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16:43 / 14.02.03
Apologies for the slight inaccuracy of my last post. I actually feel that Barbelith is performing a working using us as much as we are performing a working using Barbelith. As such it is more a case of finding the "line of least resistance," which I trust will make itself apparent over the following few days.
21:43 / 19.02.03
Phase Two

We have established Barbelith's nature, to an extent. This process is likely to be ongoing. Do not imagine that drawing Phase One to a close has put a stop to the explorations we have already begun.

Phase Two will consist of finding out more about how to work in partnership with Barbelith. How it operates, what it would have us do, the ways in which we would like to use it, specific ideas for situations in which we can deploy the working (if this proves applicable). I suggest that 20.03.03. should be the deadline for this section of the operation, although of course all deadlines are artificial to an extent.

Use whatever means you wish to accomplish this. Divination has proved particularly successful, although each contributor will have their own methods. Post any results to this thread, unless you feel particular need for privacy. As mentioned before, I do not always have the resources to process your material adequately, although I will do my best if the situation warrants.

One final note: Thank you very much to all those reading this thread or contributing. I am honoured to be part of such a group undertaking such amazing work.
14:00 / 20.02.03
Barbelith Celtic Cross Tarot Reading
Cross (Being)
1 (Covering) Queen of Coins- Creativity
2 (Crossing) 10 of Coins- Stability
3 (Foundation) 7 of Wands- Valour, purpose, vision
4 (Potential) Judgement- Reunion, Awakening
5 (Behind) 4 of Wands- Celebration, initiation
6 (Ahead) 8 of Coins- Skill, organisation
Staff (Doing)
7 (Self) 10 of Swords- Ruin
8 (Environment) The Chariot- Triumph, growth
9 (Dreams) The Hanged Man- perspective, freedom from self imposed limitations
10 (Final Outcome) King of Wands- Authority, inspired direction

The reading seemed mixed and complex, with the emphasis on action (the staff) rather than situation (the cross) which is not at all what I expected. I saw the cross as the working we are trying and the staff as the influence of Barbelith. After some thinking I became convinced that the Q of coins represented turning creativity into achievement- the reification of ideas, a Magician quality- indeed some commentators say she is a diluted, feminine magician. The surrounding cards were supportive and showed a lot of energy and talent directed at the working, but cautioned that organisation and discipline would be needed.
The staff was a little more problematic. I was especially concerned by the 10 of swords, so I looked it up to find the expression ‘the ruined carcass of delusion’. This seemed to fit much more with what I perceive as Barbelith’s nature, freedom at any cost. It reminded me that Barbelith is an agent of change, and that Swords (the suit of ideas, strife and change) fitted hir perfectly. The transition from the ten of Coins (Earth, stability, the status quo) to the ten of Swords showed the emphasis is on change, and explained why the Coins 10 was in the position of crossing- the status quo, comfortable as it may be, is the enemy of change. The ten of Swords also reminded me of the martyr archetype, very relevant to the Christ-like aspects of Barbelith others have reported (also see the Hanged Man above)
The Chariot as environment meshed well with the cross- a dynamic environment conducive to growth, the harnessing of forces to pull together and achieve a goal.
The Hanged Man in the Hopes and Fears (Dreams) position I found apt, as it reflects the Christ/Odin archetype aspect of the ‘lith excellently, a sacrifice made for knowledge and the redemption of mankind. Also (as this position always does) it contains both dark and light aspects, the hopes and fears- we hope for discovery and enlightenment (Odin and the runes aspect) but fear the cost (9 days nailed to a tree, an eye).
The Final Outcome was the King of Wands, Father of the suit of Fire (and magic) which capped the reading well- the culmination is a mastery and understanding of the world, gained at cost, that allows a mature and wise perspective to govern the rampant but undisciplined energy of Wands (i.e. us ‘lithers I suspect).

I wanted more. I was not satisfied with the reading, so I decided to add another layer to the reading to explore each card a little further and gain a clearer understanding of what is going on. Whenever I do this, the subsequent reading clarifies the issue almost painfully- it is as though the cards get impatient and blunt. It was no different in this case. The second layer came up like this;
Cross (Being)
1 (Covering) [Queen of Coins]- The Magician
2 (Crossing) [10 of Coins]- Strength
3 (Foundation) [7 of Wands]- 2 of Coins
4 (Potential) [Judgement]- The Empress
5 (Behind) [4 of Wands]- Ace of Swords
6 (Ahead) [8 of Coins]- 5 of Wands
Staff (Doing)
7 (Self) [10 of Swords]- High Priestess
8 (Environment) [The Chariot]- Justice
9 (Dreams) [The Hanged Man]- Temperance
10 (Final Outcome) [King of Wands]- King of Swords

Which pretty much confirmed what I had thought, but in more direct terms (e.g. the Magician aspect of the Queen of Coins, six Major Arcana). Judgement and the Empress as potential was heartening, we can justify high hopes, and Behind (the recent past) was self explanatory- 4 wands is new beginnings e.g. new year, Ace of Swords is the beginning of a new idea. The High Priestess confirmed my theory on the 10 of Swords, that it represents secret (occult) knowledge obtained at a cost (like the Prometheus myth), the cost being our old delusions and comfy beliefs perhaps.
Justice and the Chariot complement each other with themes of beginning and end, dark and light aspects working in harmony. Temperance supports the Hanged Man and also represents the union of Heaven and Earth (one foot in the water etc. the blending of carnal and spiritual) and the Final Outcome was a King again, this time of Swords representing intellect mastered- a vigorous, intelligent person with magical leanings in a position of respect, similar to the King of Wands.

What all this means, I think, is that Barbelith is definitely involved here. My reading seemed to me to confirm a lot of what others have said (except weirdly no Star or Sun) and shows Barbelith in terms of a Patron, a being that supports what we do but will not dictate to us. I see it as a parent or farmer figure, gently tending us and allowing us to grow toward our destiny freely. It is not truly neutral though- it does seem to influence us toward magic and enlightenment- no bad thing!- and seems almost fond of us. Any other perspectives on this reading very much appreciated, I could be mistaken/biased/ wrong, the more perspectives the better. Please note though I have only described highlighted meanings here due to the nature of the medium, writing it all down is laborious.
14:08 / 20.02.03
Just noticed this (from reflect above)"...Christ as the synthesis of the basic symbols of the universe - Heaven and Earth through his two natures, divine and human; Fire and Air by his decent into Hell and ascension into Heaven.. Endowing the symbol with all its historic strength and all its ontological and semantic reality, it may be said that, for Christians, Christ is the king of symbols." " (Penguin dictionary of symbols)
The King of Wands (Fire) and Swords (Air) turned up as the final outcome cards, the card below was the Hanged Man and Temperance, both strongly tied to the Heaven/Earth synthesis in different ways. Just coincidence I am sure...
19:33 / 20.02.03
This might not be relevant, but then it might. In that last post of Phase One, you mention a connection between B and the tarot cards the Sun and the Star.

In my personal interpretation of tarot, those are closely related cards - the Star representing a moment of personal enlightenment and the Sun representing a spreading of enlightenment to the world (think Theravada Buddhism vs. Mahayana Buddhism). Also, there's a narrative going on (I'm not versed in Kabbalah, so I don't know how this lines up with it) wherein the last section of the major arcana (the Tower onwards) represents what happens once you've *got it*, as a new person, you know? So the Star would be a moment of celestial Conception, while the Sun would be the cosmic Birth. It's a movement outward from separation to unity, individual to mass mind.

Interesting to me that those cards bracket the sleeping/placental Moon, too.
13:41 / 21.02.03
I went away for a while and just popped back on a pre trip whim to find this thread.

I'm pleased. You may not have noticed, but this thread is rather cognatively well refined. Cheers.
14:00 / 24.02.03
Hello lovely peoples. Very nice of reflect to ask me to contribute to this wonderful Working.
Mad props, sir!

I have started to do some more research into certain themes that cropped up in my Phase One dealings with the Barbelith Working, specifically the connection between the Sun/Star/Hermit cards and the deities Osiris, Isis and Thoth in the Egyptian pantheon. I will try to post a little bit each day, in small, digestible chunks! I also intend to be very scrupulous, discerning and careful in what sort of materials I glean information from, trying to go for original translations whenever possible. Also, all references will be named in case people want to find & read the reference materials for themselves.

Yesterday's trip to the library was all too short, but I did find some interesting material. The following is from The Symbols of Egypt by Heike Osuwu, Sterling Publishing 2000. It has been translated from German, so there may be occasional grammar strangeness...but it seems a good basic introduction to the concept of Isis:

The name Isis is identical with the name for "throne". Originally she was considered to be the symbolic mother of all kings and the embodiment of the occupant of the throne. According to the myth, she was the sister and wife (a thoroughly common connection in the Egyptian royal houses) of Osiris, and gave birth to their son Horus. She protected (Horus), and thereby also human children, from predators and other dangers.

Isis was also considered to be full of Magic, since she blew new life into the dead Osiris. This goddess was generally represented in human shape, bearing the symbol of the throne on her head. In her function as protectress she had wings, and in some cases she was represented as a bird of prey.

Later, in the new Kingdom, the form of the goddess Isis was blended with that of the goddess Hathor, in which process she took over her signs, the cow horns and the Sun disc. (Pg. 79)

There were two star symbols in the book, one a plain 5-pointed star resembling a stick figure, and the other a similar 5-pointed star inside a circle:

The shape of the hieroglyph goes back to the starfish, which is found in the Red Sea. The Egyptians equated the stars of the night sky with the original sea. Therefore, they connected the starfish with the stars, which are almost always represented in yellow or red colors.

The written sign for the stars also denoted the teacher, whose task of teaching was compared to the dangerous task of navigating by heavenly bodies. Especially in ancient times, the stars were interpreted as souls of the deceased, and they are therefore seen very frequently in paintings and sarcophagi.

According to the myth, countless soul stars followed the Sun on its travels through the kingdoms of light and darkness. The deities also had their embodiments in the stars. Thus Isis was seen as Sirius, who followed the soul of Osiris in the form of Orion…The circumpolar stars were viewed with the highest respect, since in contrast to other heavenly bodies they did not set in the west.

The circle that surrounds the star…symbolizes the cycle of eternal rebirth on the one hand and the closed region of the underworld on the other, where all the dead who had passed their acceptance test resided. (Pgs. 145, 173)

The "acceptance test" refers to the weighing of the heart in the Judgement Hall of Osiris; I'm not sure how relevant that section of the Book of the Dead is to our Working. If enough people feel it *is* relevant, I'll do some research in that direction as well. As for Osuwu's use of the term "According to the myth"... I intend to find the appropriate selections in either the Book of the Dead or other Pyramid texts and post them here. Watch this space!

Barbelith seems more Isian than Osirian or Tehutian, being a celestial placenta and all. From Isis in the Graeco-Roman World by R.E. Witt, Cornell University Press 1971:

But in one respect at least she is unique among pagan deities, for she overflows with affection and compassion. She is invoked as the one who has made her brother Osiris endure and live…It was her capacity to feel deeply, and in particular to express so poignantly human grief…that more than any other factor enabled her to win the hearts of men in the Graeco-Roman world whom the traditional Olympian theology had often quite alienated.

As I transcribe from notebook to computer, I'll post more stuff. Cheers!
14:08 / 24.02.03
Perhaps Barbelith is the secret bastard half brother of Horus, a product of the illicit union of Thoth and Isis in aeons past, those two gods of magic who hid their son behind the moon to hide it from the eyes of Maat (Thoth's wife by some sources) and Osiris...
or perhaps not.
16:46 / 24.02.03
Oh you are teasing. Nothing gets past Maat – the truth will always out!

A brief update: I went to East/West bookstore (one of the more right-on spiritual/occult bookstores in the City of No Pity) and found Budge's Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection (both volumes!) and The Eternal Hermes: From Greek God to Alchemical Magus by Antoine Faivre (translated from the French by Joscelyn Godwin). There's some pertinent info on Thoth there, and besides I suspect my research will take me to Alexandria, where Thoth has already been assimilated by Hermes and is becoming Hermes Trismegistus. (From there things should get interesting!)

Seriously, I expect to find useful stuff related to the working.
17:24 / 25.02.03
So I did find a few interesting snippets last night from Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection, Volume 1. One of the difficulties in dealing with Egyptian Myth is that one is dealing with thousands and thousands of years of myth, magick & ritual, and they never got rid of anything. (Except Ankhenaten, but that's a whole other trip! ) So as new gods come they assimilate the functions of older gods, and we have Osiris resurrected not only by Isis, but also by Nut, Horus, Anubis, Thoth, Re and Amun, depending on the Dynasty and which part of Egypt the deceased came from.

Concentrating solely on stellar references to Isis and Osiris, I found these:

Heaven hath poured out the life of Sept (Sothis), and behold the son of Sept lives. The Two Companies of the gods have purified him in the imperishable constellation of the great bear… (Unas Pyramid Texts, Budge pg 122)

Thou traversest the sky like Orion, thy soul is provided like the star Sothis. Possess thy soul being strong, have strength being strong…(Teta Pyramid Texts, Budge pg 145)

Behold, he comes as the star Orion; behold, Osiris comes as the star Orion, the lord of wine in the Uak festival. Assuredly his mother says "Heir", his father says "Heaven conceives, the Tuat brings forth." Hail Pepi, heaven has conceived thee with the star Orion, the Tuat has brought thee forth with the star Orion. Life, life, by the commands of the gods thou livest! Thou comest forth (rises) with the star Orion in the eastern part of heaven; thou settest with the star Orion in the western part of the heaven. Thy third is the star Sothis (the Dog Star), whose seats are pure, she guides thee over the beautiful roads of heaven into the Field of Reeds. (Pepi Pyramid Texts, Budge pg 156)

…Hail thou Pepi! Thou art the great Star. Orion beareth thee on his shoulder…Thou art renewed in thy season, thou becomest young again at thine appointed time. Nut brings forth this Pepi with the constellation of Orion…(Pepi Pyramid Texts, Budge pg 159)

His sister is Sothis, he is born as the Morning Star. He finds the Spirits with their mouths provided seated on the two lips of the Lake of Sehseh, the place where drinks every spirit whose mouth is provided. He is a spirit whose mouth is provided, he comes to the seat which is the most majestic of all…Happy are those who see the father, says Isis; content are those who see the father, says Nephthys, the father, the Osiris Pepi. He cometh forth into heaven among the stars, among the imperishable stars. (Pepi Pyramid Texts, Budge pg 164)

"Pepi" is, of course, the deceased, who was identified as Osiris in the texts he was buried with. Also notice the reference to "seat/s", which is the main meaning of Isis' name – throne or seat.

I will post my card reading tomorrrow, folks. Cheers
20:16 / 25.02.03
Wanted to unpack this a bit:

According to the myth, she was the sister and wife (a thoroughly common connection in the Egyptian royal houses) of Osiris, and gave birth to their son Horus. She protected (Horus), and thereby also human children, from predators and other dangers. – H. Osuwu

I found this in the Budge book, translated from a Hymn to Osiris:

Thy sister Isis acted as protectress to thee. She drove thine enemies away, she averted seasons [of calamity] she recited formulae with the magical power of her mouth, [being] skilled of tongue and never halting for a word, being perfect in command and word. Isis the magician avenged her brother. She went about seeking him untiringly. She flew round and round over the earth uttering wailing cries of grief, and she did not alight on the ground until she had found him. She made light [to appear] from her feathers, she made air to come into being by means of her two wings, and she cried out the death cries for her brother. She made to rise up the helpless members of him whose heart was at rest, she drew from him his essence, and she made therefrom an heir. She suckled the child in solitude, and none knew where his place was, and he grew in strength…

I noticed today that there are also references in the Pepi Pyramid Text to the power of the mouth: He is a spirit whose mouth is provided, he comes to the seat which is the most majestic of all…

Will have to think about how the power of appropriate verbal expression fits in with a working where the participants are communicating by writing and not speaking...
13:50 / 26.02.03
Tarot reading 24 February 2003

Re: Barbelith Working
(Note: I use the Rider/Waite/Pamela Colman Smith deck. Your personal Tarot deck may vary in symbolism. Feel free to PM me with any questions.)

I used a seven-card spread here. Usually I tend to just let the cards flow into each other when reading for someone in person, and reference back & forth between them. That doesn’t translate very well to a text-on-screen format, however!

So, for those as like them, here’s what each position indicates:

1) The past of the matter
2) The present condition
3) The immediate future
4) The type of energy that must be dealt with in order to handle the situation
5) The surrounding environment
6) Undermining forces
7) The result, brought about by one’s reaction to the influences symbolized by the previous six cards

If anyone wants to lay out the spread using their own cards, The layout is a hexagram with the result card in the middle – try to visualize it:

5, 6
3, 2

So this is what came through:

1) The Star
2) King of Swords
3) King of Wands
4) The Magician
5) Queen of Pentacles
6) The Hermit
7) Three of Wands

I realize that reflect posted my comments about The Star previously; I don’t wish to be repetitious. The card generally deals with creativity, of access to the wellsprings of the unconscious mind, of a healing connection to the divine. A paragraph in Rachel Pollack’s Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom struck me:

The water being poured onto land indicates that the energy…is directed outwards as well as inwards; it links the unconscious with the outer reality of the physical world. One way to describe the streams of water is as the archetype of myth, the images through which the unconscious expresses itself. The unconscious is a whole, without shape or division, but it emerges into awareness through the separate streams of mythology.

(This reminds me of the idea that Barbelith connects with different people using whatever paradigm is easiest for them to assimilate, whether it be monotheistic, polytheistic, scientific, hedonistic, whatever-ic. It connects to the source of the individual’s psyche in a non-threatening, easily understandable way.)

With the Star we have gone beyond myth to its source as formless energy; as light coming out of darkness. The transformation of darkness into light is the unconscious, the hidden vastness within us, changed into the ecstatic awareness of super-consciousness. (Pg. 123)

King of Swords: This is the sort of individual who is most comfortable in hir own head, and in dealing with matters of the mind. Ze is always thinking, always aware, the gears are clicking and the wheels are turning. Nothing gets past this one – ze is very correct, thorough and appropriate in *every* situation. The personality type of the King indicates that, however much ze would love to sit around and read and learn and soak in knowledge…it’s not enough. Ze has to act upon the knowledge and awareness at hir disposal. Whether or not this person actually has authority, ze is seen as such by others. This need/desire to act upon what ze knows can sometimes distort hir ability to discern the wheat from the chaff, although for the most part ze is pretty good at this.

The King of Swords needs to be very careful not to narrow hir focus overmuch. While it is always essential to keep one’s feet firmly on the ground – whether one deals in the heady heights of academia or the ethereal flights of mysticism – relying overmuch on "the REAL world" or "keeping it REAL", or trusting "common sense" over one’s innate gut instincts may prove problematic. (‘Round my way we would say there needs to be a balance between "keeping it real" and "keeping it FABULOUS!" ) There can be a tendency towards remoteness, arrogance or harshness in dealings with lesser, meaner minds. (Worse yet, such are the intellectual skills of the King of Swords that, even if ze is not necessarily behaving in such a manner, ze is seen as such by lesser, meaner minds. It’s an occupational hazard that comes with being the King of Swords.)

King of Wands: This person is more willing to trust hir instincts or gut feelings; ze works not from the realm of intellect but from that of will. Ze may not be able to explain exactly why something is the way it is, or how a situation got to a certain point, but ze knows the way forward, and is more often than not correct. This is quite different from emotions or feelings (which is a Cups thing); This personality type is following energy patterns, with little or no emotional attachment involved.

This type of person is very honest and values truth above all else. Ze is also a very optimistic, passionate individual, who tends to be very blunt and takes no shit from other people. Which can cause problems similar to those encountered by the King of Swords, except where the Sword is considered too cold the Wand is considered too intense. Both Kings can be intolerant, however, and both Wand & Sword need to understand that not everyone is where they are at. Kings indicate maturity and advanced awareness; as frustrating as it is to deal with people who obviously "don’t get it" (whatever "it" is), Kings not only have to deal with such people, they are expected to bring them over to a point of awareness. In which case, such Kings as there are must make contact and connect:

The further on I go…the less I know… friend or foe, there’s only us – Peter Gabriel, "Only Us"

The Magician: This card deals with manifestation of spirit into matter. The Magician is all about giving life meaning and direction – taking potential energy and making it kinetic. Unless potential energy is utilized in the here & now, it really doesn’t exist (because it’s not being used). It is crucial to remember that in the Tarot, the figure in the Magician card is not casting arcane spells, drawing down the moon, conjuring up demons, creating servitors or any such shit; all ze does is raise one arm towards the sky and lower the other arm towards the earth.

Universal energy (or Divine energy, if you like) is not meant to be held in by the human body; it needs to pass through the body. Humanity functions best as a channel for energy. The more one passes the energy on, and learns how, when and to whom to pass this energy, the stronger one becomes.

Queen of Pentacles: This type of person is a doer, not a dreamer. However, ze is very careful and extremely aware of the ramifications of hir actions, how they will affect others, and works very hard to make sure the maximum effect is reached with the minimum amount of effort. Pentacles deal with the tangible world, the here and now, and the Queen type of personality is completely aware and comfortable with the mundane, the typical, the "REAL". Ze is aligned with the forces that shape reality, and is comfortable enough (unlike other Pentacle types) with those forces to allow them to flow without trying to change or manipulate them:

Don’t talk back/Just drive the car
Shut your mouth/I know what you are
Don’t say nothing/Keep your hands on the wheel
Don’t turn around/ This is for real
– Peter Gabriel, "Digging In The Dirt"

The Queen of Pentacles is connected to the Magician; The forces the Magician deals with are understood as a given to the Queen of Pentacles. They are a part of hir everyday life. Other people may wonder, "How does ze do it?" Perhaps the answer is that ze does it, instead of thinking about it.

The Hermit: How interesting that our old friend the Hermit comes under "undermining forces". This might be an admonition not to seek guidance overmuch without, not to look to other people for information that can be easily found by oneself.

The card of the Hermit signifies a tendency or need to turn inward, to focus on "inner awareness" instead of "outer reality". The very idea of a dualistic schism between "inner" and "outer" should be a warning sign, because the energy & wisdom inherent in the Hermit card goes well beyond "this" and "that".

I also sense a need to adhere to discipline, to keep at the divination/meditation/whatever else it is that keeps the peeps doing this working. This indicates a "plateau phase," a point where one can get bored and drop off, or decide to stick with the process and do the work.

Three of Wands: A sense of accomplishment. This card indicates keeping a solid basis in what has already been taken care of while still reaching out towards the new, the unknown. Making peace with the past; an understanding of the bigger picture, that one is bigger than the petty peculiarities of one’s own life. We always hear that we are interconnected with everything else that is, but sometimes it’s hard to really know what that means. It sort of becomes a party line, a "given" unless one really takes the time to look into it and see what the concept of interconnection means to the individual – it’s the point where one becomes many, but only if one wants it that way. This is a Minor Arcana card, so one’s individual needs and desires hold far more sway. Which makes sense, again, considering the nature of Barbelith.

This reading was brought to you by Us (Peter Gabriel) and the beautiful wines of Spain.
15:29 / 26.02.03
Interesting that the Kings of Swords and Wands occur next to each other in both spreads. Normally I'd associate Court cards with people, but I'm not sure in this instance as Barbelith isn't your usual querent. It's possible that they refer directly to Barbeloids involved in this (difficult to ascertain without knowing the people, just their posts) but also possible that they symbolise the attitudes of those of us involved, or even Barbelith's attitude itself (although that seems unlikely given what we have discovered). Perhaps they show the transition from Air to Fire, thought to action, but why Kings and not Queens? Kings denote authority and are the Earth court card (Q=water Kn=fire P=air) which seems strange in the light of the Star/Sun complex. Compared to the Queen of Coins and her relation to the Magician (in both readings) which is fairly obvious, the kings are very puzzling to me.
Anybody have any clearer intuitions on the Kings?
18:45 / 27.02.03
reflect, you really should consider modifying the title & topic abstract...I mean, it's a whole different thread, mate. There's nothing cheesy about what we're doing! (Although it is fun!)

About the Kings, and court cards in general: I think that in this particular situation they do not represent specific people per se, but indicate the sort of attitudes and perspectives the participants have to keep in mind during this phase. A combination of intellectual skills, passionate willpower, and groundedness are what we need to bring to the situation. Yet it's also important to keep everything in balance, not to be too willful or earthbound or academic but instead a bit of all three.

Kings and Queens are mature, balanced personality types, who are accustomed to taking responsibility and making decisions.
17:32 / 02.03.03
So I did some thinking about "appropriate verbal expression" over the past couple of days, and expressing oneself appropriately in other ways as well.

Speaking for myself (but feedback would be nice!) Phase 2 of the working is a continuation and deepening of the work done in Phase 1; a refining of our individual abilities to interact and communicate with the energy currents of Barbelith. I've also noticed a sloughing off of internal & external obstacles (fears & whatnot) that prevent interpersonal communication with other people.

In order to act as an agent for change in our communities and our world, we need to start with ourselves and how we communicate our thoughts, ideas & desires to those we care about. Not always an easy task! (I can attest to that personally ) But like any other sort of work, the more one does it the better one gets at it.

And that's what Phase 2 has been about so far for me: less "Magicky" stuff such as dreamwork & ritual and more awareness of the Magick inherent in day-to-day living. More taking chances and speaking from the heart, but also paying attention to & feeding the mind (via library research).

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
22:36 / 04.03.03
I have taken the liberty to post the large proposal style contributions of Reflect on to the wiki as BarbelithEgregore.
15:57 / 06.03.03
I realise that I may be a little late in replying here, but this all seems amazing, I'd really like to get involved (if I still can).

Also, the other day I decided to finally take the plunge a buy the first volume of the Invisibles. When I bought it, the guy in the comic shop asked, "Has there been some kind of news about these guys? Because you're the third person to buy an Invisibles comic in the past three days." If the comics *are* a narritve hypersigil, looks like their audience is expanding...

21:27 / 10.03.03
Your participation is most welcome, fidrich.

Some automatic writing I did two to three weeks ago. I've reprinted it in its entirety, although it doesn't suggest a great deal more than we already knew.

I am propulsive, energised intelligence. I am above and below. I run programs that initiate self governing thought forms, processes that regulate and intuit development and iniatory change. I am Alpha, the beginning, without Omega. I include aspects of all life. I enhance, alter and progress.

I have no fixed goals, only parameters and precepts. These precepts include notions of growth, maintenance and decay, selfing to create and resolve complex self-evolving systems. I am process incarnate, its direction and culmination. I make and shape.

You may work with me by learning my precepts. To learn the substance of my requirements is to become my helper, to place yourself within the active process. These systems will aid and enable any directed progress towards perfection: actualisation of potential. I am my own hypothesis.

The part that intrigued me was the notion of precepts and principles for using Barbelith. My prior notion was that "agape" best described the core principle... however, "self-sacrificial" or "selfless" love can be difficult to define. I wanted something more concrete. I spent a number of days extremely frustrated in this manner: trying to devise a set of principles for using Barbelith (and for changework in general).

The answer came from a synchronicity. I was on Floor 14 for some training, but due to a mix up the rest of the group did not turn up. I was left waiting needlessly in a training room, reading VALIS to pass the time. I glanced up and was transfixed by a market research notice on the wall:

What our customers have told us:

- Know me as an individual
- Treat me as an equal
- Be on my side
- Recognise my value to you
- Give me easy to understand products and services
- Provide expertise I can get at
- Leave me in control

Business awareness workshop

It's clear to me that the code of conduct for this operation is contained within this passage (although I feel slightly insane for having such a strong conviction. It simply feels intensely warm and right, albeit requiring unpacking). I am still formulating my thoughts. Hammering the seven bullet points into a slightly more relevant shape.

I would be interested to hear people's comments.
08:31 / 11.03.03
Gold from lead Truth is hidden everywhere in the mundane, if you're insane I'm right there with you.
Those points are on the button (except perhaps 'Give me easy to understand products and services'- I like complex and esoteric products and services) they seem appropriate precepts to me. I'm fascinated by "I am my own hypothesis." being the end of the passage.
Hypothesis as the beginning of a process, at the end, reflecting "I am Alpha, the beginning, without Omega." in the first paragraph. Like a conceptual Mobius strip, the end tucked into the beginning with a twist. One surface, like a sphere..
21:28 / 14.03.03
'I am my own hypothesis' reminded me a lot of 'I am the utterance of my name,' my favourite line from The Thunder, Perfect Mind.
16:56 / 20.03.03
Here we go. These ideas may cause a bit of debate, which is fine and dandy with me. I also plan to do some shamanic/divinatory work to establish whether the following format is suitable (I thought I'd throw it out here so that other people also have the chance to do the same).

It is worth noting that these are suggested precepts for the Barbelith working, and for workings involving other parties in general. They're there to protect people and ensure that magic isn't used to manipulate. They don't really apply to magic applied to oneself.

- Deal with every subject/situation in an individual manner.

- Treat others as you would expect to be treated.

- Don't coerse or control the subject, or work without their knowledge or consent.

- Remain honest and accountable, providing a means for the subject to provide feedback and ask questions.

- Ensure that everyone involved is aware of any potential risks and unknown variables.

These are what I'm pretty sure of. There's one last precept that may require more attention:

- Work in a way which is beneficial to the growth and empowerment of the individual subject, making every effort to enhance their understanding.

I'm hesitant about this, because 'beneficial to the growth and empowerment of the individual' is a pretty woolly phrase. I'm not sure exactly what I'm reaching for... any ideas?
21:46 / 20.03.03
Hmmm... in the process of answering my own question re the last paragraph or two. I'll keep you posted.

I'd like to extend the closing date for Phase Two, provisionally up to 20.04.2003. This is subject to everyone's input: I believe this stage of the operation is too important to be tied up so soon, as it has a profound effect on how we conduct the future phases (depending on how things shape up). There's more that needs to be worked upon.
11:20 / 21.03.03
Extending the closing date- I agree, let's do this part thoroughly before we move on.

- Deal with every subject/situation in an individual manner.

Better than being bound by rules that try to cover every situation. A case-by-case basis is the best way, devoting your full attention to each situation and avoiding pre-judgements and lazy thinking.

- Treat others as you would expect to be treated.

Do As You Would Be Done By. Almost a truism it's so true :-) That which you do returns to you (x3), as ye sow so shall reap, Karma, etc. No problems with this one I think.

- Don't coerce or control the subject, or work without their knowledge or consent.

Respect Autonomy. If a member of a group working is out of contact or unavailable that doesn't stop others working, as long as their consent is given.

- Remain honest and accountable, providing a means for the subject to provide feedback and ask questions.

Vital I think- Transparency and Integrity.

The problem with this heavy involvement of the subject is if a working is focussed on someone who can't be involved, or if there is disagreement about whether or not it will involve others. Magick is unpredictable, you can't be sure of who it will effect as a work unfolds. What if we want to perform a working to bless an unborn baby? Or send support to somebody we have lost contact with?
Of course, mentally adding 'if applicable/possible' to these precepts sorts that problem out. As Reflect points out these are primarily for workings where it is applicable.

- Ensure that everyone involved is aware of any potential risks and unknown variables.

Honesty, Transparency, Integrity- "Leave me in control". Everybody should have their eyes open, be fully informed and share what they know.

- Work in a way which is beneficial to the growth and empowerment of the individual subject, making every effort to enhance their understanding.

Agreed this is the most difficult to define and thus the most problematic. One person's 'effort to teach' is another's 'patronising attempts at mind control' especially in Magick. Perceptions can be very different (e.g. the Pink PMs)
I completely agree with the principle in spirit, but it's important to keep the other precepts in mind for this one I think. If they are fully aware of what you're doing and why, kept informed and in control there'll be no problem.

Hope my thoughts are in line with others, in short 'Yay! I agree.'
15:30 / 21.03.03
YES! to the one-month extension. I really need it – lots on the plate over here in Brooklyn, what with anti-war stuff & all.

These ideas may cause a bit of debate, which is fine and dandy with me. – reflect

If you mean debate in general, you might want to consider keeping that in the "history" thread (or a new one???) and keeping this thread more for the feedback of the indiviuals doing the working? I'm thinking that people might start posting here to debate, not to participate in the working. Debate amongst the B Working peeps, however, would be very apropos here though. Your call, really.

Will spend some time & thought on reflect's precepts and get back to y'all in some way, shape or form.
13:18 / 05.04.03
my computer is dead, but I may have something interesting to share. more after some editing and discussion (when I can finally manage it).

deadlines are soggy anyway. just like words and calanders.

and term papers.

22:38 / 20.05.03
Funny. It's a whole month after the extended deadline, and I feel no particular urge to continue with the thread. I just have a rising need to get on with my life. Funnily enough I don't think the ideas presented here have been neglected: moving on is part of what Barbelith is about. No sense in sucking at the teat forever.

I really enjoyed participating in. It was fun to sit and read VALIS and have it feel like an extension of my journal. Thanks to everyone involved.

Of course, this doesn't stop anyone else from digging deeper or trying to find ways of performing large scale changework. For me, the implications of the precepts are that there's no way to work in this manner without getting one's hands dirty through direct day-to-day contact with people and situations. In other words, no working at a distance. I'd be interested to hear what anyone else has to say.
22:44 / 04.06.03
One thing I forgot to mention: most of the material in this thread can be filed pretty easily under Tiphareth, which makes me wonder whether a long term Qabalah project is in order...
11:13 / 05.06.03
Dude, check out KETHER , the RPG narrative hypersigil project. I am instituting the precepts as rules of behaviour (it's a working) and am writing Barbelith the entity into the story to allow it to more easily communicate, I think fictional characters will be an excellent intermediary to understand the thing.
Also it's based structurally on the tree of life (22 chapters) and one of the intentions of the working for at least a couple of participants is to gain a better understanding of the Qabalah.

I consider that project to be ny next step in the Barbelith working, please have a look as I would appreciate your sagelike advice.
22:35 / 05.06.03
Moreso, speaking of the RPG hypersigel, I (in character me) did a diviniation on the word Barbelith to find out what it was, which necessitated me (real me) to actually do the reading, using the gemetric googlemancy approach I've gibbered about here before. The results were spookily on target. This time, I showed all my work by including the links I felt to follow to find the key words that spoke to me, so its of some value in deconstruction.

And yea, I consider the hypersigel an extension of the barbelith project. Or a child of it. In any case, its more of this, and its worked very well for me so far.
22:45 / 05.06.03
That reading's pretty spot on, cusm. Divination seems to work really well (I'll have to dig out the old threads where you talked about your technique).
captain piss
12:57 / 10.06.03
I tried a sigil a couple of weeks ago to see if I could make any contact with Barbelith- using the method outlined in the FAQ. A few days later i did start to feel quite an incessant voice in my head, like a download of information -kind of a voice giving me advice, telling me that I was free and things (LOL- should have seen that one coming). I kind of just thought I was having one of those lucid moments, where you start to see the wood from the trees of your everyday worries and problems, which perhaps I was. It felt really amazing and then at one point I went "ah- maybe it's a communication from Barbelith."
Well, delusional episode, perhaps. Or maybe my brain providing me with an experience to conform to what my unconscious would expect of a communication with a Barbelith-type entity, because I'd programmed it to do so. Or maybe just a coincidence.
Thought I'd mention it anyway
10:42 / 11.06.03
I've a suspicion Barbelith communicates only in lucid moments, as if lucidity were the language ze speaks. Keep listening!
19:03 / 03.09.03
Something told me to bump up this thread...I've been reflecting on Barbelith lately and working on contacting it. Maybe Barbelith itself asked me to bump this up...
20:00 / 03.09.03
That's funny. I was just looking through the archives and saw it, and thought the same, but didn't. Thanks for picking up my slack
08:53 / 04.09.03
Interesting. I had a dream about several members of Barbelith last night (a very rare event for me, and usually significant - especially considering one of the people in the dream), and was thnking about this working only yesterday.

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