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CD mix suggestions


Page: 1234(5)

Mon Oncle Ignatius
07:43 / 17.02.07
I have a special plan for this mix.
18:27 / 17.02.07
I'm fine with Tsuga taking Arpil. Works better for me, really.

Everyone okay for me to do July? It's my birthmonth!
Essential Dazzler
19:59 / 16.03.07
Would it be worth having an archive of the mixes online?

I've only been involved in one completed mix, and I'd love to hear how the others turned out, and I'm sure it'd be useful for members to discover them in the future. If not the actual files then a page on the wiki with tracklists and who ran it, and what won, who picked what etc. might be helpful.

Can anyone start wiki pages?

I have a rapidshare account I can upload files to for the next year at least.
08:31 / 18.03.07
Certainly a tempting thought.
16:32 / 19.03.07
If you have a Barbelith account, you've got a wiki account.

And even if you don't, you can register yourself for the wiki anyway.

So go and add!
Mon Oncle Ignatius
13:59 / 08.05.07
I will be posting the May CD mix details in a shiny new thread of its own. Promise. The last week of actual May days has been very busy, but now I just need to prep the thread.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:03 / 08.05.07
I've got an FTP site set up all special for Barbelith. Just PM me if you want the details.
Essential Dazzler
17:01 / 08.05.07
Is July free? Then I'm having it. Unless someone else wanted it. I could do August, or September.

I've spent weeks throwing concepts out but I struck upon a kick-ass one today.

I'm so excited I've already mocked up the covers. No slouching in July.
17:32 / 08.05.07
Er, I'm not really sure of the legality of the mixes and so a paper trail via the wiki may not be great.
Essential Dazzler
17:34 / 08.05.07
Hadn't thought of that. Lucky I forgot about that idea then.
16:10 / 05.06.07
Right. Unless anyone desperately wants it, I'm thinking I'm down for June, and I have an idea for it - even if it's a little obvious.

So, if you want to do it, speak now, or forever hold your peace!
15:59 / 06.06.07
Everyone seems to be forever holding their peaces.*
I will be picking this up this week if I hear nothing in the next day or so.

*Fnarr, etc.
Lama glama
16:54 / 06.06.07
What's the theme?
17:42 / 06.06.07
Scorch and Torpor, since you asked.
18:12 / 06.06.07
du it
Lama glama
21:38 / 06.06.07
I'd be up for that one, as long as nobody minds that this will be my third mix in a row.
13:09 / 07.06.07
Is there a limit to the number we can play on? I was under the impression that they were all fair game, but that of course individuals will be interested more in some than others and it will all balance out... or are there people who want to join in being left out because there isn't enough space and a few are doing everything?

I certainly don't mind how many you've participated in.
16:45 / 07.06.07
I'm not bothered who participates as long as everyone sends their mp3s in on time.

Honestly, if you're constantly Billy Last Song then you might just want to skip a few cds til your commitments die down.
Kiltartan Cross
18:39 / 07.06.07
I was going to keep shtum this time around... I'm delighted to say, though, that inspired by these mixes I'm running a similar one on another forum, and it's great fun (except for the whole shepherding-the-lastcomers thing). Thanks Barbelith, I love you.
Essential Dazzler
15:33 / 09.06.07
.Trampetunia, Sorry!

Only just noticed you claimed July a few posts before I steamed in, it's yours if you still want it, going later is fine by me.
18:19 / 09.06.07
oh yeah. i hadn't spotted your post up there.

If it's okay, i'd like to stay with July. I have various stuff on throughout jul/aug, which would make a later comp difficult for me...
Essential Dazzler
18:31 / 09.06.07
July is .Trampetunia's month, everybody. I will defend his right to July to the death.
18:37 / 09.06.07
I'm honoured.
19:26 / 24.08.07
heya not sure who is doing what but I'd like to set up a mix for the Temple Journal Workers Soundtrack. Obviously songs need to be about teh magick or related thingy.

We might want to talk about keeping this mix off CD's and download only so we can have more.

Should I start a thread for it?
19:56 / 24.08.07
13:15 / 27.08.07

U thunk it bgud 2 doo?
Essential Dazzler
14:30 / 27.08.07
Well, I say go for it!

I was waiting for .trampetunia to do his before I did one, then I waited too long and spent all my money.

I'll get on mine when I'm back at uni, now that .t has said goodbye to the board.

How are the February, May and June mixes going? Thread bump time?
23:28 / 19.08.08
I'm thinking of putting on another one, if there is any interest. The difficult part is settling on a theme, there are too many possibilities.
It could be a mix of songs from a particular era or movement (like "Super Sounds of the Seventies" or pre-war blues, what have you). Did anyone ever do covers? Covers are so broad, it could be more specific, like "covers better than the original". Or, a mix of remixes, or lyrics of your life (the songs with your favorite lyrics),or instrumentals, songs related to one person, like Eno (either by, collaborations with, or produced by),themes of blood, trees, songs of the sea, songs for waking or sleeping, songs to die to, songs to be born to, breakup songs, insanely happy upbeat songs without a trace of irony. Etcetera.

It's difficult to choose, today I'm leaning towards "songs of the sea", but tomorrow it might be covers, or disco, or anything.

Any of this interest anyone at all? I promise that I won't flake out (and that all discs will be burned onto Taiyo Yudens).
23:44 / 19.08.08
I like the sea.
Neon Snake
06:46 / 20.08.08
This looks fun. I'd like to register my interest for this, please.
19:10 / 20.08.08
The sea would be good and would also provide an good CD to play whilst I get my next tattoo done.
23:29 / 21.08.08
I'll do it. Probably start tomorrow. I remembered another mix idea on the way home today, one of songs with sounds of nature embedded in interesting ways. Like storms, bugs, birds, water.
But, I'll stick to the sea this time.
16:19 / 22.08.08
I'd love to be in on this, if possible.
Eek! A Freek!
16:40 / 22.08.08
I'm in this time, Just let me know what to do...
I'll be hitting my computer again Sunday Night and look forward to finding out the Theme.
clever sobriquet
20:22 / 22.08.08
I'd be very keen on this, please.

Page: 1234(5)

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