For me, that's a fairly confusing dynamic. I'll try to make clear how it functions for me, but in trying to clarify I may oversimplify.
When I think of the distinctions between top/bottom and dominant/submissive*: I think of bottoming as being the recipient of sensation created by a top, and topping as a person who creates sensation for a bottom. A dominant I think of as someone who is in charge of an experience that the dominant and the submissive create, each by playing a role. That experience is "for" the submissive in the sense that the submissive is the one who isn't deciding what will happen next, and in fact may not know what will happen next, like an audience in a theatre—but the submissive likewise has a role to play, work to do, whether that work is holding still and imagining hirself into helplessness, or cleaning house from ceiling to floor.
(* I periodically bow to what I think of as scenerthanthou conventions about capitalization, but generally speaking I find it silly)
Now, how this works for me: I like bottoming to sensation I enjoy. (who doesn't?) I will also bottom to sensation I do not enjoy, in order to more fully enter a submissive role that I do enjoy. I like topping to create sensations my bottom will enjoy. I will dominate in order to enable my bottom to enter a submissive headspace in which they can more fully enjoy the sensations they want to receive from me. It feels perfectly natural to me to top, while it doesn't feel natural to me to dominate. (Yes, this means that if there is such a thing as a "natural dominant," I am not one. Extra points not given to clever dicks who point this out.) I am not naturally a service submissive, either—that is, one who does things for a dominant—but I'm learning to be, and I have the potential to be quite good at it if I keep working hard to improve.
Feelings of competence and incompetence are big hangups for me in my life in general, and thus, I'm rediscovering as I write this, important in my BDSM practice/play. I want to feel competent, but my default state is feeling incompetent and terrified of making mistakes. When I bottom while submissive, I can be completely free of feeling either competent or incompetent—I just lie there and receive. If I start worrying about how much sensation I should be able to take, or whether this amount of feedback is enough, or should I be yelling louder or sobbing more quietly, then I've slipped out of scene, and a mess follows. Lately I'm pretty good at not doing that (see, I can't avoid the language of competence even talking about this!). When I am submissive and not bottoming, however, I often have things I must do, things that I could potentially get wrong. (Panic ensues.) The fear of incompetence can be good, because it can focus my attention on what I'm doing and improve my performance, and it can be good because it can further enhance my feeling of submission, itself something of a relief from fears of incompetence. Too much of it, though, just makes me a shivering wreck, not much good for anything. So playing with these feelings has been a focus for me and my partner, although we haven't really framed it as such. Proving myself able to do some tasks to his satisfaction helps me manage this kind of anxiety. |