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Lost - Season 6 (Spoilers)


Page: 1234(5)

Dead Megatron
00:11 / 26.05.10
Each to their own. I thought it was absolutely perfect, including the misteries it left unanswered (what you call "holes"). But at least you're not inventing information to defend your opinion, just like buttergun tried to do.

And I honestly think you exagerate. There are some point left for the audience to decide for themselves - and probably argue about for years to come. And that, for me, regarding the art of story telling, is really amazing. After all, as Neil Gaiman said, a mistery unsolved is always better for stories than a secret explained. The Limbo-verse does leave room for some subjective interpretation, but not whatever interpretation, as you put it. It was not a million dots, it was a few. And I like it that way. I'm tired of tidy stories where in the end everything makes perfect absolute sense, like a freaking fairy tale. Lifes doesn't work that way, and nor should any decent fiction. A couple of things should be left unclear, unresolved. You have to walk out of the theather - or in the case, the TV room - with something to talk about with your friends, instead of just go "oh, so that's it", and then forget about it. Think about it, would that 80s "Dungeons Dragons" cartoon be such a pop-geek icon today if the kids actually made back home in a final chapter? I believe not. You have to have something to ponder about after the end. Or, at the very least, to wait for in the extended DVD version...

But, bottomline is, all science fiction answers people were expecting were not given, nor the ones that were given made the "perfect absolute sense" people with little imagination of their own like to be fed in the end, but the characters - all of them - had resolution and completed their respective personal growth arcs, and that's really more important than the whodunnit. And, besides, yes I freaking loved it...
the Fool
02:33 / 26.05.10
I'm just glad all the important people got to have a happy ending. So many characters got shitty ends and horrible deaths. Sun and Jin, Juilette, Sayed, Locke etc. It was nice to see them get resolution, and a bit of joy, even forgiveness (or to forgive).
wicker woman
03:24 / 26.05.10
I think I should throw something out there in regards to the "why was x person there if the Losties created the limbo". It seemed to me that when Jack's dad mentioned them 'creating this place', he was referring to the church specifically and not the limbo-verse as a whole.
13:03 / 26.05.10
Wicker Woman, I too have come to this conclusion -- it's the only way in my mind that the final hour of the finale can be rectified. Perhaps the limboverse WAS a limboverse, and it was only the church which was the "purgatory" thang.

Otherwise...I just have qualms with gunfights and people getting wasted in an afterlife. And Claire being the afterlife. And Sun being the afterlife.

Because if we're to believe the limbo-verse really was a purgatory all along, then that would be a long con worthy of Sawyer.

I agree with Tsuga, a buildup to a copout.
13:08 / 26.05.10
Not sure how legit this is, but it appears Damon Lindelof is answering fan questions about the series on IMDB's Lost message forum.
13:10 / 26.05.10
By the way, don't know if anyone saw the Jimmy Kimmel live that aired right after the finale; he had a large portion of the cast on, including Harold whatsisname...Michael. The first thing Kimmel said to the guy was, "Thank you for killing Anna-Lucia." Nice to see I'm not alone.

Also, I've read somewhere that the Season 6 DVD will contain a plethora of extended/cut scenes which will "solve" many mysteries. But I bet they always promise that.
13:23 / 26.05.10
A post from "Damon Lindeloff" on that IMDB thread; again not verified it's him, but seems legit to me:

No, I'm not willing to admit that [that the show was in purgatory all along], because that's not exactly how things went. In the beginning, the very, very beginning, it wasn't supposed to be Purgatory. It wasn't "supposed to be" anything. We had a vague outline of things we wanted to accomplish, but no concrete end-game yet conceived. The ending that you saw last night emerged organically after developing the series over the course of the first couple seasons.

We did discuss early on, though, finding a satisfying ending in Jack closing his eye. We liked that full-circle aspect, and we were really glad when we found that we could reconcile that early thought with the notion of "purgatory" we ultimately ended up on.

And look, we didn't go out of our way to evade fan theories. It would be impossible to do that. With a show as talked-about as "Lost", literally every single possibility for every single mystery was theorized somewhere. We took cues from the audience at a few points in the story (Nikki and Paulo serving as a prime example), but never on any major plot points that would radically change the face of the entire series.

And another, which makes good on my "long con" judgment of the alt-verse above:

Nope, sorry to disappoint, but the ending you saw Sunday night was always the intended ending of season six. If you thought, right up until the end, that it was an "alternate timeline", then we did our job well. It was definitely a conscious mislead, but I think if you go back and re-examine the last season, you will see that the true resolution fits what came before it just as well. It wasn't an eleventh hour cheat. We constructed the entire last season with those last ten minutes in mind.

However, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it.
15:07 / 26.05.10
Well I've finally caught up and I don't really know how I feel about the whole thing.

On the one hand the emotion of the final hours and interaction between character was great, but on the other, FOR ME at least the LAXverse was a complete waste of time.
One verse had all the emotion, one all the plot (on the island), better writers would have married the two together instead of wasting half a season on "a dream" (IMHO!!!don't kill me!)

I guess we shouldn't be surprised.
After years of the producers introducing new puzzle elements and then providing some answers to those (what is the hatch, where did the plane full of drugs come from, what sup with the others, where'd Claire go?)to give the audience a feel of progress while avoiding the bigger questions (how do you move an island?What IS the island? What are Jacobs powers? Why are all the others such dicks? is Richard wearing eyeliner [apparently no by the way]).

I think I am starting to feel the stirrings of anger though (or is it hunger).I don't feel that "it's light" is a good enough answer for what's in the cave and the stopper things was terribly executed.

I definitely will not be getting any dvd's or blue rays, the show is done.

Hurley....I'll miss ya dude.
15:10 / 26.05.10
Ah shit this will drive me nuts
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:51 / 26.05.10
The first thing Kimmel said to the guy was, "Thank you for killing Anna-Lucia." Nice to see I'm not alone.

This justifies your earlier racism and misogyny entirely! Congrats.
18:54 / 26.05.10
It does, doesn't it? Now please just let me know what race/gender/sexual orientation YOU are so I can add more to the list.

21:56 / 26.05.10
Sorry, dude. I am sworn to say ONLY NICE THINGS, but what you really majored in in your criticism of Ana Lucia was her race and the fact that she was a bitch. I doubt Jimmy Kimmel hit either of those marks.

I'm just glad you seemed to like Mister Eko and Walt, or things might have got very uncomfortable around here, right? Who knows what you might have called them while objecting to the writing of their characters, eh? I kid because I love.
22:06 / 26.05.10
Actually, looking back, it looks like not liking Anna Lucia, and calling her a Latina bitch, is something that you associate with dark times in your life.

The fact is I was going through some tough times a few years ago, and it's possible I might have taken it out on a fictional charatcer.

So, I guess you might be going through some tough times again. Sorry to hear that, man. I hope life gets better for you soon.
22:06 / 26.05.10
That link above from e-n really illustrates many, but not even all, of the plot gaps in the show that were never explained.

It's not that everything had to be perfectly answered and tidy, but it really seems that they could have done much better in resolving the plotlines in a more interesting way. I saw their interview, they basically said they were just going for a nice character resolution that made people feel good. That wasn't really what I, personally, was hoping for. But if you liked it, good for you.
22:09 / 26.05.10
I just saw it and was surprised to like it. I'll have to think about it, though, it was puzzling. If they're dead, why are Sawyer, Ben, Hurley, etc. still alive in the original timeline? Still, it's not disappointing and far from the steaming dung pile that was BSG.
22:41 / 26.05.10
By the way ONT, always remember:

1. I'm smarter than you.
2. I'm funnier than you.
3. I'm more successful than you.
4. I'm better looking than you.
10:31 / 27.05.10
Reading the Lost discussions, it is really quite funny how many unanswered questions they left us with...

Two of my favorites:

If Jacob brought them -- or at least "the candidates" -- to the island, why did the plane crash due to Desmond not entering the numbers on time? (The Rube Goldberg method?

What is "the Cerebus System"? That was listed on the black-light map drawn on the lock-down security door in the hatch. (At the time, many of us assumed it referred to the monster.)

Anyway, to lighten the mood, here's a funny musical video regarding the questions as we went into the last season:
(Some of the ones they mention were actually answered.) ^_^

"LOST: What Will Happen...: LOST - Answers?!"
12:57 / 27.05.10
Deleted final scene!

18:28 / 27.05.10
Lol, so it was all a dream of Vincent's?! That's better than St. Elsewhere. XD

How I was expecting the LAverse scenario to work out:

They were in an alternate timeline, where the plane never crashed, so their lives went on as we were seeing -- in which the majority of their lives would go on happily. But, Desmond would get them to realize this timestream was "false" -- as he kind of was, "waking them up." Most of them would prefer to live out this reality.
But then, maybe Ben and Eloise would reverse it.

Ironically, they would delete their happy lives and wind up back on the island with all the struggles and untimely deaths.

OR: if we wanted to keep the Limbo happy ending -- which was appealing, I must admit -- they find a way to cancel out the Island timeline events -- maybe via a sacrifice by Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick did play Jesus) -- and they live out the more normal, happier lives as we saw. Maybe most of them actually learned something from the Island events, which they remember, though they now never happened.

And so they hold an annual reunion on the day the plane WOULD have crashed. And that's our church gathering....

Wouldn't something alone those lines have been preferable to Limbo Land? Just a thought.
Dead Megatron
22:15 / 27.05.10
They were in an alternate timeline, where the plane never crashed, so their lives went on as we were seeing -- in which the majority of their lives would go on happily. But, Desmond would get them to realize this timestream was "false" -- as he kind of was, "waking them up." Most of them would prefer to live out this reality.
But then, maybe Ben and Eloise would reverse it.

Ironically, they would delete their happy lives and wind up back on the island with all the struggles and untimely deaths.

I was expecting something like that too. It thougth Super-Desmond would bring everybody to LAverse where they would live happily ever after, except for Jack who would stay behin in the original-verse to take care of the island. Or something like that. But, you know, I was actually happy to be surprised.
Dead Megatron
00:02 / 28.05.10
The adventures of Ben & Hurley

Like old times

a new station
07:58 / 25.12.10
man i wish i had been here to discuss this when people still gave a crap about lost, and when people still visited barbelith. but, real quick if you haven't gotten it:
if there is an afterlife or spirit world and we have eternal souls or spirits (which the ending purposes), then time works differently there and for them. in fact time wouldn't exist at all. it would be outside of time. thats why they are all there in the end. ben and hurley's little exchange shows they continued to live on the island after the events we saw happen when jack dies. and the others that got away didn't die either, they lived and died later in life also, but they were there in the church to. this is because the constrains of time which we perceive (as humans living on an earthly plain in our 4th dimension on our singular time-line in our non-alternate reality) do not apply to hypothetical eternal souls or spirits on an ethereal plane.
I know, it's stupid right? It's also a FICTIONAL STORY!! (which i enjoyed very much.)
also i think vincent (the dog) at the end, was supposed to symbolize a link between man and the afterlife, spirit world, or what have you.
i have more but what is the point.

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