And also, your humourous criteria for football fandom contain some of the most snobbish nonsense I've seen on barbelith since... well, since the last snobbish/class-stereotyping nonsense posted on barbelith.
Well they were jokes, 11,23 - the lack of the traditional '!' there a small nod to the fact that some of them may have fallen a bit flat.
But if football fans are seriously going to be considered an oppressed minority round here, or anywhere else, this after three or four weeks of having the bloody fist of football rammed down one's throat, up one's arse, etc, and especially in a thread that, somewhat inelegantly, granted, was clear enough about the line it was taking on the whole thing, then I'm ... Well I don't know what I'm going to do. Sulk in my bedroom, I guess.
Ok, things didn't work out for England, and it must have been very sad, but, as football fans, you've had an orgy of it recently, you've had a glut of the stuff, and, as Banton pointed out above, you've still got a few games to go.
If those of us who've registered objections to the tournament had done so in the official World Cup thread, it would have been a pain for everyone, hence this thing, and it does seem a bit strange, then, for people who've been making wild, unfounded, and possibly unreasonable assertions about the game we call football to be pulled up about that, in a thread specifically devoted to same.
Regardless of whatever else is happening, life-wise, you, as football fans, have had everything your own way lately. I'd feel fairly embarrassed if anything I liked (admittedly, that's virtually nothing, but still ...) was inflicted on the GBP in quite the same fashion - 'You must like it, you will support the team,' see, for example, the minor furore about that Scottish tennis player because, horror of horrors, he say he not want England to win against whoever that time, but, fair enough, not everybody feels like that.
Thirty million people in the UK tuned in to 'the match,' apparently. Conversely, about fifteen others have complained about it here, in a small corner of the interweb that's hardly breathing down anyone's neck - football fans, will you not be satisfied until everyone, everywhere, shares your passion? |