OK, this show fucking rocks my world. Reading this thread over after finally watching the DVD collection, I'm a little surprised that so many people found this show a little cliche or trite. I seriously think it's Sopranos-quality level adventure entertainment. Joss firing on all cylinders, with less of the snarky, pop-culture, characters-all-talk like Chandler on Friends thing that can turn some people off about Buffy/Angel. Also, no aliens, no lasers, not much over-the-top stuff, and a lot of big-time drama and conflict, all performed by great actors.
I'm surprised some people aren't crazy about the actor who plays the Captain - I think he's fantastic. I'm in love with the whole cast - but especially Keely, cuteness and Midwest-girl-next-door sexiness personified.
Then again, I'm watching it as it was meant to be watched - from the beginning, 2-hour pilot first, in order. And man, it rocks. The commentary on the DVD is great, too. And although I love Joss, I'm not so easily impressed, and I certainly feel that there are many weak Buffy & Angel episodes. But this one just kicks ass in a supreme way.
Long live the Firefly movie!!! Joss' first feature film, with him at the helm, writing & directing. Long live SERENITY!!! (and I love the country/western/bluegrass music, too - love that theme song Joss wrote!!!) |