Really really enjoyed episode one.
Sad to see Juliet die, but at least she didn't vapourise and got to be with Swayer one last time. I thought she'd grown to be one of the strongest characters of the series. She often chose to do 'the right thing' even though it cost her her freedom (usually from the Island) and I really thought the end of season five was pretty harsh on her. I was glad they gave a bit back to the character even if it was a little bit.
Glad Sayed survived, though we'll see what that entails. I'm sure its not straightforward, lol!
I have a theory that the 'it didn't happen' scenario is occuring before the 'arriving back to the monster's victory' one. Perhaps Jack, as the only one who remembers what happened in the unaltered timeline, is forced to somehow erase this new timeline as it is unstable. The blast seems to have sunk the island. Thus massively altering the timeline. Charles Widmore along with all the others would have been forced to flee or drown. I'm assuming after the blast which must have occurred in this reality, everyone who now could not actually have arrived on the island were rewritten into the future, but leaving a flaw in that how did the bomb go off if none had ever been there? Everyone else, stayed and either somehow escaped the sinking island or drowned. Did Charles survive? Did Eloise? No Charles no Penny, No Eloise no Daniel. The Monster and Jacob perhaps trapped beneath the sea like Cthulhu.
Back on the plane, Jack notices the alterations in the timeline. The most notable, the presence of Desmond Hume, who doesn't recognise Jack. I thought this could suggest that Widmore didn't survive, therefore no Penny, therefore no training for the boat race for Desmond, so he'd not run into Jack, until now. Though his presence on the flight is obviously odd and I hope he's involved in the time shenanigans 
The first real crack in this timeline ithe vanishing of Christian Shephard's coffin. I suspect it will all go tits up, which it sorta already has with Kate's escape and seeming kidnapping of Claire. Also the fact that they had to be on the island to sink the island means that they've created a paradox. Somehow, Jack being the only one who knows what has been changed is going to have to change it again so that the bomb somehow doesn't sink the island, whatever crazy shit that might be. Thus meaning the stations would have been build (and possibly being the reason for their creation) thus everything happened, erasing the 'it didn't happen' timeline and putting them at the start of the 'and the monster won' timeline. This would eliminate the paradox in time.
I love this show, lol! |