Ed Harris! What the fuck are you doing advertising cars?! Kill yourself now!
My sentiments exactly. And more to the point, he's advertising Vauxhall. What has the world come to?
The zoom-zoom ad gets me not just because it's crap, but because it's clearly a non-localised European ad. How French is it? Or Spanish? Lots of European locations, smiling people that don't say a word, great weather, and a cheesy, goofy, European-sounding music track. Zoom-Zoom? That's, like, what you get in Italian commericals. And they suck.
Similarly: badly dubbed tampon ads - he says "can I have a biscuit?", he mouths "can I have a cookie?". No need at all.
And in terms of "European": the T-Mobile logo. And tinkly piano sting. They have bearable ads - I mean, I think the one with the baby's face everywhere is great, and not entirely dreadful music... and then at the end you get (duh-ding-ding-ding-duh) that T-Mobile logo. That logo is SO HIDEOUSLY FRANCO-GERMO-ITALIAN or whatever. I'm not trying to be offensive here, but it looks exactly like nasty continental logos, and that piano jingle is the final kick to the head. Still, if it means no more Gary Oldman, fine with me.
And whilst phone ads may be trying to speak to your soul, at least they're stylish.
Oh - I also hate Phones 4 U ads, mainly because they imply that you are backwards and foolish for not having a brand new 100quid+contract phone. Mine works fine. Why is it embarassing if it lets me call people?
I watch ads far too closely now, and every one I see distances me from wanting to go into advertising. I really like the BMW 7-series ad, though (Boards of Canada and empty swimming pool). |