Flyboy I liked engaging with your posts, they made me think. I was asking for it. I think you missed a lot of the point. This conversation reminds me of Dune where the Mentat is talking to the Fremen and they can't make sense of each other. I am the Fremen.
But to make this basic controversial point clear, I orginally said: From my (obviously limited) experience of women, women tend to like mostly shitty music. And by obviously limited I mean as obviously limited as about anyone here, we know max a few hundred women each? and there are a few billion (or so I have heard). I have known women who do not fall into the shitty music category. I am confident that there are social circles where most if not all of the girls have a profoud feeling for good music. In London I have been to dub parties where there were lots of women dancing and enjoying what I also consider to be very good music.
My point was: that women are not encouraged to appreciate certain aspects of music. Subsequently, fewer of them like [what I consider] good music, and this is very evident in certain genres, especially 'black' genres, where their role is 99% of the time only the singer, and not a musician or behind the mixing boards. This applies especially to more militant or battle-oriented forms of music. Now you can agree or disagree but I do not think this falls into the category of misogyny.
(Haus you know nothing about my life before i got sick. Also, your posts are usually stupid.)
I believe very much in certain semi-objective criteria in music quality. This is where we seem to disagree, Flyboy. Yes, I do think that I can speak with more authority about the Quality of the Manifestation of Hip-hop than the average fashion addict. No, I do not think I can be the Supreme Judge of what is ok for someone to listen to. There is a line between the 2. I am bored of trying to indicate this line. Absolute definition is impossible.
I think in both this and the original thread I talked about Machine taking over too much power from Soul. It is ok for musicians to experiment with Machine, but in present conditions it has achieved a level of imbalance. Rhythm, dance and sexuality are closely linked. The mechanization/digitization of sexuality is rarely stated openly but it is dominant in most SFP music.
We have (a) the fetishization of digital cleanness in production (very similar to the fetish of chemical hygiene) and (b)the inorganic, unsyncopated, overly quantized drumming style, made popular by disco:
(from a private message I wrote to gypsy lantern a while ago: My understanding of disco is that it is a watered down funk, semi-funky music played over a very boring beat. I remember when I was studying in the US I went to see a band called Project Logic, not a great band or anything but they were alright, and they played kind of groovy/kind of funky/hip-hopish jams. And then on one song they played pretty much the same kind of thing they had been playing up till then, except the drum beat was that standard "electronic dance" music beat, the very boring one that is just a kick on the one and a snare on the two, again and again and again. And all the college kids in the audience found this very dancable and they acted like it was the best song, dancing up and down and going whooooo at the end. Why???? I think it is because a lot of people who are not really 'into' music have a hard time even following a slightly more complex beat, in the same way that I have a hard time following some free-jazz drumming. Do you see what I mean? To me 'disco' as i understand it, is that same simplification of rhythm applied to funk... Not that i think being more complex is necessarily better.... maybe what I mean is that funk is organic, erotic, earthy - disco is uptight, robotic, alienated, dumbed-down. I have no problem with music exploring the robotic or the alienated, but not for dance, for me dancing is sacred and life-affirming. Of course the word disco means many things (etymologically from discotheque which means a club or a place for storing discs I think...))
Most 'black' music seems to go through stages of rawness and then a watered down commodified stage where it is made more attractive to 'white' audiences. We are now in the commodified stage of Hip-hop.
(The terms black and white are losing a lot of their associated meanings; many blacks are more white than some whites, and many whites are more black than some blacks, in the archetypal sense.
Black is sexual, physical, strong, primal, organic, intuitivelly rhythmical, soulful, (and also primitive, unrefined, slow, non inventive)
White is knowledgable, industrious, noble, conquering, inventive (but also uptight, bad at dancing, soulless (devil)), Fallen, out of touch.)
(very rough outlines, yes you can argue with them, I hope some people can understand what I am trying to point at here. It is suggestive of certain trends.)
These archetypes can also be seen in class terms, white being ruling and black being working. Right now what is happening in the US is a big idenitity crisis where many blacks try and act 'white' and many whites try and act 'black'.
eg african american cultural dominance in music and sports has had an incredibly strong affect on white masculinity, the young white male trying to act black.
Then the older black male trying to act white.... universal otherness and alienation, universal objectification. [This model is too simplistic obviously, but it seems like one of the central myths]
(I am not black and I am not white.)
Hip-hop and SFB... so closely tied to 'blackness'... but the spiritual and organic where have they gone? I have nothing against booty shaking but not to these proaudio marching bands.... A march is the construction of an inhibition against will, in the service of an objectifying interest. Sublimation of sexual energy where the individual loses the Self not to a Unity or Communal-Consciousness, but to what? to what? to what?
I could reply to each of your points but it would take way way too long:
I see no value whatsover in adopting a form of puritanism or adopting the patriachal mode of telling women what not to wear.
I expressly condemned puritanism. I said Obviously women and men can dress how they like. Flyboy you cant lock me into these categories where i do not belong.
My point is this: don't assume everyone shares the same worldview, in which musicians can be nearly divided into those who are true artists and those who are shallow and doing it for the money etc, and you can the difference by looking (very superficially)...
No I never said anything about neat divides. Most hip-hop artists i like are all into the money... eric b and rakim are all bling bling... understand maybe flyboy that hip-hop is not like other forms of music it has other dimensions unique to it... where is rakim coming from? or rather where is he at? how rakim how can you take me through the mental in this way?... and why jay-z can you not take me anywhere close?... there is a power of manifestation which has become watered down... (what do I mean by watered down? I mean Intent has been given heroin... I mean someone has pissed in my well)...i am sick of endless discourse... it is the nature of language that we can argue forever and just arrive at the conclusion 'maybe'....
to say it again very rigidly objectively to 2 decimel points. To me the essence of Hip-hop is manifestation of Word (as Flow, Rhythm, Battle-style, Uplifting Righteousness, I-ness, Godliness, Uniqueness, tribal consciousness) and the Creation of Sacred Time via the Breakbeat (breakbeat used in the broadest sense of the word, the time machine). Anything deviating from this is not necessarily good or bad but is deviating from hip-hop. Some elements however are 'bad', and by bad I mean working against the evolution of the human species. And within this category I would include the overdependence on Machine.
Finally, the problem I have with your understanding of ideas such as false consciousness and the Spectacle is that they're things that fool other people. You don't seem very aware of the possibility that you may have picked up preconceptions, fallacies etc through conditioning. On the contrary, you think that you have a deeper understanding than anybody else, and that you know what is "objectively historical". And like pretty much everybody else I ever heard talk about the big bad Spectacle, you make allowances for the art you yourself enjoy, confusing politics and aesthetics. Now, I've not problem with people confusing politics and aesthetics, necessarily. You just need a bit of self-awareness and humility when you're doing it.
I am not perfect therefore I have preconceptions fallacies etc. One of the purposes of discussing here is for them to be exposed. Check out how delacroix showed me a big one on the marxists thread. I accepted it.
'Objectively historical' was just a silly joke after you started playing korzybski with my first post on the wu tang thread.
Some others understand with more depth than me, some others do not but can still help me find more depth. I am not afraid of my depth. This is Hip-hop! The kind of humility you ask is contrary to Hip-hop. Inhibition is dropped and Will is free. This is why such a large percentage of NYC big time MCs were 5percenters, because they thought they were God and therefore removed inhibitions and focused on their goal.
Hip-hop belongs to Spectacle for the most part but it is one of the few forces potentially stronger than it. A good MC and a good DJ are always chanelling something infinitely more powerful than Spectacle. Wait for Hip-hop to become aware of itself and its slave relation to Capital.
Can you compare me with a christian fundamentalist?..... god is not an accurate term, means many things. Hip-Hop is a Path, it is a way of life, it is living, it is alive, it is a zeitgeist, it is an egregore, it is crate digging karma, it is the noise in the south bronx, it is international, it is a culture, it is grown men talking about how big their dicks are over disco records, it is breath control, it is a shift in the assemblage point, it is complete isolation, it is the crew, it is the crowd, it is the moment of battle, it is the moment of peace, bla bla bla, it is big, more big than we can talk about, call it polytheistic if you want; I will think about that one. I am the Fremen.
-bruno |