This is crazy! here's the link : link
JB: America has been trying for the hundred years of so to "make the world a better place". What this has earned us is the contempt of our "friends", and the emnity of people who think their own master plans—usually including religious fervor and the subjugation of minorities, including women—are so much better than that freedom and democracy crap.
——The only acceptable response, now that we are officially in a new world, is for the American government to go Old Testament on these motherfuckers. Operation Flaming Sword. Find them and kill them. And kill their wives, their children, their mothers, their fathers, their brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, butchers, bakers, candlestick makers. Go Super-Israel, and let them know what it =feels= like to be "at war" with the United States.
——Gotta think there were some raised spirits in Israel after yesterday, too. Those shots of Palestinians dancing in the streets and passing out celebratory candy knocked any hopes Yassir Araffat might have had right out the window.
——Welcome to the future.
hey since it had this at the bottom lets not tell JB you got it from me 
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