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19:03 / 11.07.05
19:57 / 12.07.05
comments about Firefly's return to the big or small screen from

>> One of the guests at the Shore Leave Convention this weekend was Lee Stringer. Stringer, who has worked on the CG effects for such shows as ENTERPRISE, FIREFLY and the new BATTERSTAR GALACTICA.

Our scooper asked him about FIREFLY possibly returning to television and this is what Stringer had to say:

I asked him if there was any truth to the rumor that based on the Firefly DVD sales and how the movie Serenity does, if Firefly may get brought back to TV, similiar to what happened to Family Guy. His response was, "Well, I think Joss feels that he has already done TV and been successful. He has his sights set on Movies right now. I think depending on how well the movie does and is received that he would like to do a follow up movie (sequel). Now, Universal owns the rights to Firefly and they also own Sci-Fi. As you may know Sci-Fi will be running the original episodes of the TV series soon, if they are not already. You guys don't really realize how much your feedback matters. Writing the companies doesn't always work, but if the series does well and folks make noise, it does make an impact. Sci-Fi could very easily call up Universal and ask for new episodes to the series. The only question in that case would be if Joss would be as involved in the series as he was before. So, no, there are no plans that I know of for it to come back as a TV series, but I could certainly see something like that happen."
15:22 / 23.07.05
Last night was Firefly’s “premier on the Sci-fi Channel and I have to say if was cool seeing it on TV again. Does anyone know when or where I can see the ratings for it? I’m curious about how it did on the greatest night of sci-fi.
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:23 / 03.08.05
Two years ago to the day Jack the Bodiless told me not to write Firefly off:

I think it's a little difficult to judge a show based on one episode...

And he was right. I'm really enjoying the repeats on Sci-Fi (UK) - just watched 'Heart Of Gold' starring Julie Cooper, and it was great. Odd to see her copping off with someone who once played someone called Caleb. Actually, it seems clear to me now that Nathan Fillion is a very talented actor who was done a bit of a disservice when he was cast as Caleb in Buffy S7 - that was a terribly written, hammy, OTT part, whereas as Mal, he's riveting.
17:12 / 02.10.06
I just watched this series last week, and am with Stoat from last year. How'd I miss it?

Wikipedia links to a campaign to release a season 2 on DVD-by-demand. Anyone know more about that?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:44 / 02.10.06
It's highly unlikely as the original cast have already made other commitments and Joss is more concerned with other scripts these days.

When asked about the DVD-by-demand question, Alan and Summer were like, "We wish, but it doesn't seem possible."
Evil Scientist
12:14 / 03.10.06
We can always hope for a spin-off entitled "The Cosmic Space Adventures of Jayne" though.
12:52 / 03.10.06
God, I wish. Jayne is awesomeness, and I know I'd certianly watch all four episodes of it before it's cancelled.
Tryphena Absent
13:29 / 03.10.06
The cancellation of Firefly, remains in my brainpan, one of the most inexplicable decisions ever made... and then I remember how long ad breaks are in the US and realise that people probably just couldn't pick up the thread after hearing about land for sale in Milwaukee.
15:10 / 03.10.06
Well, I can totally understand how it got cancelled given that the thing was shown out of order. Even the pilot was a little turgid -- the story only got interesting about 3/4s of the way through it. I think the pilot would've been much more interesting if it'd been broadcast the way it had been originally scripted & filmed (according to the DVD deleted scenes), starting with the aftermath of the battle with ships coming. Are they ours? Are they ours?

But Mr. Whedon apparently wanted more action as a "hook" in the beginning, so it wound up with this confusing mess of shadows and shooting and too many new people to keep track of that lasted for what felt like 10 minutes too long.

Plopped into the middle of the season, it must've been even more inexplicable.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:11 / 03.10.06
Actually, FOX was responsible for showing the episodes out of order, not Joss.
15:47 / 03.10.06
I still feel like the concept just isn't something that's going to hook people. Battlestar Galactica has massive critical acclaim, a ton of publicity and still was averaging something like 2.5 million viewers last season. On the Sci-Fi channel, that's big ratings, on Fox, not so much, especially for such an expensive show.

I think there's not that many people that will watch a space show to begin with, and throw on the trappings of a Western, another tough sell genre, and you're starting at a major disadvantage. There was that strong core of viewers, but that's not going to be enough to make it on a major network.

I'm not saying the show couldn't have become a big success, but it would have taken a while, and required a lot better treatment of the show than it received from Fox. What's inexplicable to me is why they would commission such an expensive series that they knew would be a hard sell, and then just dump it on the air without a lot of promotion. Either commit to giving the show a real chance or don't do it at all.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:58 / 03.10.06
My impression was that FOX wanted Joss to do anything, anything at all, based upon his success with Buffy and Angel--which FOX uncerimoniously cancelled eventually--and this was the show he wanted to do. I must admit I am amazed that he even got the greenlight to do it.

"What, so it's set in the future, but there are no aliens?"

"That's right."

"So, it's set in the future, but it's also a Western?"


"Hell, have some money and go to it."

PatrickMM has it right. FOX got the show and the cachet that came with Joss' name but then they didn't know how to promote the damn thing. And again, the weekly switching time slots and out-of-order episodes spelled a death sentence for one of the best sci-fi shows that will ever air.

The greatest testiment to the show's greatness is that it doesn't matter who you show the show to (heh) they become immediately hooked and ask you, "Why didn't this work??? This show is fucking fantastic!" You can only hang your head and reply, "If only we had you back in 2002."
18:30 / 03.10.06
Actually, FOX was responsible for showing the episodes out of order, not Joss.

Yeah, I know -- I should've said "I also think...". Usually deleted scenes are pretty pointless, but in this case, I think the pilot would've been better telling that story than the one it told.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:42 / 03.10.06
Did you listen to the commentaries? The ones with Nathan are hilarious.
19:03 / 03.10.06
I thought Joss' commentary on Objects in Space was amazing. I'd listened to the commentary on Serenity too (the movie not the pilot, it's the one where he has a cold), but I was really impressed with his solo Firefly one. I think he must have written it either as a script or in very detailed notes, because he, and he alone, manages to stay fascinating and funny throughout the whole 43 minutes of the show (same with Serenity too, but that was a tad more rambling). It makes me sad that he's not able to make TV shows (and their attendant commentaries) at the moment.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:16 / 03.10.06
I liked the commentary for Out of Gas, probably one of my favourite episodes.
19:20 / 03.10.06
Battlestar Galactica has massive critical acclaim, a ton of publicity and still was averaging something like 2.5 million viewers last season. On the Sci-Fi channel, that's big ratings, on Fox, not so much, especially for such an expensive show.

Yeah, but it would have bigger ratings were it on FOX-- not everyone has the cable Sci-Fi channel and not everybody watches it, because it's "nerd TV."

Buffy and Angel--which FOX uncerimoniously cancelled eventually--

Well, the WB cancelled Angel. And then they realized it was a stupid mistake and the guy behind it got fired. Angel was one of the few shows on any channel to climb in the ratings that year.
19:21 / 03.10.06
I listened to the commentary on Objects in Space twice in a row-- it's that damn good. And it's also my favorite episode of the show, so it helps.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:55 / 03.10.06
Thanks for correction on the mix-up, Bill. I forgot that Angel was on the WB.

Objects in Space? A fave, really? Probably my least my favourite one.

My favourites as follows: The Train Job, Jaynestown, War Stories, Out of Gas, Ariel, The Message.
21:54 / 03.10.06
Objects in Space - Out of Gas - War Stories

After that, they're all pretty even, though there are a few that bore me, like Safe. And I don't know why I think Shindig is so fun. But it is.
10:48 / 04.10.06
You guys make me want to re-watch all my Firefly box set, and Serenity, both with and without commentaries.
Evil Scientist
12:11 / 04.10.06
Jaynestown, War Stories, Objects In Space, and the Pilot.

I have to say my love of the Pilot comes from a lot of places but that moment with the Reaver ship passing by is in my top ten scenes of the series. The way the music combines with the look on their faces when they realise what's out there.

Plus, before there was even a sniff of a film it really underlined for me that this show was gearing up for some great storylines.
18:36 / 04.10.06
I'm so bad I really am thinking about making the DVD set the default gift to anyone who has not watched it this holiday season.

Shindig, Out of Gas, and Heart of Gold are my favorites I believe. But crap they're all pretty awesome.

....I'll be in my bunk.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:39 / 04.10.06
"If I could make you prettier, I would!"

"You are NOT the man I married."
18:52 / 04.10.06
I was going to quizically ask why Our Mrs Reynolds doesn't really get a mention in people's favourites - is it basically the odd Assertive-but-misguided-feminism, or is there something else that marks it out?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:13 / 04.10.06
True. Considering the opener is one of the funniest.
20:08 / 04.10.06
Not forgetting Jayne's description of (I believe) 'Vera'.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:10 / 04.10.06
"Jayne, my days of taking you seriously are comin' to a middle."
20:33 / 04.10.06
I was going to quizically ask why Our Mrs Reynolds doesn't really get a mention in people's favourites

Our Mrs Reynolds is my absolute favourite! But you know, it's very hard to choose favourites in such an awesome series (imagine how hard it would have been if hadn't been axed...)
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:53 / 04.10.06
You're going to the special hell.

All of you.
21:04 / 04.10.06
This thread makes me unbearably sad.

It'd be O.K. if I could innoculate myself, but I was doing the Good Work. I loaned Firefly to a chef at work, and Serenity to my manager. They've had them for fucking ages and keep forgetting to bring them in.
00:06 / 05.10.06
Jawsus-son Starship
21:22 / 17.10.06
It's got to be objects in space for me. That sums up everything that I love about the series - the situation, the family unit, the darkness of the threat to Kaylee which just hits you in the stomach, the begining with River, Jayne. Everything.

Fox is just a bunch of Gorram no nothings.
11:49 / 19.10.06
Everyone should hate Fox for so many reasons. The cancellation reminds me of an old Who joke that could be amended; How many Firefly fans does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just sit in the dark and wait for it to come back on...

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