Yes, they want our women. Leaving aside whatever the mast is meant to do (summon reinforcements? From where?), presumably Sec has concluded that a) while Daleks are very very hard to kill in their battle armour, killed they can be, so this very finite number of Daleks is not an acceptable margin for error. b) Sifting genetic material to make new Daleks takes a long time, and c) the technology to do so may not be available (also, Sec may have decided that human-DNA daleks is a more disturbing idea in terms of purity than half-human Daleks). So, if the Daleks as they are at the moment are a dead end, why not create a new body, which is able to interbreed with a slave population? The reason humans always go on is in part because they are prolific - when the Daleks blast Earth so hard in the Parting of the Ways that the continents change shape, there are still humans going about their business on other planets. Humans are cheap but numerous, Daleks high-performance but very few in number. This way, the Daleks can fairly rapidly (and exponentially more quickly) create new Daleks, while also probably wiping out the troublesome Hu-Mans.
In one of the possible episodes after next, in terms of where the writers could go with the storyline, couldn't the Doctor, having averted the latest Dalek crisis, turn to his lovely assistant, look her in the eye, explain that he is the last of the Timelords, and then move slowly, but with purpose, towards her, as the credits roll?
And couldn't the Doctor to be chuckling at this point, possibly waving around a bottle of champagne and his sonic screwdriver - he could mutter something about the nature of romance, and how it's essentially a human conceit. The subsequent, and no doubt final, episode of this well-loved family show would ... well it would be remembered, I suppose.
In a parallel universe, one very similar, but also subtly different to ours, this may well be what's about to happen. |