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CD mix suggestions


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Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:07 / 30.09.06
May I make a completely egotistical suggestion for November? Because I know someone very important who has a birthday--a somewhat significant one--that month.
18:26 / 30.09.06

Just to come out in support of your post - it's a great idea.

(Although secretly I still harbour desires for someone to do a Halloween mix.)
07:56 / 07.10.06
I obviously didn´t pay attention, and jumped onto the new mix project, although Stoat seems to have been the next candidate.

Now, let´s try to be less chaotic here and get some order to our CD mix editions! This way, we can at least get a resemblance of a plan.

Stoat is next after the current end of the world mix, agreed?
uncle retrospective
10:02 / 07.10.06
Em... woops, but Stoat I'm in for that mix!
11:07 / 07.10.06
I would certainly like in on Stoat's as well, especially if it's the Fear/Beauty one- and respectfully request the honor of running the February show. I don't really care which month, I just thought it's far enough away... I don't want to put on a valentinian thing, though.
12:43 / 07.10.06
To be honest, I'll do either, but I really like the idea of a Barbelith Christmas compilation. (I'd rather someone else did Fear and Beauty, cos I've got some ace track ideas for those which I reckon could win me a prize!)
13:16 / 07.10.06
God, yeah, you said that somewhere, didn'tcha. I've got a number of christmas songs I really like, but I'm not sure if they're totally known or unknown, y'know?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:44 / 07.10.06
I'm sorry, where are we at? Who's making what?
16:21 / 07.10.06
Well, that'd be the question, really.

The Science Mix is almost done and sent. I merely need to print the covers and address the envelopes, and then sending will take place next Wednesday, which should mean the majority of people will get the CD by the weekend (hopefully).

The Shadowy Mr Whyte, however, is concurrently starting up the End of the World Mix here too - and I think it's a good idea, believe it or not, to have a little overlap. This undertaking has been a little complicated for me, hence the delay - but all that will be done with, soon.

Meanwhile, I don't have any choices for the fear/beauty mix that immediately spring to mind, so I'm quite happy to take a pass on that one - but I would like to ask if I could reserve a place on the Christmas Mix, because that one I do have ideas for. Many ideas.
Mike Modular
19:17 / 09.10.06
I'd better bags a place early for the Xmas disc too, I can't not be involved in that (many possibilities here, too). And I'd be happy to volunteer to curate one month. Don't mind when either...
17:43 / 10.10.06
I want a Pirate/Ninja comp (1 cd)!
all eligible songs have to be pirate or ninja related.
Though I think I'm also on the fence about aliens or dark carnival next.....

I'll wait until everyone else gets a chance to drive for a while.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:00 / 10.10.06
Mr. Whyte's driving October. Who's driving November and the November theme?
19:00 / 10.10.06
It looks like you and The Stoat One might want to work out what's next (after End of the World). He said something about doing the Christmas one in November, but it seems at the rate things are going, it would be easy to fit them all in before too late in the year. Seems to me, anyway.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:53 / 10.10.06
If Stoatie wants December, I'll take either November or January (the latter a new year a new hope sort of theme).
18:03 / 15.10.06
midnight in the daylight?

Good idea or just a bit.. wanky?

We could have a just a bit wanky cd for all those tracks we like but are pretentious as fuck...

I'd like to do midnight in the daylight if people are up for it.

Failing that, i will do man/nature (maybe a double?), or at least something nature-ish. I like to draw trees.

I'll do it in April if nobody else wants that month.
23:42 / 15.10.06
I thought November would be good for the Christmas one, because what with postage and all, everyone would actually have a chance to listen to the Christmas fun in the run-up to Christmas, rather than the depressing "don't talk to me about Christmas" aftermath. I'm not too bothered, though.
12:22 / 16.10.06
Is there any real reason why there can't be more than one on the go at a time? For contributors it's not much effort- as long as one compiler isn't trying to take on too much at once, I don't really see a problem. As it is, we still have yet to vote on Science and the End Of The World is nearly ready, and that doesn't seem to be causing any trouble.
uncle retrospective
12:46 / 16.10.06
I'm for running as many as people are intrested in and I'd be all over midnight in the daylight.
13:02 / 16.10.06
The only reason I see for taking it slow, is that it might lose the specialness, or people get bored, or it´s too many threads at once and it gets confusing.

We could start a new one, but that´s three CD mixes in different strages at the same time. We can try it and see if we can keep up with this multitasking.
14:20 / 16.10.06
yeah I agree with Mist. Too many would get confusing and eventually make us burned out. Perhaps two overlapping ones at a time is best? Perhaps when one project wrangler receives all the suggestions/mp3's the next one can begin to solicit?
20:18 / 16.10.06
I agree that November would be good for the Christmas one, and I also agree that too many at once would... I don't know, tarnish the charm a little? The Science mix is drawing to a slow conclusion and voting should begin soon.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:25 / 18.10.06
So does that mean Stoats is taking the next one?
16:33 / 18.10.06
Yeah, guess so. Point taken about the too many at once thing, though. But being as mine's a Christmas one, that could be a bonus if you still wanted a specifically November one. I was just concerned about the mail.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:45 / 18.10.06
Hmm. Considering time and postage and the length of delivery and that it is already late October, it might take all of November just to put together the X-Mess CD. I definitely agree we need to keep this less confusing.
12:43 / 19.10.06
OK, well I may as well start taking names for Christmas in the next couple of days. Feel free to start PMing me.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:17 / 19.10.06
Stoats, you could probably hold off until after Halloween, if you wanted.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
14:39 / 19.10.06
I'm still fond of the per-month idea, if people are up for that. It'll keep things from getting stale, avoid "multi-car pileups", and let us plan ahead a bit.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:01 / 19.10.06
If that's the case, then it seems like it's going like this:

October: The Shadowy Mr. Whyte

November: ???

December: Stoatie

January: Kali
15:58 / 19.10.06
Oh, nobody has to send any songs until after Halloween. But if people want to get their names in, they may as well.
16:00 / 19.10.06
(Basically I'm off work for the first two weeks of November, so people can send their songs in the first week and I can put them together in the second).
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:23 / 19.10.06
Still, leaves a gap for November.

Anyone want to step up to the plate?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:09 / 23.10.06
Not me!

I do, though, have a small request for future compilers: please turn the two-second gap between tracks off! It's an irritating automated feature with a lot of burner programs, including Nero, and totally messes the song-to-song flow that so many of you are, I suspect, working hard to accomplish.
22:33 / 23.10.06
Well, Mike Modular says: And I'd be happy to volunteer to curate one month. Don't mind when either...
So, I volunteer him! Or ask. I'd still like to do February, for no particular reason, but I'll do December if no one other than anyone wants to.
Mike Modular
08:31 / 24.10.06
Well now... Yeah, OK, if no-one objects (or has a stronger urge), I'll take charge of November. So, er, I'd just pick a theme and start a new thread, right...?
13:04 / 24.10.06
Yes, Mike, start a thread and take that mix by its horns!

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