The team are the victims here, because they've been stopped from competing while this is investigated... oh please, my heart bleeds!
if all it takes is an accusation to cancel a sports team's program, we're in big trouble.
Christ. How do people like that sleep a night? At least the university is (sort of) sending a message to the team. But I'm rather worried that these guys might get away with this. Juries get stupid in trials involving athletes, I've noticed. Which is horrible, really.
cancelling a season is a pretty strong message. the only other thing the university could do would be to revoke any scholarships. of course, we can assume that it wouldnt come to that unless guilt is actually proven. and as far as juries "getting stupid" in trials involving athletes, i'm wondering what you're referring to. these are amateur athletes, and not even ones who are playing in the hopes of making a pro career out of it.
Despite my distrust of athletes of almost all variety, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for these guys if they didn't do anything wrong and their season got ruined. Of course, if it comes out that they either did assault her, or knew she was being assaulted at the party and did nothing, then they don't win any of my pity.
well, gosh, thats big of you. you'd feel "a bit sorry" if they were punished for something they didnt do. the to and fro here is interesting. the need to state that someone proven guilty of assault doesnt get your pity (why would they?) along with the hesitant feelings of sympathy should they be proven innocent.
do some groups of people get something like an automatic judgement in the court of public opinion? here, it seems that the accuser gets the benefit of the doubt while the team doesnt. at a certain point in the legal system, people need to be treated fairly. it's a valid point that an accuser needs to be granted some latitude, but i cant help wondering, at this point, if searching her house or apartment would be viewed as wrong, while, despite all public evidence seeming to point towards the team's innocence, the players are having their rooms searched. |