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Saint Keggers
02:09 / 13.08.03
and now there's even less... RIP FIREFLY.
13:49 / 04.09.03
Firefly movie. Huzzah!
15:43 / 04.09.03
Firefly rises from the grave like a Pirate Zombie...IN SPACE!

*does a little happy dance*
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 09.09.03
Jus to let those who can get the SPACE chanel (its canadian)...
Firefly just started airing tonight with the 2hr movie (pilot?) and they're showing all the episodes including the three that weren't shown on Fox when it originally aired.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
16:22 / 12.12.03
Firefly DVD is in my hands and I'm midway through the third episode, and while there hasn't been any balls to the wall infallible greatness on display yet, I am completely enamored with the dynamic that's been built on the ship. Truly the most motley crew I've seen on this type of show. Joss has described his process for this show as "one pebble making ripples over the cast" and I'm quite looking forward to following these characters over the next thirteen or so hours. It's such a masking-taped-together combo of characters, with no echoes of anything ever (you know, in the way that the Star Trek crew has the exact same dynamics as those dudes in The Illiad [maybe?] and Star Wars bites off The Hidden Fortress gang). Very well done, even if the whole suspense of the pilot is completely eradicated by simply playing the "Okay, But Who's In The Credits" game. And, yo, not that I'm complaining, but Joss loves him some Carlos Jacott. Throw him some Otis-In-Kicking-&-Screaming-type moments, then!

There are some classic quotables already.

The Train Job:
"Now, here's your boss' money..."
"Yes! Yes, we're totally on the same page. Best for everyone."

And for some reason I love that the badass captain of a renegade smuggling ship gets lines like, mockingly, "He's my hero."

Love that. Oh, and it's widescreen gorgeous, even if the whole handheld chic gets a little out of control sometimes.

And I like quiet space.

But that theme song is humiliating.
17:00 / 12.12.03
Oooh have you managed to watch any of the episodes with commentaries on them? The one I'm waiting for this is the last episode where the bounty hunter turns up for River. I loved the commentary on Restless on the Buffy DVD's and it strikes me as similar territory, but still amazing .
Foust is SO authentic
20:42 / 12.12.03
Ah, but Kegboy. They've already run through the whole series on Space, including the 3 unaired ones. Delightful series. Miss it terribly.
Burning Man
03:38 / 14.12.03
So Shiny!
My wife and I just finished watching the whole run over the last 3 days and I just have to say, to someone somewhere that it was a great show. Really good quality acting, stories, emotions, the works. Firefly had great story potential and a depth not seen on many other network shows. Joss got ripped off by Fox, and the audience had another wonderful show just snatched out from under them.

Just on a side rant, it seems like all my favorite shows get snatched: Futurama, Good vs Evil (anyone remember that), Live Action Tick, Farscape. I really, really hate television program directors. I think they are the lowest of the low in Hollywood and they can just suck my dick.

Thanks for listening
Gypsy Lantern
09:59 / 14.12.03
Good vs Evil (anyone remember that)

Good vs Evil was brilliant - but nobody seemed to watch it. Bounty Hunter geezer in Firefly was Henry from 'G vs E' wasn't he?
Burning Man
13:22 / 14.12.03
Yeah that was Henry from G v E. And I suspect he would have somehow been rescued against all odds and come back had the show continued. The crew of the Firefly had begun racking up a list of recurring enemies. I agree G vs E was just too smart and quirky. I think tv execs have a problem with shows that aren't easily pigeonholed. Is it a comedy, a drama, a copshow, sci-fi , western. G vs E and Firefly fit no mold.
15:56 / 10.01.04
You know, I really hate this type of deconstruction but I've been watching every episode in order and I really can't shake it. The ship is really like a giant organism and the crew is it's guts.

Inara = The heart. (Her shuttle is all warm and red.)

Book = The soul (That's obvious.)

Mal = The brain (He's the Captain. The driving force behind all these people and the one in control. He's also at odds with book. The uneasy relationship between reason and faith.)

Jayne = The cock (His room is decked out with falic-like guns with names like Vira. The one thing he loves more than money is pussy. Also he's always fighting Mal for control kinda like the ship wanting to think with it's dick.)

Simon and Kaylee = The immune system. (Kaylee keeps the ship working and Simon it's crew.)

River = The ships subconcious.

Now the two I'm having trouble placing are Zoe and Walsh... I'm getting a kind of muslce (Zoe) and motor function (Walsh) type of union but I'm not sure. What are your takes... if you're at all interested in this kind of thing.
18:23 / 03.03.04
Woo hoo!!!! Universal gives Joss the money to make a Firefly movie!!!

Now, I just hope it's good....
15:08 / 08.03.04
OK, this show fucking rocks my world. Reading this thread over after finally watching the DVD collection, I'm a little surprised that so many people found this show a little cliche or trite. I seriously think it's Sopranos-quality level adventure entertainment. Joss firing on all cylinders, with less of the snarky, pop-culture, characters-all-talk like Chandler on Friends thing that can turn some people off about Buffy/Angel. Also, no aliens, no lasers, not much over-the-top stuff, and a lot of big-time drama and conflict, all performed by great actors.

I'm surprised some people aren't crazy about the actor who plays the Captain - I think he's fantastic. I'm in love with the whole cast - but especially Keely, cuteness and Midwest-girl-next-door sexiness personified.

Then again, I'm watching it as it was meant to be watched - from the beginning, 2-hour pilot first, in order. And man, it rocks. The commentary on the DVD is great, too. And although I love Joss, I'm not so easily impressed, and I certainly feel that there are many weak Buffy & Angel episodes. But this one just kicks ass in a supreme way.

Long live the Firefly movie!!! Joss' first feature film, with him at the helm, writing & directing. Long live SERENITY!!! (and I love the country/western/bluegrass music, too - love that theme song Joss wrote!!!)
12:39 / 09.03.04
"The heroo of Canton, the man they call Jayne..."
12:52 / 09.03.04
That was a great episode... I love how Jayne has grown since the pilot. He's probably my favorite character but it's close cause I love them all.
21:31 / 09.03.04
A fun post from aint-it-cool-news: (although I don't get his "Fremen on Arrakis" reference)

>> Firefly fans are like Fremen on Arrakis. You would be amazed at just how many there are. I live in Melbourne Australia and Firefly has never been shown on television or released on DVD here. I went to a preview screening of the Battlestar Galactica mini-series last night and after it was finished there was a Q. & A. with the Director. During the Q. & A. Firefly was mentioned and there was an overwhelmingly positive reaction from the crowd. I was truly astonished because I expected there to be little or no reaction, with lots of people scratch there heads and asking “What is Firefly?” It was amazing. No power in the verse can stop Firefly.

I truly believe that anyone who just saw a few episodes scattershot when it was on Fox should rent or borrow the DVD from someone, and just sit and watch the first 2 or 3 ep's, including the pilot, in order. I bet 70% of those people will become huge Firefly fans.

It has less cheesiness than Bufy and Angel, both because of the writing style and the subject matter. It has more sophistication overall, I venture to say. And it seems to win over LOTS of people who don't necessarily like sci-fi/fantasy/comic-booky shows (or even Westerns, for that matter). I know of many fans who showed it to people who are not into the usual geek stuff and the newcomers loved it.
02:22 / 10.03.04
I was hoping this would of been a big success and been shown on terrestrial tv here in England but i guess not seeing as it got cancelled.

So did a full series get made and then it got axed?

I'll have to look for it on DVD whenever i manage to get enough money. At the moment i need 90 quid for 6 Invisibles TPB's.
03:50 / 10.03.04
A full season was made, but a few episodes weren't shown by goramn Fox. The DVD boxset has every episode made. So you get a complete season... but since they didn't know they were going to be axed don't expect a nice wrap up with the final episode... they were obviously expecting a season two.

And I guess that's were the new movie comes in. As much as I love the title Firefly... I've gotta say Serenity sounds cool too.
18:38 / 16.03.04
from today:


A FIREFLY fansite called has published what appears to be a casting call breakdown sheet for the SERENITY feature film, describing the supporting characters needed to be filled for the movie. In all, the sheet describes 13 characters including the need for a child actress to play River Tam at the age of 10.

While the sheet doesn't reveal specific story spoilers about what will
happen in Joss Whedon's movie, it does hint at places we'll get to see the crew of the Serenity, and it definitely tells us of the new people we'll see. For instance, there's the character known as "The Operative", a mysterious government agent that is pursuing the Serenity across the galaxy.

Or how about "Mr. Universe", an acquaintance of Malcolm Reynolds that is described as being "the ultimate information junkie." There's also
descriptions for an older companion friend of Inara's (female); a doctor that seems to be the one that experimented on River; two identical twins that have a business deal with Mal; and another doctor that appears as a hologram on a "desolate" planet.


The above is what Cinescape posted. They also posted a link to the full, detailed casting sheets. I saw the casting sheets about a half-hour ago -- and the last few times I tried to view them in the past 10 minutes, the link no longer worked. I bet Fox ordered them to take it down.
19:45 / 16.03.04
Are you going to audition? You'd make a lovely River Tam.
14:55 / 06.04.04
So far the only ep I really didn't like was the "the crew helps out a bordello" episode, which felt like an episode of the A-Team. The only one I felt eeeh about was the swordfighting/duel episode where Mal fights for Inara's honor at a Southern-esque ball. I've only got one episode - the final one - left!!! The extras on the DVD are pretty fun, too. The movie starts shooting in June!! And Joss said all the actors would definitely be back.
Mystery Gypt
19:06 / 06.04.04
anyone have some insight about the language -- i suppose its the pre-alliance language? -- that everyone speaks? it is universally pervasive across classes; and perfectlly executed -- but, what's the concept?
13:52 / 07.04.04
It's real Chinese/Mandarin. The Alliance is supposed to be a fusion of American/Western and Chinese/Asian superpowers. They often had the actors saying curses in Mandarin. Full translations of all of these can be found on a pretty cool Firefly fan site: (Fans of the show are called Browncoats after Mal's losing army for independence)
uncle retrospective
11:39 / 26.04.04
Wow! I have to say I haven’t liked a show that much in years. I think B5 would have been the last show I saw, that had me chomping at the bit from the Pilot. There was so much going on and, amazingly, I didn’t hate any of the characters. I can’t believe Fox killed it. Well that’s a lie, I can see why Fox took one look at it and ran a mile, but hopefully the DVD sales will prove them wrong. Damn that’s some smart TV and I want to see River become the destroyer of worlds she was becoming.
Stupid Fox, why I oughta…
13:20 / 26.04.04
I've talked to a bunch of people who didn't like it so much when it was on the air, but I really wonder if that's because they didn't see the pilot first, they didn't see the shows in order, etc. .....I think someone who watches the DVD collection from the beginning would have more of a chance of liking the show than if they saw a few scattered episodes when it was on Fox on Friday nights.
17:49 / 05.05.04
Firefly rumors on some message board... I found on the Bendis! board.


Posted: May 03, 2004 9:32 pm
Post subject: Firefly Movie News!!!!!!
Trilogy planned!?!??!?!


A Firefly Movies Trilogy Is Possible

Conventions seemed so rife this weekend that C-Grade
actresses must’ve been in short supply for talkshows.
The "Starfury: Fusion" convention in Blackpool had one
insider there named ’Pixel’ who got a couple of
minutes chat with Nathan Fillion, best known for the
lead role in "Firefly" and a guest stint as an evil
Preacher at the end of "Buffy". Fillion spoke a bit
about the "Firefly" film spin-off "Serenity" which
Universal is currently developing:

"When the set was struck, at the end of the show,
nothing was kept except one door, so everything had to
be built [for the movie] from scratch. The characters
of Badger and Saffron will not be in the film, however
ALL nine main cast members will appear.

Filming starts early June for ten weeks for a
projected release "early next year". The budget,
previously listed as $35m, is actually about $50m. The
deal they have with Universal precludes another TV
show - so a revival ain’t gonna happen. The plan is,
if the film does well enough, to have a trilogy of

19:41 / 05.05.04
That's great. Too bad about Badger though as I really liked him.
13:19 / 08.06.04
Joss speaks Serenity. And there's a possible spoiler that can't possibly be a spoiler!

"Hi guys. Just wanted to give you some news but guess what? I can't get on the site. I have trouble with passwords. So hopefully Chris B will forward this to you with his wily technical knowledgablosity.

Today was (as I think you know) the first day of filming of Serenity. Which is pretty big for me (it felt weird to START with Mal's death, but scheduling isn't my area). It was a blast. Sean said it was like school was back in session after summer vacation, which I have decided to take as a compliment. Gina did a happy dance (and there are few happier sights than Gina doing a happy dance). We're still flying. And the best part is, that's not even why I'm posting.

The real news, and you heard it here first, is that Universal has thrown down an official release date! So mark your calendars, Browncoats, 'cause if you're planning to get married on April 22nd 2005, you better change the date. Seriously. Who gets married in April? Just change it.

April 22nd. Exactly when I wanted to open, 'cause it's SOON. I can't wait for you all to see what we're putting together. It's a crazy-quilt of infotainment that I like to call a 'film', and it just may be the best one ever made. Or one of the ones in the middle. Probably not the worst... I'm thinking middle. High middle. So buckle up and get ready for that patented Joss Whedon "high-middle" excitment. It's on its way.

I'm tired, and apparently I have to direct, like, EVERY scene, so I'm crashing. Thanks again, all of you, for helping me home. It's good to be back.

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:42 / 07.09.04
"Serenity" has just finished wrapping. I had the pleasure to meet and chat with Nathan Fillion (Mal Reynolds) and Jewel Staite (Kaylee) this past weekend at Dragon*Con. I feel the overwhelming urge to refer Mr. Fillion as my future ex-husband as he totally won me over with his charm, sense of humor, and humility. There's a pic of he and I. I will post it later.

Firefly was a tremendous show. And I look forward to the film's release.

p.s. Adam Baldwin (Jayne) was there too. I didn't get to meet him, though. A friend who interviewed him says he drinks $30 shots of scotch.

p.s.s. If anyone is interested, the Dragon*Con organizers are hoping to get all nine cast members for next year's con. I'll be there if that happens....
13:47 / 23.11.04
SERENITY, the Firefly movie, which was supposed to hit screens in spring 2005, has just been pushed back to September 30, 2005, according to Aint It Cool News (Joss Whedon himself broke the story on a Firefly-Joss-related website). Purely for marketing purposes, says Joss - the studio noticed there were too many movies aimed at the same demographic/genre/whatever in spring 2005.
17:34 / 15.12.04
saw this on a message board about the Firefly movie, SERENITY -- ** NO SPOILERS **, this is OK to read (and sounds very good):


The decision to see an early cut of the firefly movie was met with mixed feelings. On one hand, I was freaking dying to see this movie. On the other, I knew the movie would be far from done at this point.

For those who don't know, this was a research screening. Often these are films straight off the Avid in their rawest form. For a sci-fi flick that means a lot of the fx shots are not in place. This means you will see people hanging from wires, place cards where whole scenes are supoosed to be, and sometiems design drawings instead of spaceships.

I've waited a long time to see the "Firefly" movie. And I was prepared to wait longer (September at this point) to see the whole product.

But my wife and all our friends were going. I knew if I didn't take the opportunity, by the time September rolled around, I would have known every surprise twist, every sub-plot, every slightly cool line. So, I decided to go.

Like they always do, the marketing people warned us it was a work in progress, and that the effects, were indeed, far from completion. To ram this point home, they told us to use our imagination.

The movie started and I nervously watched.

Rest easy Firefly fans.

Once the film got rolling, it didn't matter that hardly any of the effects were done and a bunch of shots were missing. The story did all the work. Joss had the whole audience in the palm of his hand. From cynical me, to my friend who's never seen an episode of "Firefly" in her life.
19:27 / 15.12.04
Wow, for some reason I've had a lot of hope in this movie, which is weird considering Joss' other film projects, but that review reinforced all my hopes... I can't wait!
20:14 / 16.12.04
I can't wait for this. But will it have the SONG?? (you can't take the sky from me)
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
04:53 / 25.12.04
You know, I like the bloody song.

I really do.

And um yeah, I'm still so cool....

Heh heh.
13:53 / 25.12.04
Well, you're southern. We'll give you a pass this once.

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