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Gives me a happy


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Evil Scientist
12:31 / 01.11.06
That I was (without realising it) the 666th post to the Instead Thread.

I work the evil like it's a government mule.
17:41 / 01.11.06
Doctor Who in awards triumph
A shocked-looking Tennant said after receiving his most popular actor award: "I think if my eight-year-old self could see me at the Royal Albert Hall winning a prize for playing the doctor on telly, he would need a stiff shot of Irn-Bru."

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:01 / 01.11.06
David Tennant = twee.

22:33 / 02.11.06

I happen to know* that two brandy new members are:

3.wicked fun!

they are being lurkerish at the moment though I'm hoping they start chiming in as I adore what they bring to our community.


*from other interwebbie and IRL places.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:33 / 03.11.06
I seem to have found a potential partner in crime. A man who idolises Lovecraft AND Italian splatter films? Be still, my heart.
15:57 / 03.11.06
yay for you Kali!

though get a referral from someone who has dated him that he isn't too into HP and gore..if you know what I mean.

Up here in New England we actually have Whatelys.
15:58 / 03.11.06
Grace Dent on next weeks' TV. Short and to the point. I like her.

Planet Earth - Sunday 5 November, BBC1
It's back! There's going to be polar bears. I love polar bears.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:06 / 03.11.06
though get a referral from someone who has dated him that he isn't too into HP and gore..if you know what I mean.

Well, he gets my Dagon and Nyarlathotep jokes, works in film and media, wants to direct a horror movie, reads voraciously, and is also apparently an avant-garde mult-instrumentalist.

This is where I go: "Nope, too good to be true."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:13 / 03.11.06
There's something heartwarming and yet terrifying about dressing your child as Cthulhu for Halloween. Welcome to therapy, kid.
19:55 / 03.11.06
Going to the pub with a friend you haven't seen for ages is always happy-giving.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:27 / 03.11.06
Oh sweet Lord. I swear to God I think I have met my match. Or at least my equal.

Hold on, I'm going to do something
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:53 / 04.11.06
Oh crap oh crap oh crap.

I really really really like somebody.
20:01 / 04.11.06
I appear to have the world's least-scared-of-fireworks dog. I just took her out for a walk, and there were kids letting fireworks off on the Common. She actually stopped to watch them. It was really quite bizarre.

Although given that they always recommend accustoming your dog to bangs and stuff well in advance, I'm wondering if perhaps the fact that Sheena shares a house with a guy who spends an awful lot of time playing FPSs may not have something to do with her somewhat blase attitude to explosions...
19:45 / 06.11.06
I just had my daughter's eardrums pierced.

It's not nearly as bad as it sounds. The doctors put in shunts so that the fluid that has been building up and making her deaf and dizzy can finally drain. My three year old daughter will be able to speak soon, by the grace of whomever, and jump, and run for more than a few feet without falling.

Not nearly as awesome, but certainly worth mentioning in the happy thread, were the hospital staff that performed the operation. The doctor was competent, the anesthesiologist was friendly and calming, the nursed were all helpful. I wanted to hug them all, especially after the past five years of incompetent quacks that my family and I have suffered through. It was wonderful having my faith in the medical profession restored.
19:58 / 06.11.06
hey remove recursively forcefully home directory lekvar, that's AWESOME!!!
20:02 / 06.11.06
Yeah, gratz, lekvar!

(Though I must admit, when I read the first sentence my first thought was "for fashion reasons? YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!")
20:36 / 06.11.06
Yeah Stoats, all the kids are doing it these days.

That is good news, Lekvar. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery.
20:52 / 06.11.06
Thanks, everybody. I feel like the cliché weight has been removed from my heart.

The big joke about the piercing is that her mother and I have a combined total of piercing somewhere upwards of 30 or so, not counting the ones that have healed closed over the years, yet we refuse to get Linnaea's (that's the daughter) ears pierced until she can specifically ask for it. She's deeply fascinated by our ears and the shiny shiny objects in them. I'm guessing that the request won't be long in coming now.
[ear-to-ear grin]
21:38 / 06.11.06
That is the cutest website I've ever seen.
21:43 / 06.11.06
The term "resting on the laurels of giants", which my big friendly friend Steve just coined. He is from Gloucester and is a genius.
22:14 / 06.11.06
Ninja Kid

More than likely safe for work. Unless some really really really really devious web-fu is at work.
22:19 / 06.11.06
The term "resting on the laurels of giants", which my big friendly friend Steve just coined.

I like that a lot. I may steal it. But if I do, rest assured, I'll credit it to "someone I know off the internet's mate Steve".
06:06 / 07.11.06
I was here last week, and my jaw's still dragging along the ground which makes it hard to grin stupidly. Northern Scotland is all bronze at the moment, and scrummy.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:17 / 07.11.06
Princess Squeedlyspooch, I think it's the picture of Snape giving the thumbs up that wins me over, nice find!
06:31 / 07.11.06
Finding a soupcon of a delicious meal in your beard several minutes after completing said meal. When you find an ingot of chilli tofu from Itto's in Stoke Newington dangling precipitously from your moustache, it really is better than sex... admittedly sex with someone who's not particularly attracted to you, but you get my point.
06:50 / 07.11.06
Introduction books to abstruse continental philosophers. I always feel like Amazon's given me a third thumb to suck. Oh, the security!
Tabitha Tickletooth
11:44 / 08.11.06
Yay Americans, you rock. Well done on getting out there and voting - you have made a real difference and your voices have been heard. I know the senate still hangs in the balance, but what a fucking result so far.

I know it's not suddenly all coming up roses and there were some knocks as well as some gains but it's better than it was yesterday which is a bloody nice change.

I can be pretty quick to jump on you for the things I don't like about your country or the way it acts, so I want to say - woo hoo you. I didn't see the UK electorate shaking the Labour party in the last election. I didn't see the Australian electorate bloodying the nose of little Johnny fucktard Howard.

You've given that GOP a right fucking smack. Thankyou and congratulations. Buy yourselves a beer.
electric monk
11:59 / 08.11.06
Can do!

Thanks for those kind words, Tabitha. They have added to my happy.
12:01 / 08.11.06
Princess- is the best thing evah!
Cat Chant
13:23 / 08.11.06
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:35 / 08.11.06
What's giving me a happy today?

Simon Pegg.
17:01 / 08.11.06
Every day. Hot Fuzz comes out February everyone, mark your calendars!
Essential Dazzler
17:13 / 08.11.06
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:10 / 08.11.06
Seriously, I think Spaced changed my life.

Simon Pegg makes me squeal with disturbing glee.
18:16 / 08.11.06
I think Spaced was my life. I reflexively quote it at every opportunity.

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