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The Fool presents "The Adventures of the Little People"


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the Fool
21:55 / 08.08.06
DM, I'll see what I can do about t-shirts. I might set up a cafepress thing if there is enough interest, or even make some myself.
the Fool
21:58 / 08.08.06
Little People Pt 34 - Over the bridge...

the Fool
21:58 / 09.08.06
Little People Pt 35 - Touchdown at the village...

22:09 / 09.08.06
Nice in-frame transition. No bears, though.
22:13 / 09.08.06
Okay, listen, kid little needs some sort of cool outfit.

The wings are a nice touch, but if you are going to have kid little bustin ass all over the place he needs to have some sort of insignia on his shirt!

Super hero style, oh yeah.
the Fool
21:46 / 10.08.06
Little People Pt 36 - Home at last!

Kid Little goes downstairs and finds the whole village waiting for him. They all cheer his as he has saved the village and saved the forest! Papa Little is also happy that they can still go to town to get food. "There might even be real food there next time", he chuckles. The shopkeeper and his family are there, Kid little is best friends with their twin sons. Ms Brunhilda, formerly of the Wild Hunting Women is their with her son. Even Mr & Mrs Orangehair stop having sex to wander down and congratulate Kid Little.

"Let's have a party!!!", they all say in unison.

the Fool
01:35 / 12.08.06
Little People Pt 37 - Get down with the Little People!

The Little People throw the best parties. Kid Little imagines fireworks brightening the night sky. Everyone comes along to boogy till dawn! The cows get excited and add petal explosions to Kid Little's fireworks. Everyone gets really happy!

The party goes on for three days...

- the end of chapter 2 -

02:46 / 12.08.06
But... no one looks happy. That's kind of creepy.

Also, for colorful people, all the humans are really white.

(Before you all kill me, please note these are my first two hints of even possible criticism. I still really like it.)
the Fool
14:40 / 12.08.06
Also, for colorful people, all the humans are really white.

Yes, I noticed that as I progressed into the story. Hence why the liberated purity hamsters are all different colours. But I'm still uncertain how to resolve this in regards to the little people themselves. One idea I had was to introduce other mountain villages each with a different ethnicity, another was to retrospectively go back through the story and alter the colour of a couple of characters. I'm open to suggestions.
23:41 / 12.08.06
Ok well I have just had the best experience of everyone because I did it ALL IN ONE GO. Call me the Queen of Patience for peeping but not properly looking until it was done. Ha ha, it gave me goose bumps it's so beautiful. You are amazing Fool, and I am pleased to post next to you on message boards.

Regarding publishing, there are all sorts of people who work in publishing here on the board, you could ask in the Q and A thread about it.

Regarding the all whiteness of the little people, I think you should do whatever you feel most drawn to doing. Go with your gut feeling. failing that, go with the easiest option! If changing the colour of a couple is the easiest then do that.

And, Dude, you so have to publish this. Thanks for posting it here, you are a big inspiration to a lot of people (although you just make me want to throw my stuff away!) and I feel priviledged to have seen it.
02:09 / 13.08.06
I'm open to suggestions.

Use it to make a comparison between Purity's enforced uniformity and the little people's unexamined uniformity? Bring the enemy closer to home, raise the stakes. Let them overcome all that as the true good guys they are though.

That's how I'd play it anyway.
the Fool
21:48 / 13.08.06
Little People Pt 38 - Far away in the capital of Purity™ Corp...

Dark clouds grumble over the capital of the Purity™ Corporation, Sinistra. The sun never shines here, it is never warm, the clouds never break. In the centre of the gloomy grey city rises a dark green tower, topped with a hand with a burning eye in its palm. This is the palace of the Purity™ Pope. From here all of Purity's dictates are issued. Here is where hope is silenced. Underneath the tower are vast dungeons where the unfaithful are punished for their lack of servitude. At its top is the sleeping chambers of the Purity™ Pope, where he rests in a deep but terrifying sleep...

the Fool
21:40 / 14.08.06
Little People Pt 39 - The spiral darkness dream of the fear that speaks...

High in his tower the Purity™ Pope sleeps a deep sleep. He dreams he falling into bottomless darkness. The further he falls the more afraid he becomes. He can feel that deep, deep fear rising up to meet him, like a pitch black maw. The pope has been here before. This is where he hears the voice, the voice that speaks from the darkness. This is the chapel of his God...

the Fool
03:32 / 16.08.06
Little People Pt 40 - The fear that speaks...

The Purity™ Pope feels as if he is coming apart at the seems, unraveling before his god. His head removed from his body, his limbs from his torso. He felt himself shaking as he fell, spliting into fragmented shadows of himself.

In the darkness, was the voice. Like paper tearing.

"My servant, my disciple, danger comes. You have heard the reports. Someone resists us. Someone resists the fear. None must resist the fear. Purity is fear, fear is pure."
"My God, I don't know what it is that resists us? Can you not show me? Can you show me what I must destroy?", the Pope pleaded.
"I can show you nothing. I am fear. I am not truth. I am the sign over what is signified, I am dogma without reason. You will destroy this that comes or you will be destroyed."
"Is the resister powerful? What shall I do to stop them?"
"You are an idiot", the Fear replied. "You are not worthy of the power I've bestowed upon you. You grovel and plead like the vermin you are. I am the maker of war, I am falsifier of hope, I am empty religion stoked with hateful doctrine. You will do and you will not question!"

the darkness turned.

"Must I show you the terror room again?"

19:13 / 16.08.06
EEK! It's like the Wizard of Oz in reverse.
23:02 / 16.08.06
the Fool
23:37 / 16.08.06
Little People Pt 41 - The terror room

Chains appear in the darkness and sink into the flesh of the Purity™ Pope. He hangs in the darkness, in constant agony. There is no death in the terror room, only agony and fear of greater agonies. The pope pleads for mercy, pleads for the nightmare to end. In the darkness, the Pope can see parts of others who displease the fear that speaks...

"I will always bring you back here", the fears says. "This is where you belong, its where you truly want to be, in my garden."

"Please my lord, release me. I exist only to serve you, to praise your beautiful mercy."

"End this threat to us. Do not fail, or here you will stay."

23:55 / 16.08.06
02:21 / 17.08.06
all beings desire an end to suffering. even purity popes.
12:42 / 17.08.06
Now there's a man who needs a monumental dose of Kid Little's Unconditional Rainbow Love™.
Dead Megatron
18:28 / 17.08.06
Ouch! We may have to forget the children book now, unless you want to go all original Grimm Brothers' version on the kids.

And, for a moment there, I though that the Pope's arm in a hook was actually the Pope's testicles in a hook. Sweet zombie Jesus.
Dead Megatron
18:34 / 17.08.06
So, let me see if I got this cosmogony right: In Little People's world, there are several gods, and they are the embodiment of human emotions (so far we've seen Happiness - maybe Love - and Fear), or is Fear a false god???

Sorry for the nittypicking, but I'm turning into a fan here, and fans are nittypicky...
Char Aina
19:24 / 17.08.06
no, dude.
fanboys are picky.
fans let the master get on with the great work.

fool, dude, i read the whole thing on your blog when it was mentioned upthread, and i loved it.

i didnt realise i had only read the first installment, and i am in awe. now that i see this new stuff, it suddenly makes the whole thing seem so much biger, and i have to admit i was selling your work short in my head.

i was already thinking it should be abook, but dude. if you dont have a few publishers' numbers, you should get some.

i'm thinking big coffee table book, like one of these, kinda.
(there are more images to see).
Dead Megatron
20:21 / 17.08.06
no, dude.
fanboys are picky.
fans let the master get on with the great work.

hmm, point! Hi, my name is DM, and I'm a fanboy!
22:47 / 17.08.06
I met the god of fear once.

Acid was involved, but fool, you pretty much captured the tale and told it.
the Fool
23:56 / 17.08.06
So, let me see if I got this cosmogony right: In Little People's world, there are several gods, and they are the embodiment of human emotions (so far we've seen Happiness - maybe Love - and Fear), or is Fear a false god???

Fear, isn't actually real, hence why it can't show the Pope anything. Its just his fear magnified through the lens of his own belief system. There's a 'God' god, and various animal spirits, at least so far. The next section should be interesting in that regard (I haven't actually resolved it yet).
the Fool
23:59 / 17.08.06
Little People Pt 42 - The Purity™ Pope wakes from his nightmare...

Falling from the terror room the Purity™ Pope wake screaming. He is surrounded by his acolytes. They look very worried.

"Master, you have been screaming for several hours. We are concerned for you well being."

"Idiots", the Pope scowled "I have been in communion with God. He has given me a great vision."

"Really?" the acolytes spoke in unision "Please tell us of your vision?"

"I was in God's garden of peace, all was still and tranquil. In a soft voice he spoke of a danger that threatens us all. A sinister force from far away. A force of terror and darkness. A force without pity, without joy. He showed me their dark hateful faces, their terrible machines of destruction. The envy in their heart of all that we possess and all the freedoms we hold dear. God showed me all this with a wave of his merciful hand. This was his warning."

The acolytes looked terrified. "What shall we do master?"

The Pope smiled. "First, we will speak to the people. Then we will summon the deathnaughts!"

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:58 / 18.08.06
Well, fuck me!

I thought the drugs I've been taking were I see that I have been foisted off with some Purity™ Corp Synthetic Substitute of the Rainbow Flower Love Potion you got brewing, dude!

Mines a pint, please.

(This is so very, very awesome. Your ability to apply your talent to your own projects is seriously making me wince...for which i thank you!!)
Dead Megatron
20:56 / 18.08.06
Fear, isn't actually real, hence why it can't show the Pope anything. Its just his fear magnified through the lens of his own belief system. There's a 'God' god, and various animal spirits, at least so far. The next section should be interesting in that regard (I haven't actually resolved it yet).

See? The Master cares for his fanboys.

Good to know the terror room only exists in the Pope's twisted mind
the Fool
22:47 / 18.08.06
Little People Pt 43 - Lying to the people of Sinistra

The Pope went to the public balcony with his minions gathered about him. The sound of the Purity™ prayer trumpets filled the air, calling the people of Sinistra from their homes. They congregate beneath the Pope in the square of Pure Freedom, where once a massacre of children took place, an event long since erased from all history texts.

As the trumpets faded, a silence fell across the crowd. Soon, the messenger would speak. The one who communed with God and brought the message of Purity to their grey empty lives.

"Last night God spoke to me", the Pope declared. "God spoke and showed me a beautiful world, the world of Purity™. In this world, the miseries and temptations of this world are washed away. Struck off by the stern hand of God. All is pure. All is one with God."

"Then in the depths of this ecstacy, he showed me those who seek to prevent the assension of the truth of Purity™. Those corrupted by the evils of this world. Tainted by the evils of the flesh, by the seductions of colour, the intoxicants of the soul. These foul, dispicable creatures seek only destruction. Destruction of themselves and all around them."

"They see this beautiful city, this glittering jewel and they envy us. They fear our freedom. They hate all we represent. Truth, Justice, Hope."

"They cannot be allowed to bring their corruption to our doors. They cannot be allowed fester in their envy. We must strike first. We must destroy the contaigon before it can spread."

"We must summon the ultimate expression of the will of Purity™ and send them to cleanse the land of those who oppose us. We must summon the DEATHNAUGHTS!!!"

the Fool
21:47 / 20.08.06
Little People Pt 44 - Awakening the DEATHNAUGHTS!

The Purity™ Pope raises his hands. In the distance, loud rumbling is heard and the sound of ancient machines whirring to life. Towering monsters arise from their long forgotten tombs, deathnaughts of Purity™ legend. Sinitrek, the crushing fist of death, Conflagrados, the holder of purifying flame and The Dread Reaper with his Scythe of disintergrating doom.

"All will bow to the will of Purity™ or be destroyed!", bellowed the Pope...

23:02 / 21.08.06
What's up? I'm not getting any of the images any more!

My hunger for Rainbow Joy must be satiated!
the Fool
23:37 / 21.08.06
What's up? I'm not getting any of the images any more!

My hunger for Rainbow Joy must be satiated!

Technical hitch with my domain. Be fixed in the next couple of hours.

Also you are all now up to date with the Little People. It'll not be a daily show from here on in as I've yet to make the next bits. But as I make them I will post them.
Dead Megatron
13:01 / 22.08.06
Also you are all now up to date with the Little People. It'll not be a daily show from here on in as I've yet to make the next bits. But as I make them I will post them.

Wow, Fool, you really do know how to craft a cliff-hanger, don't you?

Do the deathnaughts transform into giant vehicles?
the Fool
00:34 / 06.09.06
Do the deathnaughts transform into giant vehicles?

I hadn't intended them to, but it might be a possibility. Depends how the story progresses

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