Toddsylvania is a tiny burg nestled tightly under the shadow of Mount Huggles, in the region known as Barbelith. The town is known for its diligent craftspeople, who work exclusively in the medium of pudding, its extremely foul-mouthed children, and the way its citizens tend to jump when tapped on the back or otherwise approached quietly.
Although it appears to be a normal town on the surface, Toddsylvania has a shadow side. A shadow side that does not appear, like normal shadows would, in midday, but rather, at night. People turn up dead in Toddsylvania at a pretty brisk clip - in fact - two per night. One mysteriously vanishes at the hands of an evil force known as "the Mafia", and the other is publicly dismembered by the informed vote of an angry mob. As a resident of Toddsylvania, you wish to continue your quiet, pudding-crafting ways, and thus would prefer not to be part of the mob, angry, informed or otherwise. Unfortunately, fate has thrust you into a situation where you must protect your life, and your pudding, by banding together with your friends and neighbors - whom you may not be able to trust... |