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Lost - Season 6 (Spoilers)


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Haus Of Pain
16:32 / 04.03.10
Unless someone wants to flesh this thread out - and I don't - I'm going to move for a deletion.
wicker woman
03:37 / 05.03.10
I guess I'm a bit baffled as to why you'd even be worried about it. You're not interested in contributing enough to flesh it out, but you're worried enough about the quality to where you think the last few spammy messages warrant deletion of the entire thing...? Considering the scant traffic Barbelith sees these days, I don't think these last few posts constitute the cracking of the sixth seal, or anything.
06:17 / 05.03.10

are the parallel realities influencing each other? or do the dual actions across reality point towards some kind of pattern, destiny?
haus of fraser
07:07 / 05.03.10
Right, I've just written to my MP, who, judging by his last response to me (on a seperate issue), is switched on.

The rest of you, get OFF your arses.
Haus Of Pain
10:20 / 05.03.10
Well, that was really really upsetting. That I sometimes need to be reminded of the force, horror and banality of womens' oppression makes me feel thoroughly ashamed
13:46 / 05.03.10
>>last few spammy messages warrant deletion of the entire thing<<<

Now it's my turn to say, "Wait...what?"

I used to post on the Lost threads here all the time. This was my first post on the Season 6 thread. It was not "spammy" in the least. It's to a site I just discovered which I think is doing a great job of encapsulating, in a funny way, how shitty and stupid and "Heroes"-like this season has been so far. And if you would read the episode reviews, you will see it is not "lazy reviewing" in the least. The writer does like the show and his comments are pertinent and witty.
13:54 / 05.03.10
>>are the parallel realities influencing each other? or do the dual actions across reality point towards some kind of pattern, destiny?<<

I don't frequent the Lost boards but I wonder if anyone has brought up "Donnie Darko."

It's about a teenager who gradually realizes he is in an alternate reality. One which should not exist. So he takes it upon himself to destroy it so it can evaporate and the normal timeline can resume.

I have a feeling the Lost producers must've seen this movie over the summer.

My own feeling though is that this is the final season and things should be coalascing, not further untangling with the introduction of yet MORE new characters. And, per Lost tradition, they are the allusive, mysterious, "can't-answer-a-simple-question" types.

I for one would join "Smoke Monster Locke" in a second. I have waited YEARS for someone to show up on this island and wipe the smug expressions off the island residents -- the Jacobs, the Others, this new group of Temple residents...

At any rate I don't enjoy the "side-reality" portions, they are doing nothing but confirming things we already know about these characters...and I wonder why we are supposed to care. So Jack has a son in the alternate reality? Wow!! I mean, so what?? He's going through the same control-issues with the kid as he has with everyone else in the history of the what's the point?

And then, on the island, we have these pointless action sequences, like all of it is one of those cheaply-produced action shows one sees on cable stations Saturday afternoons -- basically, taking everything good about Lost and raping it in the face.
Haus Of Pain
13:57 / 05.03.10
I'm not sure if it improves your selection, but the teenage me would've sat, spliff in hand, mesmerised by most of your picks.
Haus of Mystery
14:13 / 05.03.10
As do I
Keith, like a scientist
14:58 / 05.03.10
The Making-Fun-Of-Spam has doubled the size of this thread in one day. What does it mean when the criticism outweighs the criticized?
Haus of Mystery
22:50 / 05.03.10
As do I
23:57 / 05.03.10
Perhaps if we hug some trees? In the vilest way possible? Perhaps then everything will be OK?
01:08 / 06.03.10
haus of fraser
10:31 / 06.03.10
I'm not sure I see the problem here. Maybe your expectations are too high - it's not like you're always going to love everything the man ever works on.
Haus Of Pain
12:14 / 08.03.10
oh yeh i forgot, the bit where all the brave but kinda goofy autobots are all lined up outside the ark, then someone calls all their names out and they take a step forward, volunteering for yet another suicide mission. proper lump-in-throat let's-take-this-fuckin-hill glory.
wicker woman
11:07 / 09.03.10
buttergun, I wasn't specifically referencing your post with my "spammy" comment.

I'll agree with you about the alternate universe stories so far; they'd be a great deal more interesting if they'd explore sides of these characters we hadn't already been exposed to for 5 seasons. It feels at this point like these alternate U. stories are going to end up as inconsequential as the survivors' three years off the island.

Disagree on the on-the-island stuff, however. The action-y bits seem to consist mainly of Smokey killing people, and sides definitely are being picked in advance of some final showdown. If I see a white smoke monster at some point, I'm going to be very disappointed, though.

I have to wonder if some of the Others aren't now thinking "You know, maybe if we'd just explained things to the survivors right off the bat instead of doing the creepy-noises-in-the-woods-kidnapping thing, we'd be a lot better o... ohnevermindI'mdead."
Haus Of Pain
11:16 / 09.03.10
The standing on the building bit was hilariously unnecessary.

In fact I'm quite enjoying the juxtaposition of earthy welshness with sci-fi, it works to ground the show and adds a nice streak of humour.
14:53 / 09.03.10
That's a good point on the humor, something I've forgotten to mention. This season has been the funniest yet, I think (intentionally funny that is). I can't decide who's gotten the best lines -- Sawyer, Miles, or Hurley. Probably Super-Cynical Sawyer, who probably got the best line in the show's history since Juliet's "I had that day off," when he saw that Sayid had come back to life: "He's a child-killing Iraqi torturer, OF COURSE he deserves to live," or something to that effect. Some of the Miles/Hurley lines are coming off as too let's-thrill-the-fandom-nerds, though, like Hurley's "This is old school, you and me walking through the jungle on some mission" to Jack.

WW, you say the white smoke will upset you -- I say that if it turns out that Sayid and etc are "evil" and "suffer" in the series finale, well, that will piss ME off...because it would thereby render moot, you know, the entire friggin series so far. Didn't the producers once say the island was a "crucible?"

I also hope they give at least some reason why the Smoke Monster sticks in Locke's body (other than giving the actor a reason to still be on the show). I'd also like to know why, if the thing can collapse itself into an amorphous cloud, it STILL can't give itself a clean shirt when it reassembles into Locke.
16:03 / 09.03.10
Please note that my clones are evil-spamsters. Don't pay attention to them.
wicker woman
17:29 / 09.03.10
WW, you say the white smoke will upset you -- I say that if it turns out that Sayid and etc are "evil" and "suffer" in the series finale, well, that will piss ME off...because it would thereby render moot, you know, the entire friggin series so far. Didn't the producers once say the island was a "crucible?"

That, and they've done interviews stating that the last season is supposed to be about redemption. Whether that means redemption for everyone or not, I have no idea at this point.
haus of fraser
19:02 / 09.03.10
Of course, the other big theme is REFORM.
19:46 / 09.03.10
Yeah, Boboss, what's up with that? They're cross with you for some reason, but they don't want to troll Mindless Ones because, really, they don't want to hurt you? It's great fun, but I'm hoping it's not part of a deeper sorrow... people deserve to be happy.
Haus Of Pain
07:37 / 10.03.10
Yeah, that's a very dodgey argument, Snake. One that we've seen rehearsed many, many times here, and one that generally holds no water whatsoever.
08:22 / 10.03.10
With the exception of formerly Copey's Brick I'm not 100% sure who the rest of them are, but I've got very, very strong suspicions.

All of them are good friends of mine, all of them are bored. I definitely don't take it personally, but I do think it's silly.
Haus Of Pain
08:35 / 10.03.10
B Mob back with a vengeance, talking about something that is a menace...

wicker woman
09:34 / 10.03.10
Have to admit, as far as the alternate timeline goes I am kind of interested in seeing Ben's story, at least. Haven't really gotten much from the island version besides Creepy Stalker w/ Daddy Issues.
Haus Of Pain
10:49 / 10.03.10
It seems to me that attempts to instill certain behaviours might - depending on factors such as cultural context - be potentially damaging both socially and psychologically for those on the receiving end. That is to say, perhaps not all attempts to instill behaviour are equal.
16:28 / 10.03.10
Glad you're well, Boboss!

One thing I learned from the heartwarming RomCom The Truth About Cats and Dogs is that if your friends (in that case, of the four-legged variety) are neglected, they start to poo in your shoes. Maybe you could throw these guys a line? Go for a drink? It's too late to worry about Barbelith, really, but I'm kind of worried about them.
16:50 / 10.03.10
I really enjoyed last night's episode, maybe my favorite of the season yet. For once the alternate reality storyline had something to do with character and plot development rather than retreading the same ground as previous seasons. The finale with Ben and the Jacob-guardian (what is that lady's name?) was a genuine Lost "moving moment." I like how in both storylines Ben gave up a bid for power, yet...last season he didn't seem as devastated by his daughter's death. I mean yeah, he was -- but not to the point where he was no longer power-hungry Ben. But I guess that's why we got his quick explanation there -- I guess after Jacob's death he's begun to question everything.

Also, Miles is coming off a bit strange -- he outs Ben as a murderer and then later brings him some food...while Ben is digging his own grave. I guess he just enjoys toying with people.
wicker woman
03:40 / 11.03.10
Yeah, that episode demonstrated in particular that Michael Emerson is one of the show's strongest actors. Loved it all around. As for Miles, I think he's... just kind of an asshole. They don't really seem to be doing much with him besides that.

Also, absolutely loved this particular episode, but I think we need a 'slo-mo reunion on the beach' counter.

Honestly, at this point I'm more interested in seeing what is going on with Richard and Ben, as both seem to have been rocked harder by recent events than any of the other characters.
04:04 / 11.03.10
I think we're soon to have the most "slo-mo reunion" in the show's history...once Sun and Jin FINALLY reunite. I envision a good 15 minutes of slow-motion running toward one another, hugging, waterworks, soaring strings on the soundtrack, etc.
Haus Of Pain
07:26 / 11.03.10
As do I
08:58 / 11.03.10
If I have it right one of them, the one who posts the least, is a fellow Mindless One and I'm in friendly contact with all of them on a daily basis. That probably explains why this isn't going on over there - that and the fact that that would *really* be like shitting in my shoes and would piss me off. Mind you I also have the power to Destroy All Comments in Mindless Land

The other two? Well one's - I think - freelancing so he probably has far too much time on his hands, and the other does a job I suspect he finds excruciatingly boring. Neither of them care much for Barbelith in it's current state (who can blame them?) and I should imagine that trolling provides them with fleeting amusement. They both know me well enough to be reasonably confident that the most I'm going to get is a tiny bit ticked off and that I'm more likely to take it seriously than badly*. Why they might want me to take it seriously is another question and might have something to do with wanting a bit of interaction. Winding each other up is something that we've been known to do over the years, after all.

Sadly we're an atomised group these days so we take our fun where we find it.

*I trust them not to start recontextualising stuff that smells personal
Haus Of Pain
09:21 / 11.03.10
With the exception of formerly Copey's Brick I'm not 100% sure who the rest of them are, but I've got very, very strong suspicions.
haus of fraser
09:36 / 11.03.10
Oh my god it was awful, but somehow we did continue and somehow, don't ask me how, I made it through the day.

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