Well its that feeling of living a poetic life, and it is a Feeling. you know feelings? right? not really quantitive but a qualitative experience, not exact definitions, often irrational and fall outside logic, much like magic perhaps?
you remenber the magic you were as a child? Rather than all the bullshit education and fuck wittery thats been piled on top? sure you remember.
If the result of the magic is a good feeling and a series of events that make life more enjoyable, you know feeling happy, then to me thats results. I E BEING MORE JOYFUL AND POETIC IN LIFE BY FEELING THAT WAY.
irrational totally undefinable feelings like magic remember. DO YOU?
you know rather than arseholes that like to rip others lives apart because theres are so fucking miserable, you know the kind of fucking c**ts and wankers i am talking about, the pieces of shit that have no joy in them what so ever, so seek to cause suffering in others for there own problems, those fucking shits and c**ts can just go die somewhere, know what i mean?
Maybe ive had a particularly bad week and need just a little happiness and poetry in my life.
Not some c**v c**t riding a motorcycle up and down the park at the back of my flat, and some arsehole company not refunding me £340.00 they owe me.
maybe i just need to feel a little better.
a little less angry and like killing people as poetic expression.
just a little poetry.
you know?
A nice day, rather than toying with a razor, and deciding in a fit of rage this town is full of c**ts and i am gonna move to another town full of c**ts i dont know yet instead.