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The Fool presents "The Adventures of the Little People"


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the Fool
21:55 / 26.07.06
Little People Pt 21 - Through the clouds

The clouds part and Kid Little can see Purity™ controlled town. Above it strange red flying boats hovered.

"They are Purity™ AttackCrafts. They are planning to destroy the forest of the Bears and your village in retaliation for yesterdays masacre." God said, "Violence will always births more violence. Each victory holds the seeds of the next conflict, like terrible fruit on the tree of war. The King of Bears, in using violence to defend and protect, has brought greater violence to his and your doorstep. Hence his tears. His children and friends are in danger and this time claws will not save the day."
"What can we do?" asked Kid Little.
"As I said, this reality is far up the reality chain. Its rules are somewhat more flexible than worlds underneath it. I am going to give you a great gift. A gift with which you can save your village and the forest."
"What is it?", Kid Little asked.
"I am giving you the power to imagine things brighter!"

Jack Fear
22:42 / 26.07.06
Oh, geez, I just now noticed the the action figures on the bedside tables... nice one!
the Fool
21:43 / 27.07.06
Little People Pt 22 - Imagine things brighter!

Deep within his dream, God gives Kid Little the power to imagine things brighter!!!

22:14 / 27.07.06
Oh god the suspense is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:46 / 28.07.06
Christing Jesus, man.

I've been reading this avidly and it's absolutely bloody fantastic.

Beautiful through and through.
the Fool
03:53 / 29.07.06
Little People Pt 23 - Kid Little wakes from his dream...

13:44 / 29.07.06
Oh man, the emanating dream lines. This is fantastigreat.
15:58 / 29.07.06
[Edge of seat, pressing F5 every five minutes]
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:19 / 29.07.06
This is awesome - the art is fantastic.

Keep 'em coming...
the Fool
00:48 / 30.07.06
Little People Pt 24 - Kid Little wakes from his dream...

Its dawn in the village of the little people. The sun is just poking through the mountains, casting golden beams though the houses and trees. Kid Little walks onto his balcony. He knows its going to be a big day ahead.

Down below he notices the Shopkeeper from the last HappyFood™ shop in town. He looks as if he had been beaten. The are many cuts and bruises on his face and arms. He has obviously been running and seems exhausted.

"They are coming!" he shouts, "The Purity Cleansing Fleet is coming!!!"

the Fool
21:29 / 30.07.06
Little People Pt 25 - Kid Little faces the Purity™ Cleansing Fleet...

03:44 / 31.07.06
This makes me happy in a deep and pure way. is absolutely fantastic. LITTLEPEOPLEMACHINEGO indeed!
the Fool
22:10 / 31.07.06
Semilah, that is possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my work. Thank you.
the Fool
22:18 / 31.07.06
Little People Pt 26 - Into the fray...

23:15 / 31.07.06
Not to make your head too big,


The simple fact that you were able to make this 'style' of art and story telling work is an acomplishment that will most certainly go down as one of the greatest creations to ever come out of this forum!

And thats the last compliment I will make on this bad ass story.

You damned talented guy.
the Fool
21:38 / 01.08.06
Little People Pt 27 - Imagining the attackcraft brighter!

Kid Little soars into the air above the Purity™ Cleansing Fleet. He looks inside the cold angry attackcraft to the cold and angry soldiers and pilots within. He realises that fear has made them afraid of themselves and everything around them. So, Kid Little imagines them without fear and sees the happy place trying to get out! Bursting from the attackcraft come happy floating islands. The cold grey soldiers get their colour back and dance!

07:02 / 02.08.06
Please tell me you will publish this in book form.
Dead Megatron
21:04 / 02.08.06
It would make indeed a wonderful book, specially for kids
the Fool
21:53 / 02.08.06
ID, Dead Megatron, you're not the only ones to ask this be made into a book or get it published etc. I've had some ideas on how I'd put it together (and some added extras I could put in) but have no idea what to do about getting it published.
the Fool
21:55 / 02.08.06
Little People Pt 28 - Here come the happy islands!

All the attackcraft shed their angry skins and become happy floating islands. The cleansing fleet is no more! Kid little looks toward Purity™ controlled town and starts to imagine how much brighter it could be!

the Fool
22:13 / 03.08.06
Little People Pt 29 - The forest returns!

Flying toward town, Kid Little imagines back the forests that had been chopped down, colour starts to return to the land...

Ahead the forces of Purity™ march toward Kid Little hoping to bring him down...

22:15 / 03.08.06
Where are the bears?
22:22 / 03.08.06
Man I hate those purity mother fuckers! Color their asses good kid little!
the Fool
23:13 / 03.08.06
Cube: Where are the bears?

It'll take the bears a day or so to work out the forest has been remade and extend the territory of the King of Bears, they are only bears after all, LOL!

They and the King of Bears will be reappearing later in the story...
Dead Megatron
19:53 / 04.08.06
have no idea what to do about getting it published.

Just put all your Little People drawings in a portfolio and start sending it to puslishing houses. One of them simply must realize how great this is and get back to you.

Or just send Kid Little ahead of you. They stand no chance.
toughest, fastest, fatest
21:08 / 04.08.06
hey can i stick a link to this on my website/message board? people there will lap it up, it's really amazing.

brilliant stuff.
the Fool
03:11 / 05.08.06
padraig delgado's 34" waist!, sure you can put up where ever. Just put a link to - and with it.

the Fool
03:14 / 05.08.06
Little People Pt 30 - Kid Little versus the Purity™ DeathCannons!

The forces of Purity™ roll out DeathCannons to try and shoot Kid Little out of the sky!!!

the Fool
01:40 / 06.08.06
Little People Pt 31 - Cow flower cannons and the petal explosions

Kid Little looks inside the DeathCannons and sees trapped cows! He throws rainbow magic to break the angry shell and free them. The Cows have flower cannons and fill the sky with petal explosions!!! Purity soldiers near the Happy Cows start getting their colour back and throwing off their armour.

Kid Little flies toward town...

the Fool
22:21 / 06.08.06
Little People Pt 32 - Kid Little imagines Town brighter!

Flying above the town, Kid Little pours sunlight onto the grey towers of Purity™. They start to crumble and golden towers start to grow up through them. All the people in town start to feel again, colour starts returning to their skin and to their clothes. People begin cheering in the streets and the signs of Purity™ are swept away.

01:06 / 07.08.06
Cows cannons, and golden domed towers...

(scratching chin) I like it!
12:11 / 07.08.06
I wanna cow-cannon T-shirt and I want it NOW!
15:12 / 07.08.06
yes the merchandizing possibilities are endless!!!
the Fool
21:44 / 07.08.06
Little People Pt 33 - Flying back to the village...

Dead Megatron
19:02 / 08.08.06
The Cows have flower cannons and fill the sky with petal explosions!!!

Cows with cannons that shoot flowers! Now, how come I didn't think of that????

I do want a t-shirt with the flower-cannon-cows, but my evil side wants a Purity army t-shirt as well. Shame on me...

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