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Some Ads Are More Evil Than Others


Page: 12345(6)

Foust is SO authentic
19:05 / 07.06.05
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Bloody Zit ad.
20:26 / 07.06.05
The terrible Hugo Boss ad.

Scruffy guy getting ready for night out, wearing jeans and t-shirt.

"They say tonight's black-tie.
Hugo Boss- Your fragrance, your rules."

Yeah, that's all well and good but he's not actually going to get in, now is he?
20:29 / 07.06.05
And no-one's gonna think "wow! what an original, wild 'n' crazy style rebel!". They're gonna think, "didn't he realise it was formal?"
Brigade du jour
22:34 / 07.06.05
But ... but ... nobody's mentioned the Orange adverts that plague every visit to the cinema, and have done for what seems like decades!

Sometimes in my idler moments I fantasise that I'll go to the cinema to see an ace-wicked film that I've been looking forward to for ages and some 80s cult icon DOESN'T turn up to have their career warmly mocked by a collection of fucking no-marks and DOESN'T silently, desperately try to convince themselves that it's not really cheesy advertising because it's, like, ironic, sort of.

Seriously, as soon as I've finished this thread I'm going to imdb to track down the dark-haired boss guy who's in all of them and always gets the pithy final line designed to elicit the nails-down-the-blackboard audience chuckle, and I may even start sending him sternly-worded letters. Written in poo.

Stoatie criticised it best when we went to see ... Alien: Director's Cut, I think it was. But I can't remember his exact words. Help me out, dude! I need to explain why those ads are so offensive next time one of my friends says "but they're funny! And so well-acted."
lonely as a cloud...
08:49 / 08.06.05
There's one ad I really like at the mo' - it's for some Irish public service to explain financial matters or something, I can't remember. But anyway, the setting was this couple in their kitchen, using complicated language - husband sitting eating a yoghurt, wife comes in:
Wife: "Are you the sole beneficiary of that yoghurt?"
Husband (sheepishly): "Uh...there is an optional inter-spousal transfer..."
And it goes on like that, until the end:
Wife (with two dogs): It's your turn to take Terms and Conditions to the park.
Husband (to dogs): Would you like to go for a perambulation?
It's really well done, IMHO. And the dogs! I want two dogs called Terms and Conditions!!! I just think it's a very sweet little ad.
All Acting Regiment
12:51 / 11.06.05
I second the one where they close down the small pizerias. Fucking dickheads. I'm sure that's not a real Italian bloke: "Why-a have an authentic-a actual pizza meal-a when-a you can choke on a brittle, factory-made manhole cover-a sprayed with stringy dried-a tomatoes?"

And in the top left corner: "Made in Germany".
13:15 / 13.06.05
But ... but ... nobody's mentioned the Orange adverts that plague every visit to the cinema, and have done for what seems like decades!

But I love those ads! They're the best part of going to the cinema. I just find the tone of voice and mannerisms of that boss guy really amusing.
Mourne Kransky
12:23 / 14.06.05
I used to really like those ads, the ones with abused celebs, till they introduced the elderly Tibetan wise man series.

And the present Make Poverty History ones with Ewan MacGregor whining on are exceptionally irritating.

But the prize for Buttpain of the Moment goes to Honda for their Doolally-Sensible / Bonkers-Logical crap. My foot is hovering cms from the screen these days whenever it comes on. What the Hell has oxymoron to do with motor cars?
Spatula Clarke
12:35 / 14.06.05
How it should always have been in the first place.
16:48 / 14.06.05
But ... but ... nobody's mentioned the Orange adverts that plague every visit to the cinema, and have done for what seems like decades!

But I love those ads! They're the best part of going to the cinema. I just find the tone of voice and mannerisms of that boss guy really amusing.

Agreed, unless some fuckwit sitting near you starts saying the dialogue outloud. Then laughing, because, like, it's so funny, you know? Grrr. Choke on a sulphuric pirahna cock.
16:59 / 14.06.05
I used to really like those ads, the ones with abused celebs, till they introduced the elderly Tibetan wise man series.

Well, yes, that's because they've been taken out of their natural habitat. The characters were funny in the cinema because they bullied these A/B/C-list celebs into submission with relentless stupidity, all with the defining point that, y'know, don't let a mobile phone fuck up your movie. Putting them where they're actually SELLING phones couldn't be more anti-thetical really.

Advert that is simmering my shit at the moment is the Specsavers one. Upper-middle class couple on a boat, their own boat by the looks of things. She's got those auto-tinting glasses on, hubby hasn't. Hubby goes below deck to switch his glasses to shades and like the fat sack of rich crap that he is leaves his frames right on the edge of the deck..

Oh noes!

The ship lists to one side (and I'm not entirely sure the wife DIDN'T do it on purpose) and his glasses become so much sunken pirate booty. What does the wife do? Lets out the biggest devil may care shit-eating-grin you've seen. Yeah, it's not like a 260 quid pair of glasses actually costs anything. Fucks.
23:28 / 15.06.05
I used to really like those ads, the ones with abused celebs, till they introduced the elderly Tibetan wise man series.

In the current one, where the 'wise man' says "I want to ride around Las Vegas in a limousine with my nads out" (or whatever), I want to crawl through the television and rip out his larynx.
Tryphena Absent
23:42 / 15.06.05
The every ten seconds a child dies, we'll click our fingers to represent this, starring a smirking Claudia Schiffer ads really fuck me off. I mean, all of those people probably make millions but how many of them do anything except click their fingers (for no fee)?

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