As far as I can tell, no one's really made much of a fuss about this
I know what you mean, I had a bit of a 'what the fuck' moment with this as well. Realistically though, isn't the message here, presumably that you as a citizen have a duty to scutinise the windscreens of all the cars on your street, or in fact of every parked car that you pass as you walk around anywhere from a distance of less than three feet, and then write down the licence plate numbers of any offenders, who if they live on your road and their car is out front could very well be watching as you take down their details in your trusty notebook, and then go home and phone... well somebody anyway, I'm not sure if the ad specifies, because otherwise you're effectively complicit in the murder of babies, a bit difficult to take seriously ? I mean I can picture Mrs Brady Old Lady from the pages of Viz being up for all this, but I don't know about anyone else.
Then again, perhaps I'm just being a wrecker and a force for conservatism, seeing as I'm not out there right now getting on with ruining what little semblance of civility there remains between me and the neighbours after that party last year - really, what do I know ?
And if nothing else, these ads could potentially be a real shot in the arm for car thieves -
" You were casing out that vehicle, weren't you sir ? "
" No, I wasn't. Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was attempting to ascertain whether it's owner was a potential child-killer, worse than Harold Shipman, who after all only offed the old and doddery, who, while apparently being a bit more vulnerable to being hit by a car than a kid in a pushchair, since they don't usually have someone to wheel them about the place and keep an eye on the traffic, don't seem to play all that well with the relevant focus groups, the losers...
" And if you think about it, officer, all I was doing was your job for you, and if this is all the thanks I get I'd like your name, rank and number, closet kid-killer that you obviously are. I shall be writing to my MP... " |