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Attack of the Clones


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Matthew Fluxington
09:11 / 19.03.02
I think that this movie might actually be a lot of fun.

The trailers have looked impressive, the storyline sounds alright, and famed uber-geek Harry Knowles says some very, very nice things about the rough cut that he saw.

So, what do you think? Do you think it'll be any good? Obviously, they can only get better than the last one...

I think it'll be a really fun sci-fi epic movie. Emphasis on the word "fun".
09:27 / 19.03.02
I saw the preview that was on last sunday after Malcom in the Middle and all I can say is "wow"

It looked damned cool. I mean Anakin jumping out of that vehicle high up in the air, finally seeing Mace Windu in action, Anakin defying the jedi council. Hot damn! I WILL go see this in the theater.
09:27 / 19.03.02
Have to say that the trailer looks like unmitigated crap.

I keep asking Lucas: "what's yer point?" (No, I don't really ask him...) Why's he making these films? I just don't get it. He's telling story that we already know, and doing it in a way that just isn't very interesting.

And I have nothing but contempt for his methods this time around. If the guy wants to develop technology, he shouldn't be a fucking filmmaker. Everything that I've seen of EpII so far makes it look like the last one - a bunch of actors running around like lost fools in front of blank screens. Watching the trailers for the new film, it's quite obvious to me that the only person who seems to both know and care what he's doing is Christopher Lee. Everyone else looks either lost or bored.

That Anakin jumping out of the speeder bit is terrible - where the hell does that "I hate it when he does that" line come from? Did Lucas just hit the 'insert joke here' button? Pathetic. I'll probably see it, but I find that it's out of very basic curiosity more than anything else. It doesn't look like fun to me. Just the opposite. Looks like a film that will remind me of what it could have been.

[ 19-03-2002: Message edited by: videodrome ]
shirtless, beepers and suntans
09:27 / 19.03.02
i agree with videodrome. and i'll take his cogent arguments a step further and say that the special effects look like shit.

george lucas and co. made absolutely no attempt at making the blue-screen parts less obvious. thick black lines around Obi Wan and Anakin. a friend of mine studies filmmaking, and he said it has to do with the fact that the movie was shot on digital video instead of film.

at any rate, it looks like it's shaping up to be a pretty crappy flick. and of course, i'll go see it "just 'cause it's star wars."

god that's pathetic.
09:27 / 19.03.02
I've got this horrible feeling that they stuck all the nifty bits in the preview like they did with episode one. I really got excited about episode one because of the previews and when I finally got to see it...well to say I was disappointed would be an understatement.
09:27 / 19.03.02
I make films for a living, so I'll put in my opinion that it's not so much the fact that they're shooting on digivid (I've done a film with the same camera as these clowns) and more that everything that isn't an actor is digital. When there's so much compositing to be done, odds are something isn't going to work. Since it's digital media to begin with, the effects should be better without the generational loss that accompanies large-scale film-based optical work. (I guess when your media isn't 'film', they're not really 'opticals' anymore...)

[ 19-03-2002: Message edited by: videodrome ]
09:27 / 19.03.02
the trailer looks no better or worse than that of episode 1. and everyone inthe world will still see it anyway.

i just wish lucas did episodes 7-9 instead. after all: luke is evil...
09:27 / 19.03.02
in my opinion anyway.
09:27 / 19.03.02
Gotta stick with the anti-trailer faction and say that I was unimpressed. I guess I just miss the stupid haircuts of the old trilogy, and these little quasi-crew cuts with dangly braids that came and went in the early nineties just leave me cold.
Matthew Fluxington
09:27 / 19.03.02
I don't really care about the special effects - on one hand, I think a lot of what I've seen looks kinda cool, and on the other, I much prefer sets, the old-school style of special effects. I think Empire Strikes Back looks a lot better. But all the same, a lot of the things they are trying to pull off in this movie can't really be done in reality.

So --- aside from my misgivings with Lucas The Techy Megalomaniac, putting aside the fact that the last movie was terrible, and easing up on my reticence about digi-film, and focusing on what I've seen and what I know about the content of the film; I'm very excited in a very ten-year old kind of way about this big sci fi epic. With lots of battles and mysteries and sword fights, spaceships and Boba Fett and robot armies. It appeals to the kid in me. The part of me that really enjoys New X-Men.
Baz Auckland
09:27 / 19.03.02
I think it's one of those things that you have to see no matter what. It's Star Wars, and goddamn it, I need to see what happens in the end.

(I know I could probably read the books, but that wouldn't be as fun in this case)

...and having millions of people that will see it no matter what seems to make Lucas very lazy and careless.

But at least N'SYNC is out of the film now, right?
09:27 / 19.03.02
I was neutral until I saw the trailer, and whizz-bang stuff aside, I actually winced at some of the dialogue. Lucas’ dialogue has always been weak, and if he’s going to use the romance element as a plot element, I’m really worried.

“Anakin, look how you’ve grown…”
“Yes, and you look about ten minutes older.”
… so the trailer did just what it wasn’t supposed to : put me off. But that’s because like Tim in Spaced, I was burned by the Phantom Menace.

So I think I’ll be waiting for the video unless someone whose opinion I respect (which does NOT mean Harry Knowles) tells me it’s worth shelling out for.

The Natural Way
09:27 / 19.03.02
Look, I don't necessarily know what to expect from this film, but THE SPECIAL EFFECTS ARE NOT CRAP. Christ, they're about as top of the range as you can get (they're probably not as imaginative as the effects in LOTR, but still...). Okay, if you don't like CGI.... And Flux, what a funny thing to say, Star Wars films are all about spectacle - how can you not *care* about the effects and still get excited about the film?
The Strobe
09:27 / 19.03.02
I really didn't like that trailer. OK, the lightsaber stuff at the end was very shiny and made me "oooh" like a fool...

...but the rest hurt. Those digital backdrops of the Jedi council... shit, they can do a whole city quite well but they can't create a convincing room? Videogame CGI didn't look much better in 1995.

Similarly, shitty unfunny jokes do NOT bode well.

My main problem was, though, that the whole thing doesn't LOOK like Star Wars. It's all too... smooth. Perfect. CGI. Models are the way ahead - I agree with Flux, Empire manages to look superb and it's using pretty simple miniatures and camera-controlled stuff... the space shots in the trailer were too flashy by half. The only thing that convinces is the lightsaber is because it's still basically done in the same way.

It also feels it's going to be quite long... given all the stuff in this trailer and all the stuff in the previous one... hell, that's a lot of stuff to expand on. Either that or it'll be rushed.

Oh well. I don't think it bodes well, but I'll see it anyway, because I'm a sucker.
09:27 / 19.03.02
I wonder if some people are even talking about the same trailer. The one with all the airbrushing and floaty gowns and where you get to see Ewan McGregor's ludicrously immobile hairsprayed hair? And yes, a bit of shiny technology...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the image of Anakin Skywalker: the petulant teenager, retrospectively ruins the character of Darth Vader. It pains me.

I *will* be going to see it at the cinema after exams... but I wish they had a special viewing for fans that know it's gonna hurt, so that we can all shout abuse at the screen without getting kicked out...
Matthew Fluxington
12:43 / 19.03.02
quote:Originally posted by You and Runce:
Look, I don't necessarily know what to expect from this film, but THE SPECIAL EFFECTS ARE NOT can you not *care* about the effects and still get excited about the film?

No, I'm saying that I'm not really picky about how 'realistic' special effects look. I think the new Star Wars movies look like highly detailed animation, and more or less, that's what they are. They don't look and feel real like "Empire Strikes Back" or "Alien" or whatever, and that's cos no one wants to deal with sets and puppets anymore. That's horrible. Videodrome wrote a great rant on his blog about it. He's right. I agree with him.

But in context, I don't care. I know Star Wars is not real. It needs not look or sound convincing to me. All of the Star Wars movies have hokey dialogue. It's part of Star Wars. They are movies aimed primarily at children.

All I know is that the shots of giant battlefields of robots and clones and what have you look exactly like battlefields of robots and clones - as long as the image on screen makes the point it's making, I'm not too particular about how they pull it off. I'm not going to watch old movies and think "oh, this movie looks like crap! these special effects are HORRIBLE!". It's unfair.
The Natural Way
12:46 / 19.03.02
I think the (problem w/) CGI thing is definitely generational. My kid bro couldn't give a fuck. And I agree: realism be damned.
Jack Fear
12:57 / 19.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Cholister:
...I wish they had a special viewing for fans that know it's gonna hurt, so that we can all shout abuse at the screen without getting kicked out...

Sad to say, I have no sympathy for you. If you know it's going to hurt, but you're a "fan" anyway, then though you curse George Lucas til the heavens fall, the stone truth is that you've got no one to blame but yourself.

Stop caring about fucking Star Wars. I did, about fifteen years ago, and it's simplified my life considerably.

And Flux, I'd treat Harry Knowles' recommendations as I'd treat those of the sweaty guy behind the counter at the porno shop: frankly, I'm not at all interested in what gets him off.

[ 19-03-2002: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
Spatula Clarke
13:07 / 19.03.02
Got to go with Mr Fear on this one. Despite loving the first trilogy (well, Hope and Empire), I avoided Menace like the plague up to this Christmas just gone, when I watched my brother's DVD version. And found myself underwhelmed, but not disappointed, because I wasn't expecting it to be the best blowjob I've ever had. I had time to kill and thought I might as well catch up on what everyone was bitching about.

Just because you have a hard-on for a few of the films doesn't mean that you have to go see the others, nor does it mean that the others have to be any good. Christ knows, every other series of movies has lost any appeal after (at most) the third episode. I'm surprised that anyone expected Star Wars to be any different.

If you're certain that this next one's going to be shit, why on Earth do you want to waste your time and money going to see it (and helping it break "all expected sales figures", natch)?
Matthew Fluxington
13:35 / 19.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Jack Fear:

And Flux, I'd treat Harry Knowles' recommendations as I'd treat those of the sweaty guy behind the counter at the porno shop: frankly, I'm not at all interested in what gets him off.

Point taken. I felt realllllllllly creepy reading that 'article' yesterday. And creepier still, cos it made me more interested in seeing it.

Disclaimer: I did this same "ooh, it's gonna be great!" song and dance before the last one came out too. I obviously really want them to be good, and am willing to engage in a bit of self-deception if it makes it a bit easier. I loved Star Wars so much as a kid. It's not like I want it to suck, or something.

The last one deflated my expectations so much that now I just want campy stupid fun, with robot battles and sword fights. I'm not asking for much.

[ 19-03-2002: Message edited by: Flux = No Rock n' Roll Fun ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:58 / 19.03.02
I especially like the people who got worked up about N-Sync being in this film. "How dare they put a couple of pop stars as extras in a campy sci-fi adventure film! Sacrilege!"
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:05 / 19.03.02
The entire set of prequels is in fact Lucas' revenge on the fans.
One day he recieved one too many pieces of fan fiction and he snapped...

"So you like Darth Vader, huh? Well here he is as a cute little child!!
You like Obi Wan?? Well now he's Ewan McGregor! Fuck you all!!
Hmm, shall I show exciting battles? Huh?? Well here's Jar Jar Binks!!! Hahahah!!"

The 3rd film will consist entirely of Lucas shooting Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Boba Fett in the face, then having sex with their corpses, all the while screaming "Do ya like this, fanboy?? HUH???"
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
14:16 / 19.03.02
If he tries anything, Wicket will kill him.
uncle retrospective
20:30 / 19.03.02
quote:Originally posted by You and Runce:
THE SPECIAL EFFECTS ARE NOT CRAP. Christ, they're about as top of the range as you can get (they're probably not as imaginative as the effects in LOTR, but still?

Ok, you saw a different edit to the one I saw.
The effects in LotR were ropey, there's no other word for it. Dig up the old thread, I'm not the only one who thinks this.
But SW. The trailer didn't set me on fire but I'm still going to see it.
It can't be as bad of Tomb Raider.
20:42 / 19.03.02
OK, here is the best way to enjoy the new Star Wars movie.

Forget it's Star Wars. Just go in and expect to watch a nifty sci-fi flick with some computer generated backgrounds and the like.

Don't expect it to give you that warm fuzzy feeling you got the first time you saw Yoda when you were 8.

Just take it for what it is, a campy sci-fi flick with computer-generated graphics and people with futuristic swords who go around spouting off things that are supposed to sound philosophic, but usually end up just sounding corny.
04:50 / 20.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Jack Fear:

Sad to say, I have no sympathy for you. If you know it's going to hurt, but you're a "fan" anyway, then though you curse George Lucas til the heavens fall, the stone truth is that you've got no one to blame but yourself.

Stop caring about fucking Star Wars. I did, about fifteen years ago, and it's simplified my life considerably.

My attachment to Star Wars is completely irrational. I did not expect *sympathy*, and I was taking the piss to a certain extent... but I am a fucking *fan*, and I actually care about Star Wars, and I like caring about Star Wars, and don't want to stop, misguided though that might be. I reserve the right to go see Star Wars and to fucking hate it, and complain about it for at least two months afterward. I could not *not* go. Just like I had to go and see 'Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back' - I had to see just how bad it was. And fuck, I might even be pleasantly surprised. I can't not see it, and I also don't think I am the only person that feels like this.
06:47 / 20.03.02
Only just seen the new trailer... and (I'm sticking my neck out here) I thought it looked fucking smart. (But then, yes, I am a sucker for Star Wars... even if this one's as bad as the last one, I'll still be just as excited before the next one comes out. Damn, they've really got me on this one. WHEN WILL I FINALLY BE FREE???)
But I agree- it does look like Obi-Wan has dialogue worse than usual.
But, man- a whole bunch of Jedi. Fighting robots. With lightsabres. And lots of spaceships and stuff. And THAT MUSIC....

(Notices virtual room full of blank looks.)

I'm gonna go now.
06:53 / 20.03.02
the film is surely going to be *shit*.

much as i understand the fan thing (kind of, anyway) - some of you folk are setting yourself up to be in a whole world of hurt. advance hugs to all who see it - try not to trash the cinema, huh?

[ 20-03-2002: Message edited by: shortfatdyke ]
The Natural Way
06:57 / 20.03.02
The effects in LotR were ropey, there's no other word for it. Dig up the old thread, I'm not the only one who thinks this.

Well, if you ALL thought it....

Regardless, LOTR was WETA's first time out on the big (and by "big" I mean "Hollyood") screen and they will improve (anyway, I think "ropey" is pushing it - people loved LOTR, not least because of the effects). And, anyway, I said "imaginative" not "fucking amazing".... Jackson was trying new stuff out - there's something, well...*playful* about the way the film looks and feels.

More " " than you can shake a stick at.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:32 / 20.03.02
The way I feel now the only way I'm going to go see this film is if someone buys me a ticket. If there's one thing worse than children it's teenagers and one of my ideas of Hell is PG approved stroppy teenagers whining about how life is unfair while they try to get a snog out of someone else. Plus it's written by George lucas who cannot write convincing dialogue. So I'll wait for the video to come out.

The sad thing I don't think Lucas is setting out to make three bad films. I think he genuinely feels he is making good stuff, he just has just spent the last 15 odd years since 'Empire Strikes back' turning into Ed Wood. Can someone just send him an angora sweater so the transformation will be complete?
The Natural Way
10:39 / 20.03.02

It is not written by George Lucas. It is co-written by George Lucas. Lucas plotted the film and acted as a consultant on the script. For once he listened to some of the feedback.....
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:11 / 20.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Cholister:
I wonder if some people are even talking about the same trailer. The one with all the airbrushing and floaty gowns and where you get to see Ewan McGregor's ludicrously immobile hairsprayed hair? And yes, a bit of shiny technology...
If it's the one that starts with that horrendously-rendered goldish spaceship in it, then probably.

I'm in the trailer-disliking camp. Saw it, it kinda sucked (was that a big bird type thing I saw?) and it just bodes NO GOOD for the film. Which will, of course, smash box office records, yadda yadda, because it's part of a franchise that has basically got a generation believing (to a certain extent) that it's Something Important.

One wonders, though: how come shit sequels for Star Wars get defended virulently, while shit sequels to Police Academy go straight to video? One of life's mysteries, I guess. Although, maybe an Episode being sent straight to the rental shelves would force the Peanut Farm Boy to lift his game a little. And give up his dreams of being able to write (or co-write, however it gets done) dialogue.

[ 20-03-2002: Message edited by: The Return Of Rothkoid ]
Matthew Fluxington
11:53 / 20.03.02
*raises hand*

...but Lord Of The Rings dialogue is just as bad if not worse!
betty woo
12:06 / 20.03.02
Someone's already touched on the real problem I've been having with the prequels - we already know the story. Rather, we know the ending already. With that knowledge, what I'm hoping for is a story that brings us to the ending I already know, but in a way that I don't expect - one that opens up new aspects of the characters and the SW mythology. Something that makes me go, "oooh, didn't see *that* coming".

Y'know, like Vader being *his father*. With some applied creativity, it's possible to tell a prequel story that fits what's established in the later context but puts a whole new spin on it. So far, it doesn't look like Lucas will be delivering anything more than the most obvious of "fill in the gaps" story.
Matthew Fluxington
12:17 / 20.03.02
Well, we don't know who Vader's dad is. I reckon the 'virgin birth' thing from The Phantom Menace was a red herring.

Or at least, I really hope so!

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