I think he's got a definite coke addled appreciation of comics. he ghost wrote the best thing about Crimson Tide, Denzel setting an ensign (?) on the sub straight about Kirby's superiority to Moebius when it comes to the Silver Surfer.
Just saw this film today and WHOOO! Just pure adrenaline, this film. The "Human Element" (agreed, best displayed in the Copperhead battle in the opening), is maintained by such an amazing amalgam of every aspect of film.
a) The Sound. You, you're fucking seat, feels every punch and kick in those first few minutes, still rattled after that, opening and devestating gun shot, I know.
b) The Visuals. Sweat. Blood. Glass. Gunpowder. These are the visual cues for pain.
c) The perfomance. You know how you don't buy the fights in The Matrix? This film explains why. Human beings suffer fatigue. (That being said, I'm all over the Matrix for completely different reasons. Bug frozen in Amber kind of thing, totally different.)
Thus in just a few minutes you're completely through the ringer, then you relax, start imagining the ultimate Soccer Mom Showdown on a baseball field and
Dead body. I have a particular weakness when it comes to gunshots (volume, unexpectedness, it all goes back to a childhood experience with popping baloons) so those opening two stunners left me on edge for the rest of the film ("Oh shit, I know Lucy Liu is packing underneath that kimono...better cover my ears for the next forty five minutes...").
Lets talk about QT's structure. It's so wildly effective in this movie, dozens of moments of subtle chronology clues (the way the paino ashtray wroked in Mullholland Drive), and the Chapter Headings....there are so many moments that point out why changing fonts (Gus Van Sant's Pink) or drawing in shorthand (um, any Stephen King novel since IT?) will never work as well as just that one moment: "Chapter One: 2".
The moments of quiet (That Fucking Water Pump.....THAT WATER PUMP!) versus those moments of awesome Soundtrackness and the contrast between them. How we get The Bride (and by the way, I LOVED the bleeps) practically ripping a trucker's face off and then spending minutes (a long time in film) watching her struggle to get into...THE PUSSY WAGON...sorry..it is a truck that is, itself, in its own existence, capitalized. And then watching her get her feet to work.
I had seen that "Hard part's over" shot in the trailers that I pored over and I just could not wait for the payoff...watching those toes (so humanly beautiful)..and also the way QT fit in a whole origin story, animated, natch, while we were waiting....
I do agree though that there wasn't much Yuen Po-ness, it was all such a blur, however, that blur of limbs and blood and shiny metal was all constructed from scratch. This isn't really a film concerned with the grace of Kung Fu. This movie, from the start, is all about the work. How hard it is to get what you want. |