The hair, oddly, is bugging me. Because it's only a short step from

the floppy long fringe to

The Izuru Kira. Of which can come nothing good.
As an aside: Stallion, Political Correctness / PC is not something to bandy about without knowing a bit more of the history of how Barbelith treats the term - you may want to start here. I personally find the term redolent of the Daily Mail and "Political Correctness Gone Mad", as I suspect others do, which is why you get such a negative reaction.
after all its never a good idea to be extreme in either direction, just look at where it's got the middle east.
Please see Godwin's Law; this isn't a textbook case, but making the leap from The New Dr Who to the Middle East Situation is not going to show you in the greatest light. Really.
I'm a little weirded out by the actor playing the Doctor being younger than me, also. But I think this might turn out to be a good thing, and he's hardly a teenager, is he? |