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Some Ads Are More Evil Than Others


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13:57 / 26.02.02
What is it with the drained colour business? Why? Can anyone in the ad world explain? They've been doing it for a decade now.

At least they've given up on the "tiny area in sharp focus, everything else super blurry" business (though not in sunday supplement food photos).
The Natural Way
13:57 / 26.02.02
Fucking A!

I reckon we should get ahold of Sauron's address book, track these bastards down and get w/ the slaughtering!
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:01 / 26.02.02
"Thank you, Mr Oldham."

"Thank you."

Yes, that's it: thank them, Gary. Thank One 2 One. Thank your evil lizard masters. Thank them for giving you piles and piles and piles of lovely lovely money, to deliver a spurious cod-meaningful monologue of babble about how "live is made up of one to ones". Mmmmm. That's, like, so profound. You wanker. You hack. You company man. Didn't you used to be in films? Admittedly, you wre shit in most of them: a talentless, shrieking ham. But at least you could say then that you were an actor. Now, you are a cellphone company's prancing eunuch.

Oh, and Nil By Mouth was shit as well.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:06 / 26.02.02
What I like about that ad is that you get the impression the woman was just after his autograph and he insisted she sit down and listen to a two hour monologue about society.

GARY: Your one to ones are what define you... the little moments...
WOMAN: Yesss... (looks frantically around for exit)
14:08 / 26.02.02

[ 26-02-2002: Message edited by: Sauron ]
rizla mission
14:29 / 26.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Flyboy:
"Thank you, Mr Oldham."

"Thank you."

Yes, that's it: thank them, Gary. Thank One 2 One. Thank your evil lizard masters. Thank them for giving you piles and piles and piles of lovely lovely money, to deliver a spurious cod-meaningful monologue of babble about how "live is made up of one to ones". Mmmmm. That's, like, so profound. You wanker. You hack. You company man. Didn't you used to be in films? Admittedly, you wre shit in most of them: a talentless, shrieking ham. But at least you could say then that you were an actor. Now, you are a cellphone company's prancing eunuch.

Oh, and Nil By Mouth was shit as well.

Bill..? is that you?

(sentiment seconded - that ad's the worst fucking offender)
06:07 / 27.02.02
so, has anyone actually ever bought anything after seeing it advertised?

[methinks not after this lot, just thought i'd ask]
No star here laces
06:26 / 27.02.02
It's a well known fact that surveys always show that the majority of people claim not to be affected by advertising. It's also a well known fact that products which are advertised more, sell more.

Go figure...
The Natural Way
06:29 / 27.02.02
Yeah, SFD, you really have to think about where you're going w/ that one.... It really isn't that simple.
The Strobe
07:25 / 27.02.02
Personal beef:

Morgan Stanley Dean Fucking Witter

Nice photography, clever use of variable camera speeds... could be a good ad, only if it's for a good product and it's punning in some way...

what the fuck's this? A CREDIT CARD? 6% of communication is verbal? Oh, piss off. I almost liked your advert. And than you made it for a sodding credit card. Capitalist arseholes.

Also, I absolutely, positively, WILL destroy whoever cooks up AOL's ad campaigns. Words cannot describe... the horror, the horror.
07:43 / 27.02.02
what i meant was: has anyone who's posted/ranted in this thread actively avoided a product because they found an ad so irritating (even just for the life of the ad)? being as my own rants against tesco and bt count for little - for financial reasons i use both companies.
07:47 / 27.02.02
ok. that fucking tetley tea ad pisses me the fuck off.
have you seen it?
it's cheasy cheap and embarrassing to goddamn watch. i don't see what was wrong with those cartoon men in their flat caps after seeing this.
they show some overweight man running and the voiceover says that his body's a "wreck"! how fucking rude!
and at the end, it's all, tetley loves you or some bullshit like that.

i also hate that telephone advert. this woman has a really sexist husband/boyfriend/whatever who is yakking away on the phone to his chum about sexist bs. and the lady gets all cross and goes for a night out with the girls, leaving the baby with her man!!!
so you're in a rotten excuse for a relationship, but who cares when you can go out with 'the girls'!!!!
this advert depresses me so much i can't even tell you.
then, right at the end, it says that the telephone company have brought the dad and his kid together. how exactly have they done this?
arrrrgh this ad is so vile and sexist!

[ 27-02-2002: Message edited by: suds ]
The Natural Way
07:52 / 27.02.02
Welll, SFD, if I had a Peugeot I'd definitely be chucking it in the wastepaper basket round about now.

I think I've largely avoided getting a mobile phone because of the advertising and commuterfucks who're sold on the idea of attaining *individuality* via a wacky, personalised ringtone.
rizla mission
13:20 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by shortfatdyke:
what i meant was: has anyone who's posted/ranted in this thread actively avoided a product because they found an ad so irritating (even just for the life of the ad)? being as my own rants against tesco and bt count for little - for financial reasons i use both companies.

Well I like to implement a policy of systematically avoiding any shop/company which pisses me off in any way..

Which isn't that hard as I have absolutely zero interest in cars, cell phones, credit cards, burgers, highstreet clothes and similar bullshit, but I'm really hoping Safeway don't start an objectionable ad campaign, cos then I'll have to walk miles to get my food..
21:30 / 02.03.02
what about the one where women are"really clever",because they can talk on the phone AND pick pens up with their feet at the same time,but only if they wear towels with "wider wings that move with you" Arrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!
11:04 / 04.03.02
I have to know what you think of the aussie(could be NZer though, pardon my accent ignorance) toyota ad where the guy keeps using his truck to do stuff but because it's so "beefy" it totally overdoes whatever action it's used for which results in a varioatuon of "bugger" from the farmer.
The funniest ad on the telly I say.
Spatula Clarke
11:12 / 04.03.02
The Standard Life ads, with the talking children, are not only disturbing but distasteful. The implication is that talking to your children about getting their finances in order from as erly an age as possible is the right, the only way to organise your family unit. Invest, baby, invest.
The Natural Way
11:13 / 04.03.02
yeah, but politics aside, that talking toddler is just plain nasty.

....investing in the future, cracking jokes with Mum and Dad.....
Spatula Clarke
11:16 / 04.03.02
That's part of the reason I hate it. The mouth, moving without altering the expression on the rest of the face, the adult impression of a child's voice combined with the subject matter making the kid seem older than it's years, like an old, old man trapped in an underdeveloped body. Rosemary's Baby. The Omen. These are the images I see when I watch that ad.
The Natural Way
11:21 / 04.03.02
Me too.

The way it's played so straight....horrible.

I mean, what are they going for? What's the big idea? That inside ever little kid there's an investment banker dying to get out?

Fra Dolcino
12:37 / 04.03.02
quote:Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre:
That's part of the reason I hate it. The mouth, moving without altering the expression on the rest of the face, the adult impression of a child's voice combined with the subject matter making the kid seem older than it's years, like an old, old man trapped in an underdeveloped body. Rosemary's Baby. The Omen. These are the images I see when I watch that ad.

Turning me on......

Seriously, the worst immoral adverts are, as already mentioned, the loan companies. They get 'boffin' Carol Vorderman or the 'friendly' Carol Smillie to add the credibility ("Well that vorderman knows her sums, so it must be ok"!); but worst of all, they top it off with "....Mr Jones consolidated his existing debts... And went on a holiday/bought a new car with the rest!". So They're recommending getting into debt to pay off debt and buying more luxury items to perpetuate it all. Grrr.
rizla mission
14:07 / 04.03.02
Who remembers ages and ages and ages ago, when I started a thread on Barbelith based on the game me and my friends had made up - the Monkey Game - where you take the title of a film and replace one of the words therein with 'monkey', thus generating humour?

(I hope at least somebody does)

Now, I assume you've all seen that ad staring Johnny Vegas and a monkey?

Goddamn, I wish I'd posted the idea for that game to myself so I could sue them..
14:42 / 04.03.02
Thieving sods, eh? I'm convinced my 'Boring Rich' idea was knicked and used as the basis for a charity ad recently. I forget which charity it was, but the ad consisted of some bloke* expressing bewilderment at the tat that people spend their money on. He'd hold up some classy Franklin Mint sculpture, or a novelty gee gaw of some sort and say "you can give your spare cash to [Charity X], or you can spend it on this - this thing." (or something along those lines).

*Scottish comedy actor who was in Absolutely, and Mr Don and Mr George (the shorter, curlier haired one)
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:52 / 04.03.02
Anyone remember that hairdryer ad that had the slogan, "be all you can be?"

14:59 / 04.03.02
Hulk, look over there! Yes, there:

"Because I'm worth it."


and there, look:

*irritating whisper* "Maybe she was born with it?"

15:08 / 04.03.02
you know those new pizza hut ads with blink 182 played over them?

i think they're displaying what parents would really like thier frat-boy kids to be getting up to (running around the beach eating pizza and definetley *not* upsetting anyone around them).

all the boys in the advert have really bad hair.
and this makes me pity them.

[ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: suds ]
No star here laces
15:17 / 04.03.02
You clearly haven't seen the one with the kids in the moshpit passing around a pizza overhead yet...
15:20 / 04.03.02
eek! sounds suspicously like that contact lenses one where the girl takes off about eight tee shirts and then -ha!- almost flashes her breasts at the whole festival crowd.
oh, the fun of it all.
reminds me of why festivals are so fun.
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:38 / 04.03.02
I saw that ad the other day and thought of a) this thread and b) suds. It's just wrong on so many levels.
05:59 / 05.03.02
the antidrug commercials, especially the new "ask" ones where the parent says "i know suzzie doesn't do drugs.. why? because i ask" blah blah... and then another a while ago that has these kids and they are all saying "you invaded my privacy" and bunch of other stuff like that and then at the end one of it it's all.. *sniff, sniff* "thanks mom" or something.. grr.. yeah.. thanks mom.. be careful your son or daughter could become addicted to pot too. commercials get on my nerves too.. acting like they're saying something really controversial, "cigrets kill *insert huge number* people a year".. i think that's pretty much common knowledge..
Fra Dolcino
06:36 / 05.03.02
I've got the urge to 'erbal.
The Natural Way
06:40 / 05.03.02
I know, I can't stand the way Americans drop the H. Why? What for? Because it sounds more exotic? Is this a French American thing that caught on and just became the norm?

Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
07:25 / 05.03.02
I've got the urge....for GERBIL!
Kit-Cat Club
07:54 / 05.03.02
Runce - it's more likely to be a left-over from older standard English pronounciation, in which the 'h' at the beginning of words was frequently dropped (hence the use of 'an' in front of 'historian' and 'hotel', haven't we talked about this quite recently) - which has subsequently become standard for some words in or variants of American English...
08:10 / 05.03.02
Yeah but really, these add don't bother you all that much do they? I'm worried about some of you I really am, high blood pressure and all that. I can see a mental picture of you all watching TV with large veins pulsing on your foreheads....

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