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Mafia - Game Thread


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Ethan Hawke
12:12 / 06.01.03
Toddsylvania is a tiny burg nestled tightly under the shadow of Mount Huggles, in the region known as Barbelith. The town is known for its diligent craftspeople, who work exclusively in the medium of pudding, its extremely foul-mouthed children, and the way its citizens tend to jump when tapped on the back or otherwise approached quietly.

Although it appears to be a normal town on the surface, Toddsylvania has a shadow side. A shadow side that does not appear, like normal shadows would, in midday, but rather, at night. People turn up dead in Toddsylvania at a pretty brisk clip - in fact - two per night. One mysteriously vanishes at the hands of an evil force known as "the Mafia", and the other is publicly dismembered by the informed vote of an angry mob. As a resident of Toddsylvania, you wish to continue your quiet, pudding-crafting ways, and thus would prefer not to be part of the mob, angry, informed or otherwise. Unfortunately, fate has thrust you into a situation where you must protect your life, and your pudding, by banding together with your friends and neighbors - whom you may not be able to trust...
12:28 / 06.01.03
I hear some of these Mafia types are *whispers* women. They're supposed to be the worst.

Anyone want to buy an apricot pudding? Fresh this morning!
12:37 / 06.01.03
I would just like to buy two apricot puddings, please.
12:37 / 06.01.03
So you're, like, the first one to call the wolf on the Mafia types, heh? Signore Sax?
12:38 / 06.01.03
Cry the wolf, dammit, cry the wolf! Excuse me, I'm not from here.
12:38 / 06.01.03
*looking disapprovingly... suspiciously... at Sax*
The Falcon
12:47 / 06.01.03
What's all this then?

It's the dogs I'm concerned about. Toddsylvania'll go to them, you know.
13:00 / 06.01.03
I can actually get dog puddings. Just don't ask where I got them.
The Falcon
15:02 / 06.01.03

No. I don't want one.
15:41 / 06.01.03
Sax and Persephone and I have nothing to hide. Nothing to hide at all.
Ethan Hawke
15:57 / 06.01.03
****If you haven't posted on this thread, or PM'd me already, please do one of the two so I know you're playing****

16:06 / 06.01.03
The town hall surely looks empty today...
16:21 / 06.01.03
Is it a bank holiday? It's very quiet on Barbelith today. Too quiet.

It's actually "cry wolf," Jade. Not cry the wolf. Now you want to kill me just for being annoying, don't you?

Hm. Early in the game, is grant setting himself up as a seer... or is he trying to get me killed?

From the other thread:

The only rule other than the ones delineated above is that if you are eliminated from the game, you must NOT tell ANYONE what your status (mafia, villager, detective) was.

Aren't we supposed to know what we killed, Mayor Todd? So we can feel remorse if we accidentally get a villager by mistake? We can't know how many mafia are left against us?
Ethan Hawke
16:29 / 06.01.03
Hmmm, These rules say yes... Okay, we'll do it that way. The dying person reveals the Truth to the Village. I'll moderate my post accordingly.
The Strobe
16:50 / 06.01.03
We'll have no trouble here...

Maybe, Persephone, it's just quiet because it's a work day, you know? I don't trust all these types with far too much time to post...

I also note you seem to have a lot to say for yourself. Nervous, eh?
8===>Q: alyn
17:35 / 06.01.03
Here's a tip for you stupes: The best way to catch mafiosi is with free manicotti and the best way to catch detectives is with free donuts.

Question, Mayor Todd: What if one of the cops is crooked?
Ethan Hawke
17:38 / 06.01.03
In the abstract, I don't see anythign wrong with it, Qalyn. There are certainly more baroque variations than you can shake a stick at, like the Mafia killing their own, etc. But for the purposes of the first game, I'd like to request that the Detectives act on behalf of the Villagers.
bio k9
18:16 / 06.01.03
So, how much are the puddings?
8===>Q: alyn
19:02 / 06.01.03
And what if one of the villagers is a psycho killer?

All right, let's save the funny stuff till later. I have privelidged info about one of the mafiosi, but I fear for my life. Detectives: PM me?
22:18 / 06.01.03

I was just trying to be helpful. And I only posted at breakfast and lunch time, as per my New Year's resolution. You may check the timestamps, if you like. It's Central Standard Time by me.

Obviously, the best strategy is to lay low and say as little as possible; but that's not very sporting, because talking's the only way to be seen in this game. Which would not be the case if we were playing this in person.

In any case, I am innocent and I am not afraid. Go ahead and kill me, I will be perfectly vindicated in death. Can we come back as ghosts? Ghosts can speak in italics...
The Falcon
22:54 / 06.01.03
Aye, like Hamlet's da'.

I like manicotti and doughnuts.

You'll note I spelt it the British way. Quoi?, you may think.
02:36 / 07.01.03
My bet is that either Persephone or Sax as being part of the mafia. Hmmm.. I just realized that both of them could be mafia. But for today my bet's on Sax.
bio k9
05:58 / 07.01.03
Damn useless police, worse than the mob they are...

Has anyone seen my dogs?
06:12 / 07.01.03
Lionheart. Like I'd admit it. Haven't you heard of omerta?
06:40 / 07.01.03
Hey, sorry to have olnly just turned up, but I spent the whole of yesterday slaving over a hot pudding. And that's all I was doing.

Not wishing to sound paranoid, or anything, but could this thing go straight to the top? How do we know we can trust the mayor?
The Strobe
09:03 / 07.01.03
Um, because he's the mayor? He's not Diamond Joe Quimby, it's true, but give the guy a break?
The Falcon
09:27 / 07.01.03
Rats in city hall, eh?

Or dogs, perhaps?
bio k9
09:34 / 07.01.03
Suppose I'll go have a look.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:34 / 07.01.03
Probably shouldn't say anything because I'm not playing this one, but if the Barbe-Mafia want to threaten a villager, do they leave a plank in their bed?
11:36 / 07.01.03
Hmmm. I have received a very interesting private message, and I won't say from whom --just in case ze's a real seer, I don't want hir killed...

...but allow me to say, you're wasting your time with these suspicions about me. In the event of my death, I have a new fictionsuit all picked out that I'm going to stalk around the whole board with.
11:41 / 07.01.03
I think we should all have to give an account of ourselves as to why we aren't mafia.

I'm not mafia because... I once tried to make pizza puddings and they were an unholy failure.
Ethan Hawke
12:08 / 07.01.03
****** I've given the stragglers ultimatums. If they don't respond by 18:00 B-time today, they're out and the replacements are in. Hopefully, we can get everyone posting here, and have a vote tomorrow beginning at 14:00 B-Time (everyone must vote. once only! no moderation!)******
(I wonder if I could ask to make this whole thread no moderation allowed...)
Ethan Hawke
12:16 / 07.01.03
That's a good idea, Sax...

Almost too good an idea...

Nevertheless, the Mayor requests that each of you individually explain to the town council why you couldn't possibly be in the Mafia, no way, no how. You'll be graded on plausibility, poise, and pudding. Make sure you bring the pudding.
13:15 / 07.01.03
Can we buy barbed wire pudding to put around our little pudding houses?

Hmmm... Qalyn???
13:17 / 07.01.03
Well, I'm not from here, I'm just passing by, thus I cannot be one of the mafia types.

(Ok. Lame reason).

Listen, I'm an innocent photographer. I take pictures of puddings for our local magazine The Pudding Observer. Here, I'll take a picture of yous. Say "Cheese pudding!".

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