Little People Pt 60 - To be in creation is to be lost in creation
One of my brothers became fascinated by the incarnated world of three dimensional existence. Lord Hampster was intriqued by the lives of his children, their loves, their loses, their hopes and dreams. He longed to feel as they do, to experience reality as directly as they do.
He found a small hole in the fabric of reality and forced himself through it, unbeknown to his brothers and sisters.
Such an act does not come without a price. Lord Hampster's mind was compressed into 3 dimensions. His multitudinal existence stripped from him, his connection to the higher realms was severed. For the first time in his existence he felt fear. Fear of death, fear of hunger, fear of the terrors of the incarnated world. The fear shattered Lord Hampster's mind, fragmented his vision and understanding of the world. His memories, the few which he retained, became darkened. He lost himself that day. He Forgot who he truely was and became something none of us would recognise.
The loss of his spiritual self sent shockwaves through the world. This was the schism. The spirit realms were severed from the world. Suddenly, we spirits could nolonger travel between your world and ours with ease. Only the Great Mother seemed uneffected...