to bio K9. C'est la guerre. Now I have to go put on eye makeup because I woke up crying this morning.
12:16 / 15.01.03
Okay. Just don't come to my door when you need protecting from the mafia.

Dames. Can't live with 'em...
The Strobe
12:27 / 15.01.03
Really, Sax? And you wouldn't be planning on doing anything about being unable to live with them?
12:37 / 15.01.03
So, there's one detective and three mafiosi at large now.

out of... seven citizens?

I guess this is the part where every accusation counts pretty heavily.

Persephone: there is always the chance that bioK9, being mafia, has lied. A forged PM seems a bit... much of a hassle.

On the other hand, perhaps you are lying about not sending the message. Oh, wait... Qalyn says bioK9 was innocent. Hmmm.

And why is Sax wanting to run away with you? Is he trying to gain your trust?

With Qalyn gone, I feel I should announce that you can probably trust myself and Lionheart. And Qalyn.
13:01 / 15.01.03
Well, the reason I'm trying to gain Persephone's trust is that I know she isn't mafia.

The rest of you, I'm not sure about at all.
14:52 / 15.01.03
And how do you know this, pray tell?
15:02 / 15.01.03
Persephone: there is always the chance that bioK9, being mafia, has lied. A forged PM seems a bit... much of a hassle.

No, grant... Mayor Todd says that Qalyn was a detective, and Qalyn says that bio K9 is a villager. We can at least count on the mayor and detectives to tell us the truth in this game?
Whisky Priestess
15:31 / 15.01.03
Is it actually in the rules that Qalyn is allowed to reveal what he knows? It seems a bit easy to give us definite facts about anyone(although I'm not ungrateful, believe me) and I have to say I'm beginning to think that my first instinct was right and that grant is mafia.

Not only is he keeping a relatively low eminence grise kind of profile (a bit like Sax ... hmm, you know who to blame if I'm the next to go...), he's also deliberately(?) ignored/undermined Qalyn's dying assertions and continued to imply that BioK9 is Mafia. I know that I'm not, which leads me to believe Qalyn that BioK9 isn't either. Which means that us two - and the dead - are the Only Ones You Can Trust.
The Strobe
15:35 / 15.01.03
Hmn. But everybody knows that they themselves are not. That's the problem. So we have to trust you that you're not lying about yourself, in order for your philosophy to stand up. Qalyn might be right about Bio K9, but that doesn't prove anything about somebody mentioned in the same breath as Bio K9.

As you say yourself, just before you do it: It seems a bit easy to give us definite facts about anyone.
Whisky Priestess
16:52 / 15.01.03
But - duh - Qalyn was a *confirmed* detective - and he obviously got the chance to ask the Mayor about two people before he died, me and K9, and then to pass on that knowledge to the rest of you (whether that's strictly in the rules or not).

Think about it, Paleface (and everyone). I think you might have read my previous post a bit quickly and missed the important bit.

What motive could Qalyn have had to fuck the rest of the innocent Villagers up? We *know* he wasn't Mafia and we *know* he had access to the truth of who is and isn't Mafia because he was a detective. These facts cannot be disputed.

If we choose to ignore Qalyn's hard-won information - which cost him his life, by the way - we are either stupid or suicidal.
17:32 / 15.01.03
For fuck's sake... does this game have a minimum of rules or not? See here, Todd says "But for the purposes of the first game, I'd like to request that the Detectives act on behalf of the Villagers."

He also says here, The dying person reveals the Truth to the Village.


Or let's put it this way: Whose interests are served by casting doubt on the basic rules of the game?

Mafiosi: you should try playing this game once as villagers. I don't think I could ever play Mafia, I could never do this to another person.
18:06 / 15.01.03
Grant smells.

Of something.
Ethan Hawke
18:09 / 15.01.03
*******you guys can officially accuse people now, you know*****

( i wish there was some way to get everyone to vote at once, or at least within a time period!)
18:54 / 15.01.03
So wait, if bioK9 is a villager (which I'm accepting as fact - just thinking out loud here), then wherefore the forged PM? (Or PMs?)

See, the personal insanity this board fosters throws doubt on every action - motives get obscured. Unless Persephone is playing a vastly more sophisticated game than she is letting on. But she seems so *sincerely* anxious.

But the post she links to, about revealing the Truth to the village, was in response to:
Aren't we supposed to know what we killed, Mayor Todd? So we can feel remorse if we accidentally get a villager by mistake? We can't know how many mafia are left against us?
Meaning we know the Truth about the person we lynched/the person the mafia executed, not necessarily anything more. Although I have good reasons to believe Qalyn was telling the truth in his deathbed letter, there's no reason (other than convenience, or the Mayor's divine mercy) that any of us have to believe it... well, except he was clearly Detective, and has an interest in defeating Mafia.

Mafiosi: you should try playing this game once as villagers. I don't think I could ever play Mafia, I could never do this to another person.

This also seems like a reasonable plea, except (in this iteration of the game) no one chooses to be what they are. It's not a choice. The Scorpions are Scorpions - they do what they do. It's our job to stop the Scorpions from doing their job. (Unless we, in fact, are Scorpions ourselves.)

There are layers of obfuscation there that make my head hurt.

There are also three mafia at large. I know I'm not one, Lionheart's not one, K9's not one and Whisky's not one. And (unfortunately) Qalyn's not one.

Sax's patterns of accusation seem suspicious (mainly because I'm apparently in them!), and Persephone's readings of the rules are confusing, which makes me raise my eyebrow. Also, if my memories of the beginnings of this horrible Reign of Terror (back on page 1) hold true, they were also the first to openly accuse other citizens. Hmm.

We're nearing the endgame now, when every move counts.

I accuse Sax.

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