Hey, I like nearly all of the ideas- I've even got my funeral music ready, except I don't want a funeral, I want my carcass thrown out to the vultures or left to fertilize a tree. Actually, I don't think I'm going to care what the fuck happens to my body when I'm dead, because I'll be...dead. Don't guess I'll be caring much about anything, really...but, I digress, don't I?
Seriously, I'll just try to jump on board the next one sooner, and thank you for your consideration, Feverfew. Someone will just have to be "the decider" and choose from all of the possiblities (though it does seem fear/beauty has some momentum ...wait... somebody said "ahoy", right?).
Anachronism, that ones interesting, too. Damn.
God, if I get a chance I'd better pick a good song, or I'll feel a right idjit. |