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CD mix suggestions


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uncle retrospective
18:57 / 23.11.06
I think it's if you want a month call it.
Kiltartan Cross
08:31 / 24.11.06
Mmm... I'd quite like to see a Swansongs and Breakups (or Diss and Disintegration, maybe) mix brimful of tracks recorded by groups falling apart.

I can't help feeling it's a bad thing to want, though.
rizla mission
10:17 / 24.11.06
Hell fucking yeah!!

That would be a brilliant one.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:35 / 24.11.06
In a few days I will be posting my thread for my month-- January.

And then submissions (and submissives) can sent.
16:34 / 29.12.06
I'd like to do some mixes soon though it sounds like we're booked up for a bit?
uncle retrospective
16:34 / 29.12.06
Did I miss the boat or is it that time again?
18:43 / 29.12.06
I may just be highly eager. everyone is on holiday so I'll wait to start the uber hasslehoffing phase until after the 1st.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:30 / 03.01.07
Sorry, sorry, I was in charge of January, wasn't I?


Okay, I realise it's a bit late but I'll have to hand off the baton as my Internet connection is complete crap right now. I can only get on every now and again and that's just not going to cut it if we're gonna keep this thing going. So...sorry. I haven't been anywhere on the boards recently.
19:25 / 04.01.07
Quick, Quick! Someone grab the baton and RUN!

Not me, obviously. I have at least 10 things on my plate right now...
14:02 / 17.01.07
Am I clear to pick it up?

I'd like to run another mix if I'm not stepping on anyone's toeses?
uncle retrospective
14:16 / 17.01.07
All looks quiet...

Kiltartan Cross
14:48 / 17.01.07
So if you were taking over a mix that had fallen off the back of a runaway Kali...

...what would it be?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
14:52 / 17.01.07
Strangely, I was just drafting my announce for the March mix, because I think it's gonna take a bit of thinking before people send in their subs.

You'll see. It's coooooool.
15:44 / 17.01.07
I think the March project is different enough from the one I just plastered up to not cause any traffic jams. The March project looks fantastic!

do we still have a live schedule for April on?
uncle retrospective
13:58 / 22.01.07
Has anyone called February? I feel like running another compo, would that be cool?
14:04 / 22.01.07
uncle r, I've sent you a PM.
uncle retrospective
13:24 / 23.01.07

OK, I've got the all clear for the Feb mix. Now I'm of two minds about what the mix will be so I'll throw it open to people. I'm in a very grumpy mood at the moment so I've trying to pick between "I hate you will you go away" (as opposed to Fuck you die which would be a more punk/metal CD) and "If you don't mind I'll be curled up in the corner could you please turn out the light" but snappier
uncle retrospective
13:26 / 23.01.07
That was weird, I hadn't finished and it just posted itself. Spooky.

Any way. You decide people Corner or I Hate you.

I'll be back in 2 days....
13:43 / 23.01.07
I like "I hate you will you go away" as a sort of scorn mix.
16:13 / 23.01.07
I like the Corner mix, conversely. Although it does tend to lend itself to REM lyric comparisons, which, dependent on your viewpoint, can be a good or bad thing.
16:15 / 23.01.07
Oh, and I'm willing to pick up a double mix in either April or May - again, as said above, as long as I'm not stepping on anyone's toeses.
Kiltartan Cross
19:10 / 23.01.07
The "Corner" thing sounds like it might bring a(n even) more diverse range of trackage than t'other, but I'm sure the transubstantiating hand of the 'lith will work its magic regardless.
23:50 / 23.01.07
I had mentioned a couple of times doing February, and actually intended to do it, in February. Sucks to always be posting about the time most of you are offline, but it's probably for the better; I'm working ridiculous hours at a new job. Maybe one of the next ones though? I've got ideas.
uncle retrospective
12:01 / 26.01.07
Then call April Tsuga. Give your topic, SPEAK IN CAPS and proclaim your STRONG TRUTH.

15:14 / 26.01.07
Uncle I'm still waiting for mp3 PICKS (not just the mp3's) for my Jan mix. I'm a bit worried if any of my late players sign up for your mix. Sure I can just post a cut off date and if they miss it they miss it....

As a whole I think we need to think about how to bookend mixes so one project is done before the next starts up. It's like herding cats around here and when someone else open's a can of tuna all hell breaks loose.
19:22 / 26.01.07
As a whole I think we need to think about how to bookend mixes so one project is done before the next starts up. It's like herding cats around here and when someone else open's a can of tuna all hell breaks loose.

That sounds very sensible, as the december mix for example has been worryingly quiet.
19:28 / 26.01.07
Not to speak for him, but I think Stoatie has a few things on his plate at the moment to take him away from Barbelith-CD-mixing.
21:20 / 26.01.07
uh- I followed a link on the xmas mix and downloaded the whole thing...Was I not supposed to?
23:13 / 26.01.07
Okay, I don't want to step on Chamomile, Feverfew's fragrant toes, especially because someone so unfailingly polite deserves accomodation. But since Feverfew did do the Science mix already I think I'll cut in.
.trampetunia said something back in October about doing April, so I'm going to wait at least a week to hear something before I claim it.
07:28 / 27.01.07
Cut in, cut in! I take no offense! Treat yourself, run with it, have fun.
08:19 / 27.01.07
uh- I followed a link on the xmas mix and downloaded the whole thing...Was I not supposed to?

Of course you could download it. But we canĀ“t vote yet, because three of the songs were not included. Three tracks are empty files.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
17:50 / 15.02.07
Feverfew - are you still up for May? I'd like to do a double CD mix if I may, so maybe I can do June.
18:50 / 15.02.07
I can happily do May, but I'll also happily swap.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
18:59 / 15.02.07
Shall I do May, and you do June then? I've got an idea forming for a mix suitable to May.
20:10 / 16.02.07
Sounds like a plan, then.

There Is A Plan. Oh Yes. There Is A Plan.

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