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CD mix suggestions


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Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:44 / 21.09.06
I love it when Barbelith joins hands (figuratively) and makes music CDs that all give us the happy of thinking we are all listening to the same thing at the same time.


Suggestions here for future mix CDs. No muddying up other threads.

We have:



...and what else?
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:50 / 21.09.06

p.w: WAR (is) PEACE.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:14 / 21.09.06
I rather like Stoatie's theme.
21:31 / 21.09.06
I´d like an adventurous theme, as in what Captain Nemo, Dr Who, Jack London, Dr Livingstone and Indy Jones would listen to, had they mp3-players while spelunking and exploring.
22:28 / 21.09.06
How about "Becoming". Like, music that gives a sense of one thing becoming another. Each contributor could also say whether the track should go at begining, middle, or end so the album has a whole has a sense beoming something huge out of something small?

23:37 / 21.09.06
Dark Carnival





Lost Love

Your Theme Song
23:41 / 21.09.06
"I´d like an adventurous theme, as in what Captain Nemo, Dr Who, Jack London, Dr Livingstone and Indy Jones would listen to, had they mp3-players while spelunking and exploring."
I like that idea. Not necesarily with those specific characters, but yeah. Kind of a celebrity playlist for fictional people.
Kiltartan Cross
08:49 / 22.09.06
Mmm, I like the Fear/Beauty theme. The track list might turn out a bit repetitive, I can think of at least four songs called "The Fear"!
uncle retrospective
09:11 / 22.09.06
I'm for Fear/Beauty too but who ever's compiling it will have a lot of "no that ones picked" to send.
11:22 / 22.09.06
I do like the polarity discs idea (or at least two distinct flavor discs), the possiblities are limitless- and as an added bonus, you get more songs. The Fear/Beauty idea is great. I can think of more than I care to write (or you care to read), but a few ideas of varying appeal are: cocaine/heroin, or attraction/revulsion, hell- just plain happy/sad (could be manic/depression; not the same, I know, just similar). Or the more abstract and not quite as opposing yearning and regret, fatigue and hope, or hope and dread? God, maybe you should make a rule, only one suggestion per post; I'm just cluttering things up here.
Single discs are great as well, I can certainly think of some "Dark Carnival" or "Becoming" songs. Plenty of "Time" songs out there.
I've always wanted to do a disc with all the songs that are like the last song on an album, or at least sound like it, kind of a finality disc.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:27 / 22.09.06
finality disc

Ooo... I like that one.

And it also reminds me of something a friend told me once: that track number 7 on most albums is (on average) the most popular or better tune on every album. I know that's not strictly true, but I liked the concept. Maybe we could do a "Number 7" CD?

I still like War/Peace. But I'll let it go, if nobody else other than .trampetunia and I like it.
11:36 / 22.09.06
I'm loving the dark carnival idea.
12:17 / 22.09.06
"Hi, I'm Dr. Jones, and when I'm running away from giant rolling balls of stone, I like to listen to..."

I like that one.

My suggestion would also have been for a Breaker cd; songs that are by singluar definition lucky in order to "break" a current run of ill fortune. It's a little nebulous and open to interpretation, but I think it might work, and you could always have Paul Newman as Cool Hand Luke of the cover as the representation of railing against whatever's going on...

I'll stop warbling now.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:45 / 22.09.06
My morbid little mind likes the idea of music you'd like played at your funeral.
Future Perfect
14:33 / 22.09.06
Fear/Beauty. Barbelith Concept Double-Album ahoy!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:05 / 22.09.06
Here at Barbelith, we are huge fans of the double albums. For some, 1976 never ended....
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:48 / 22.09.06
17:32 / 22.09.06
Although I really, really do like Dark Carnival.
17:51 / 22.09.06
Also, would it be silly to suggest that Tsuga could have a reserved place on the next compilation, should ze want to take that up?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:33 / 22.09.06
I am but a contributor and receiver. I should organise nothing.
22:04 / 22.09.06
Hey, I like nearly all of the ideas- I've even got my funeral music ready, except I don't want a funeral, I want my carcass thrown out to the vultures or left to fertilize a tree. Actually, I don't think I'm going to care what the fuck happens to my body when I'm dead, because I'll be...dead. Don't guess I'll be caring much about anything, really...but, I digress, don't I?

Seriously, I'll just try to jump on board the next one sooner, and thank you for your consideration, Feverfew. Someone will just have to be "the decider" and choose from all of the possiblities (though it does seem fear/beauty has some momentum ...wait... somebody said "ahoy", right?).

Anachronism, that ones interesting, too. Damn.

God, if I get a chance I'd better pick a good song, or I'll feel a right idjit.
09:11 / 24.09.06
Perhaps a selection of those moments when an artist appears to leave their body and God pops down to play their instrument for them for a while.
15:57 / 27.09.06
Halloween was mentioned before, but I'd like to second, third, and fifth it.
19:40 / 27.09.06
I'd like to do fear and beauty and if this happens can someone please put me on the list because I keep missing them. Thankyouverymuch.
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:47 / 27.09.06
Another good idea. A running list. I don't mind stepping down for the next two or whatever, so others can play as well. Then, maybe if it feels right, I'll step back in and take control of the drumkit for a mix CD meself?

Oh, and here's an astro inspired CD idea, from the Science CD Mix thread: "One Song".

I'm thinking maybe a kind of Jenny Everywhere CD; maybe even using a "standard"? Or, we could just have the theme of "One/No-One" or something?

I dunno...
13:50 / 28.09.06
It Came From Space:
Songs about Aliens

A Bottle Of Glory:
Songs about being Wasted and Insightful

Killing Time:
Our favorite songs about murder
paranoidwriter waves hello
14:21 / 28.09.06
I like those, xk. I have songs a waitin'...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:16 / 28.09.06
I am going to have so many awesome Barbelith CDs. This makes certain parts of me tingle...
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:23 / 28.09.06
Time for our own record label?...(I'm getting carried away again, aren't I? See what happens when I run out of cigarettes and dirty ciggie-butts to roll?)

I want to help make Kali tingle. Tingle Kali, tingle!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:18 / 28.09.06
My suggestion is we schedule one a month, with different wranglers. There seems to be a stable group of interested parties, so dividing it up such that labour and expenses work out equally after all's said and done should be (relatively) simple.

Not that being able to DO one should be a criteria for inclusion -- but I think there are enough willing parties that we could have a Mix Of The Month Club or somesuch if we wanted.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:03 / 28.09.06
I'm with MattShepherd; organisation for this little endeavour is needed. This way we can keep track of who's turn it is, what theme has been chosen, etc.
22:50 / 28.09.06
Better not be too strict with that month thing, though; an individuals interest may wax and wane and throw off the schedule for others. You could have a queue without a strict deadline. Then again, without a deadline, procrastinators like myself ruin the system. Damn.
Okay, not a schedule, but whip-cracking comraderie urging recalcitrant people on.

(Here's a post-script attitudinal vignette for you...Krusty the Clown, throwing shoulders up, hands out, palms up, asking eh? eh? ehhh. Eh, maybe I need to practice those, use the old asterisk italicise, make it more simple, not explain it like this, shut the hell up)
11:04 / 29.09.06
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
10:36 / 30.09.06
Well, then, here's a stumbling attempt at something, and I think the glowering spectre of public shame is enough to keep people focused.

First question: budget. If it doesn't put xk on the spot, how much did it cost to mail all of these things out? I'm also North American based (but in Canada, where postage is like twice as expensive as in the U.S. for some crazy reason). An idea of what the $$ commitment to doing this is might be good.

Second question: who/when. If we're all keen, I call dibs on next March because it is my birthday.

OCTOBER: Feverfew, Science
MARCH: MattShepherd, Anachronisms

Do people want to get on board this magic bus? Or is this a little too rigorous for our freewheelin' musical souls?
10:53 / 30.09.06
Give me November and I'll do a Christmas one in time for the festive season. A Barbelith Christmas mix would be interesting...

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