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The Fool presents "The Adventures of the Little People"


Page: 123(4)56789

the Fool
00:35 / 06.09.06
Little people pt 45 - Daydreaming in the hills

After the party was over, Kid Little went down into the hills at the foot of the mountain to have a nap. He brought strawberries with him because he thinks they are yummy and the bears might be hungry. It was a wonderful sunny day with a gentle breeze.

Down in the trees below he could hear a strange rustling...

Dead Megatron
20:55 / 06.09.06
yay! I got into Creation just to bump this thread and put some pressure on the Fool to continue the Aventures of the Little People, only to find out he already did it! I love you man! (I'm not flirting, though)

Maybe the deathnaughts could join up in a single form, and then fuse with the Purity Pope, to become the avatar of the False God of Fear???? It. Would. Be. So. Coooooool!!!!
the Fool
05:32 / 07.09.06
Little People Pt 46 - Meeting with the animal spirits...

Rising up through the trees Kid Little saw the King of Bears! Manifesting physically! Kid Little knew this was quite a feat for any animal spirit, but this time two other spirits were with him! Lord Tiger and Mother Possum had appeared physically as well. Normally animal spirits only appeared to people in dreams and dancing rituals, or through one of their children. For three to manifest physically suggested their was something of great importance, or of very great danger...

05:21 / 08.09.06
Possums have skinny naked prehensile tails.

the Fool
05:57 / 08.09.06
Possums have skinny naked prehensile tails.

not all possums have naked tails...
the Fool
08:53 / 08.09.06
Little People Pt 47 - The Animal Spirits deliver a warning

The King of Bear's voice bellowed through the air like a thunderclap,

"Kid Little, the madness of Purity™ has unleashed an old terror. They are going to attempt to destroy all of our homes with these unholy things"

"What are they sending?" asked Kid Little.

"Dread machines that carry a terrible secret at their very heart. Each of these monstrosities carrys one of us imprisoned within them."

"One of the animal spirits?!?" cried Kid Little.

"Yes. Long ago, during the first crusades of Purity™ some of our kind were captured by the blasphemous archane sciences of the red priests. At first we throught our brothers and sisters were lost, destroyed by these apparatus, but later new horrible machines appeared that could lay waist to an entire nation. We all knew that our brethern was what drove them. Machine prisons that destroyed all they once loved. With them Purity™ took over the world and enslaved all to the fear that speaks."

"That's horrible! The poor spirits!"

"Indeed, it saddens my heart to this day. After the second crusade they didn't need these 'deathnaughts' to win their battles. No army remained that could muster much resistance to even their conventional forces. Periodic invasions controlled the provinces under their dominion. The deathnaughts were placed in vast crypts beneath the capital of Sinistra, bound with science magics we could not break. Their they have stayed all these years..."

"Until now?"

"Until now. They have raised the most fearsome to destroy us all. They are headed this way."

Kid Little gasped! The King of Bears turned to Mother Possum.

"Can you show Kid Little, Mother Possum?" He asked

"Why, of course I can. Looking far is easy for Possum magic!" She smiled and waved her hand...

05:01 / 10.09.06
Ooops, I stand corrected.
14:23 / 10.09.06
Fucking face rock.
the Fool
23:45 / 11.09.06
Little People Pt 48 - Possum magic long seeing

The world whizzed around before Kid Little's eyes. Suddenly he found himself looking through the eyes of a possum, high in a tree far away.

"I can see through the eyes of any of my children.", Mother Possum said, "So, I have eyes everywhere"

"The deathnaughts are destroying everything!" Kid Little gasped.

"Yes, and we haven't much time before they reach us."

11:53 / 13.09.06
I've just read it all in one go.
Woah man.
This is major goodness.
the Fool
06:08 / 14.09.06
Little People Pt 49 - Gift of the King of Bears

Kid Little's vision blurred and then refocused. He was back in the forest again. The King of Bears moved forward, he was holding something in his hands...

"Kid Little, we fear your bright imaginings might not be enough to breach the sciencearmour of the deathnaughts. So, myself and the other animal spirits have brought gifts. Gifts for you and your friends."

"oooh!" exclaimed Kid Little

"This is the talisman of Bear, it is a gift for you for saving my forest and children"

From his hand dangled a medalion in the shape of a bear's head.

"With this, you can command all my powers of great strength and courage. All you need do is say my name"

The King of Bears place the tailsman gently around Kid Little's neck...

19:57 / 15.09.06
Whisky Priestess
17:52 / 17.09.06
I. Want. One.

(And a copy of the book for every child I know. Might fuck them up for a little while, but worth it)
the Fool
02:08 / 19.09.06
Little People Pt 50 - Gift of Lord Tiger

Next Lord Tiger moved forward. The sky suddenly turned red in reflection of Lord Tiger's energies.

"My gift is manifold. Here the sacred fangs of the great ancestors. With them you may access the secret hunting speed! It allows for great speed of movement and stealth. It also quickens the mind."

Lord Tiger hesitated briefly,

"However, Kid Little, you cannot use the secret hunting speed with the Beat tailsman. Humans can usually only channel energies of one spirit at a time, trying to tap more than one spirit at any time can cause morphogenic overload!"

"Oh no!" Exclaimed Kid Little. "Can give it to one of my friends instead?"

"Yes, that would be fine Kid Little. We all trust your judgement."

Kid Little took the sacred fangs and placed them in his basket.

the Fool
00:46 / 20.09.06
Little People Pt 51 - Gift of Mother Possum

Finally Mother Possum stepped forward and the skies turned purple. In her hand was a shinning wand.

"This is the Wand of Possum Magic, with it all the secret possum powers can be invoked."

"That sounds like fun!" said Kid Little.

"It is fun, but there is a condition to the wand. Possum magic is female and can only be channelled by girls"

Kid Little smiled "I know who I can give it to! I'll give it to my sister!!!"

Mother Possum smiled. "These gifts can help you overcome the Deathnaughts. Other spirits want to help as well, but only 3 of us could manifest at once. We've also been told that you can share your imagining powers too!"

Kid Little took the wand and placed it the basket with the strawberries and sacred fangs.

The spirits then began to withdraw back to the umbra. Waving as they faded back into the forest.

Dead Megatron
01:06 / 20.09.06
Amazing sunset, dude!
the Fool
11:22 / 28.09.06
Little People Pt 52 - Back up the mountain...

Kid Little hurries back up the mountain to his village, carrying the gifts of the animal spirits with him. Over in a nearby field he sees his good friends the twins playing. He has an idea and rushes over to them...

the Fool
00:37 / 02.10.06
Little People Pt 53 - the sacred twin fangs of the tiger ancestors...

Kid little wandered over to the Twins.

"I've got a gift for you two", said Kid Little and handed each of them one of the scared fangs of the tiger ancestors.

"Oooh, what are these?" asked Twin One.

"They are a gift from Lord Tiger. They make you super fast and super quiet."

"Awesome!", said Twin Two. "But why is Lord Tiger giving gifts? Is something wrong?"

"Yes" said Kid Little "Purity has launched horrible death machines to destroy all of us! Mother Possum showed me!"

"OH NO!" The Twins said in unision.

"Run back to the village and warn everyone!!!" said Kid Little and in a flash the Twins were gone...

Dead Megatron
12:30 / 02.10.06
Wait a minute! What happened to the sunset??? Is it day already? Was Kid Little in some dreamscape whem he met the three spirits?

sorry for the nitpicking. Fanboys, you know...
the Fool
22:14 / 02.10.06
The animal spirits enamations coloured the sky. So, when lord tiger comes to the fore the sky turns red, when Mother possum comes to the fore the sky turns purple. King of Bears is blue. These are their colours. I was also thinking that I could map these over Sephiroth, Chesed for the King of Bears, Geburah for Lord Tiger and Yesod for Mother Possum. Other spirits will affect their surrounds in different ways, some subtle others more dramatically such as these three. I also wanted to show how reality distorts to a degree in their presence. Hence the landscape becomes symetrical and frames the spirits...
Dead Megatron
14:52 / 03.10.06
ooh, I see it now. pure genious man
the Fool
05:22 / 04.10.06
Little People Pt 54 - Further up the mountain...

Kid Little heads back up the mountain. Ahead in the thicker forest he sees his sister wandering through the trees. Quickly, he rushes up the mountain path...

the Fool
04:42 / 06.10.06
Little People Pt 55 - Up the mountain path...

uncle retrospective
09:47 / 08.10.06
This is just the best.
the Fool
00:08 / 13.10.06
Little People Pt 56 - Possum Magic

Kid Little found his sister in the tall trees. She was wandering about laughing at silly things she saw, telling herself stories of the magic princess from the secret world of Nod. Kid Little called out to her,

"Sister! I've got a very special gift for you!!!", he exclaimed

"Oooh! What is it? I love gifts!" she replied

"Mother Possum gave me her wand of Possum Magic, she said only a girl could use it, so I'm giving it to you."

"You're a good brother" she smiled and Kid Little handed her the wand. In that instant, hundreds of possums appeared in the trees. In unision they blinked their eyes and Girl Little vanish in a flash of purple light. Kid Little could hear Mother Possum's voice rustling through the leaves...

"Don't worry, I'm just borrowing your sister for a moment. I need to tell her special possum secrets. I'll return her to the village very sortly."

"Ok Mother Possum", Kid Little smiled and continued up the mountain back to the village...

01:55 / 13.10.06
I've been really enjoying this serial cliffhanger for months now. Keep em coming, please.
the Fool
00:35 / 18.10.06
Little People Pt 57 - The Long Branch

Girl Little appeared on the branch of a giant tree, whoes branches seemed to reach out as far as the horizon. All the trees seemed huge here and she couldn't see the ground below. The air seemed to be filled twinkling fairy dust. Everywhere she could see possums scurrying about. A hollow in the centre of the big tree glowed purple and Mother Possum appeared.

"Welcome to the secret possum world of the Long Branch, Girl Little. This is where we hide when the day gets too bright for us. It is always night here. Plants grow on the possum magic that fills the air" she smiled.

"Ooooh, this is a lovely place Mother Possum!" exclaimed Girl Little.

"Thank you Girl Little. But I have brought you here for a very special reason"

"What reason is that?" asked Girl Little.

"I need to tell you the secret history of the world"

09:50 / 18.10.06
Fool, was it intentional for that to look very very similar to the queen giving out a knighthood? It works very well.
17:36 / 18.10.06
"I need to tell you the secret history of the world"

So best.
the Fool
02:33 / 20.10.06
Fool, was it intentional for that to look very very similar to the queen giving out a knighthood? It works very well.

Thank you, but no I had not intended for that effect. The piece actually came to me very clearly in one hit. I'll have to post the sketches I work from one of these days to show how close some are to the initial idea.
11:15 / 20.10.06
'll have to post the sketches I work from

To the drawing Salon with you!
Dead Megatron
13:11 / 02.11.06
bumping for pressure
15:54 / 02.11.06
18:34 / 02.11.06
It's the terror of knowing what this world is about...
19:03 / 02.11.06
People in the Purity MegaCities screaming "let me out!"

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